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British bollocks on Ukraine, seconded by Timothy Garton Ash


In what Mark Ames called two, then three, additional "Friedman Units," referring to Teapot Tommy's ever-increasing level of bullshit + warmongering in the early years of the Iraq War, British historian and pundit Timothy Garton Ash has cosigned by Twitter a Financial Times piece of bullshit that itself cosigns idiocy by British generals.

The last graf is the worst, as its clear Cold War 2.0 bollocks.

Ukraine must win on the battlefield to survive as a state. Not only is this victory vital to Nato’s security and its ongoing relationship with Russia, it will also influence China’s appetite for military adventure. The current counteroffensive shows Putin’s occupation can be beaten. It will take longer and cost more than we hoped, but hope isn’t enough. The west must now commit to the harder campaign ahead or condemn Ukraine to fighting without the prospect of winning.

Wrong from the first sentence on, originally, and if that first sentence is now true, it's the fault of NATO Cold War 2.0 warmongers like Ash. The rest of the paragraph remains wrong. 

Second sentence? No, not vital to NATO at all. Vital to its "relationship" to Russia only if defined in master-slave terms. Will this "influence China's appetite"? Only to mistrust the West even more.

Third sentence? No, it shows no such thing. If this is what passes for insight among British Nat-sec Nutsacks, no wonder the tattered shreds of empire are going bankrupt.

Fourth is wrong from two and three.

Fifth? No, the West must commit to no such thing. This does sound just like Iraq or Afghanistan.

And, "commit" to what? Or, WITH what? 

As I told him, Zelensky is now doing a Ukrainian version of Jesus rounding up people for the wedding banquet. This is what he proposes to fight with:

Good luck there! But, since it's truncated, let me give you the FULL LIST:

Now people with following diseases will be recognized as suitable for all military service: "2nd – clinically cured tuberculosis; 4-c – viral hepatitis with minor functional impairment; 5th – asymptomatic HIV carrier; 12th - slowly progressing and non-progressing with minor functional disorders and rare exacerbations of anemia, blood coagulation disorders, purpura, hemorrhagic conditions, other diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, some disorders involving the immune mechanism. 13th - diseases of the endocrine system with minor functional disorders; 14th - mild short-term painful manifestations of mental disorders; 17th - neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders with moderately pronounced, short-term manifestations, with an asthenic state; 21-c – slowly progressing diseases of the central nervous system with minor functional disorders; 22nd – episodic and paroxysmal disorders, except for epilepsy, with minor violations of the functions of organs and systems."

Good luck there!

But Ash and other Nat-sec-Nutsacks, British and American media divisions, just like the other 101st Fighting Keyboarders of the NAFO Nazis, aren't volunteering for a manpower surge.

Per his fellow British journalist, Anatol Lieven, the British Net-sec Nutsacks and Fleet Street media like Ash must be as blind as their US counterparts, as he discusses American blindness on Afghanistan transferring to Ukraine. The funny thing is that Warmonger Joe

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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British bollocks on Ukraine, seconded by Timothy Garton Ash
