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Ahh, the censorious editors at Independent Political Report


Yes, it's not technical First Amendment censorship, and also, it was censorious editing, not actual censorship in the everyday sense, but ...

On a post about Libertarian National Committee chair Angela McArdle appearing on Cess Pool's broadcast, they edited my original comment:

“German New Medicine” aside, the fact that McArdle appeared AT ALL on Cess Pool’s show is a “tell.”


“German New Medicine” aside, the fact that McArdle appeared AT ALL on Tim Pool’s show is a “tell.”


If that's going to trigger, as in "trigger," George Phillies and Jordan Willow Evans that much, I'm going to stop commenting there.

I understand your right to moderate, but if that's going to trigger you, I'd rather you delete the comment than post a bowdlerized version.

This post first appeared on SocraticGadfly, please read the originial post: here

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Ahh, the censorious editors at Independent Political Report
