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The worst Dem nightmare for both 2024 and 2028?


A week ago, I talked about "The worst GOP nightmare for both 2024 and 2028." It of course centered on former president Donald Trump's multiple criminal indictments, how they are not affecting so far the 2024 GOP primary set-up but almost certainly will undercut him in the 2024 general, and wonderings about how that might play out into 2028.

Well, now, I posit a Democratic flip side, and it's centered on Warmonger Joe Biden's health and related issues.

Dems are still, even the Pergressuve Cuck-us and the Fraud Squad, marching in lockstep in Ukraine that Warmonger Joe being that doesn't hurt inside the party, and probably not to a big degree in the general. Ditto on Israel-Palestine, where even the Fraud Squad is doing minimal resistance but not much more. Ditto on climate change, where all Dems ignore the reality of Oilmonger Joe — and that he's imitating Sarah Palin in part because the war he's monged in Ukraine is hitting global oil supply.

No, none of that hurts in the Democratic primaries, by and large, and he'll release more oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve next summer if he has to, on that issue, even though he's already depleted it a fair degree.

It's his health, with a possible side of Hunter Biden.

Let's focus on the health.

He is over 80, but more than the age itself, its the physical fallout from that, things like falling asleep at public events, making incoherent comments at others, including guest receptions for major foreign leaders, and sometimes, yes, looking like he's in the first stages of dementia, at about the same age at which the Reagan family announced that Saint Ronald of Reagan had Alzheimer's. 

The issue for the Democrats' 2024 cycle? Contra wishful thinking by an occasional Fox News nutter, or a national commenter for the non-Fox portion of the MSM noting his limited campaign announcements, etc., he IS running. Now, if he dropped dead, I guess the establishment would pivot to Kamala Harris, unless some big money people have a Plan B lined up already. The superdelegates will not vote for, and the insider money will not back, Marianne Williamson, and will not bet on RFK Jr. in spades.

If he doesn't drop dead? Like Poppy Bush with Dan Quayle, but not like political bosses with FDR and the Wallace-to-Truman switch, he can't afford to dump Harris.

So, he gets re-elected in one of the overall worst elections in American history since Pierce-Scott in 1852. Or Buchanan-Fremont-Fillmore in 1856.

And, then, he drops dead sometime in his second term, or worse, Dems face the 25th Amendment and what it was invented for (it was NOT invented for Trumpian-like megalomania), with the Kamala Harris ineptitude just as real, in all likelihood, in September 2026 or whenever, as it is today or was two years ago.

And, that hangs over the 2028 Democratic primary process.

Have fun with that.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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The worst Dem nightmare for both 2024 and 2028?
