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A skeptical left-liberal's blogging on Texas and national politics, environmentalism, journalism, church-state issues, atheism, more
This is an extended review of an overall bad Orwell biography, focusing mainly on one issue. It's an issue that I didn't know about before, until a Goodreads friend asked me if I had read an… Read More
I forgot to do a top posts for the month of June, so, this instead.As usual, these may not have been posted within the past three months. Posts outside that time frame, but with renewed popu… Read More
As someone who saw the whole original 20-minute video? Per the details of their emergency appeal to the Supreme Court, via Courthouse News? It's not just the ACLU and ACLU of Texas that… Read More
Off the Kuff wrote lots of things about Beryl. Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said hurricanes are political. Space City Weather argues that Houston deserves a much better electri… Read More
Let's look at this "Free and Equal" debate set for tonight, as puffed by Stein in a Thursday email.TL/DR? Jill Stein loves it because there's nobody to her left that got invited.People invol… Read More
I had a group of related items that, once the last one came up on my radar screen, I pulled from this week's Texas Progressives Roundup to run separately. Amarillo nutters, after the city co… Read More
This isn't like three days ago, with Der Starmer and New New Labour winning in the UK, in a low-turnout vote that saw LibDems (no better) as the second-biggest beneficiary.Instead, actual le… Read More
On Twitter last week, Nat-Sec Nutsack™ types were talking about how Russia's offensive categories were surely dying if it still couldn't capture Chasiv Yar.Ready to eat those words now… Read More
The Trump immunity ruling is everything wrong about today's SCOTUS. It's partisan; it pretends not to be partisan; it takes an initial bite of the apple while pretending that it won't take m… Read More
Former Uvalde ISD police chief Pete Arredondo has been indicted for his role, or failed role, in the mass shooting two years ago. Will DPS head Steve McCraw, who testified to the still-conve… Read More
In his weekend link dump, Kuff fellates American Prospect fellating Zionist Josh Marshall. No, really; the word "Israel" is nowhere in the story. Perlstein also doesn't call Marshall out w… Read More
Boy, what a clusterfuck that was June 27!That said, NO Dem is "stepping forward," contra Politico, to replace him. Maybe DNC minions will organize something in a vape-filled back room, but N… Read More
RIP Kinky Friedman
Via Kuff, I saw the Trib story this morning. More at the Chron. As a newspaper editor, remembering the 2006 Texas gov campaign, including being part of a group interview of Kinky after a cam… Read More
Whether she's formally Mises Mice or just alt-white nutters within the Libertarian Party, Ricki Schlott (no shit Ricki?) opined in the New York Post about why they hated LP nominee Chase Oli… Read More
Genocide Joe has written Israel a new blank check, this one for attacking Hezbullah in Lebanon. And #BlueAnon will still continue to claim it owns my vote.That said, the Joint Chiefs now say… Read More
Or, at a minimum, one of the leaders of the move to vote "Uncommitted" is lying to herself. Michael Arria of Mondoweiss, like me, rightly wondered where this movement goes now that the… Read More
I agree with Golf Mag's rhetorical (or so it seems to me) question and expected answer.Yes, this was Rory's worst majors loss ever (well, with hindsight, No. 2 outside of his Masters meltdow… Read More
About That Pending New 'Liberal Party'
I had originally scheduled this as the next presidential news roundup, but with all the focus on one potential new political party, shifted to it being just about that.Via Independent Politi… Read More
Recent SCOTUS Updates Vs BlueAnon
Our newest Supreme Court justice got a bit of hagiography treatment last week.As pictured at left, the details of that photo will be explained near the bottom. All nine justices, essentially… Read More
This one's for you BlueAnons who complain that the mainstream media treat Diaper Don with kid gloves.We start with a tweet by Nathan J. Robinson about a NYT article in which he noted it's De… Read More
D-Day For International Politics
President Macron of France doesn't have to worry about inviting Russians to D-Day. He's a strong-presidency president with time left on his term. That said, any continued talk about getting… Read More
Presidential Update, June 6
Yes, it is D-Day, and France's President Macron pissed off other NATO members last month by inviting Russian representatives, though not President Putin, the the 80th anniversary.As I said o… Read More
As we should all be, per this Guardian piece.And, the piece was written before the latest sweltering in Mexico. This: “I think 3C is being hopeful and conservative. 1.5C is alread… Read More
It's not Sophie's choice, but it is interesting, the future for current Texas Speaker of the House Dade "Dade" Phelan.A majority of incoming Texas House Republicans want the practice of comm… Read More
In a sense, no, they don't need to be fixed, but in another, they do.It's Kevin O'Connor, so take it with a grain of salt. But, he's got good insights in general for what the Nuggets have to… Read More
I was going to post this to my original piece about the presidential debate annoucement, since I didn't see it until 12 hours after that posted, but then thought it would be burying the lede… Read More
Presidential Roundup, May 10
Apparently, though I didn't see anything at Independent Political Report, Libertarian National Committee head Angela McArdle invited her Luciferian master, RFK Jr., as well as Donald Duck Tr… Read More
RFK Jr: Apparent Gaslighter On Abortion
I had blogged last fall about Kennedy visiting Auntie Angie's House, an abortion alternatives site for Black women that apparently believes the "abortion is Black genocide" BS.So, imagine my… Read More
Capital and Main talks about Schuyler Wight leaving his West Texas home once a month, every month, to try to get the Railroad Commission to do something — ANYTHING — about orphan… Read More

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