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Evan Smith coming out of retirement for Yachtsman Joe


If this announcement, and the Texas Tribune's huzzahs and handsprings over it, doesn't sum up the Trib, as well as my feelings over it, what could?

The Trib thinks Yachtsman Joe Manchin will be a great fundraiser. If ideas like this are why the Trib hired new fundraising staff while shit-canning editorial, its struggles may not be done. It's also interesting that they're dragging Evan Smith out of retirement to host Yachtsman Joe.

Since Yachtsman Joe loves him some fossil fuels, and since the Trib has pulled its punches on climate change, that will surely get discussed.

Yachtsman Joe is also the type of ConservaDem that Texas 2036 loves, so they'll probably indirectly play it up.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Evan Smith coming out of retirement for Yachtsman Joe
