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COVID doomers in general and #BernAnon attacking Leana Wen


So, Dr. Leana Wen reportedly has COVID for the third time, and a column where she talks about lingering pneumonia but does not actually use the word COVID about herself is being used by COVID doomers in general, and some #BernAnon, as ground for schadenfreude attacks on her.

This isn't new, sadly. She was being attacked a year or more ago. And, in that case, not by nutters on Twitter, but fellow MDs, masters of public health people and so forth, even though she's nowhere near a Martin Kulldorf or other Great Barrington types.

As for me? I am a follower of hers on Twitter, but, that said, I follow a lot of people without hanging on their every tweet.

THAT said, I read her book early this year and 5-starred it.

The attacks, as noted, aren't new. I've mentioned her here before, vis-a-vis attacks by "The People's CDC" and fellow travelers, once, and a second time. And, though I didn't mention #BernAnon in either, I have elsewhere on "COVID gotcha" in general, not just once but twice, that one just earlier this week. And, yes, that is a real thing just as much as #BlueAnon. In the first, I mentioned these people's lack of nuance, which the attacks earlier this week only exemplify.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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COVID doomers in general and #BernAnon attacking Leana Wen
