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Texas Progressivs talk Paxton, politics


Off the Kuff documents the conclusion of the Paxton impeachment trial, and then reacts to the verdict. (My own take on the verdict is here.)

SocraticGadfly offers up reviews of two politics-tinged books: William Jennings Bryan as the original Bernie Sanders and Secret Service agent Paul Landis' new conspiracy-theory tinged JFK assassination book.

Wingnuts don't really care about raising good children. 

Climatemonger Joe continues to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic rather than real action.  (He then throws Palestinians under the bus again.) Ask me why I'm not voting for him, #BlueAnon?

Stace looks at a recent snapshot of Houston Latino voters and how it affects representation. 

 Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said that we must accept the reality of the threats to democracy.

The Fort Worth Report takes a deep dive into the segregated history of the city's public pools, and how they could be recovered. 

The Dallas Observer contextualizes the latest JFK assassination revelation. 

 CultureMap advises you on getting the most for your Texas State Fair dollar this year. 

The Current marks the first-ever successful birth of the rare Oklahoma cave crayfish in captivity.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Texas Progressivs talk Paxton, politics
