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A Tale Told by an IDIOT, Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying NOTHING

I told the fool who insisted upon contacting me that I would post his or her inane remarks for all to see, verbatim, and I am fulfilling that promise. Fool is definitely the proper word to describe my feckless adversary, considering the repetitive, obtuse qualities of his or her remarks.

I shall intersperse deep analysis and associated commentary between each remark.

I considered such a post years ago when a fainthearted Muslim sandnigger fucked with me, but the faggot disappeared, so I didn't bother with it.

This time - I AM BOTHERING; I delight in making examples of idiots, and my friend Anonymous, who is too cowardly to reveal his or her name, is the epitome of an idiot.

Dialogue follows, with the Anonymous posters remarks highlighted:

Anonymous 20 March, 2014 20:06
I guess it depends on whose constitution you're talking about. / I find some to be a little more worthwhile.

Even at this point I find it impossible to believe that an individual would be so stupid to post meaningless drivel such as the above. I sincerely doubt that the poster has ever read much of anything, let alone a Constitution.

Conway 20 March, 2014 20:22
Well, I think it should be quite clear that I have been writing about the Constitution of the United States of America. I have perused other constitutions as well, and none I have read so far addresses personal liberty and freedom from governmental interference as well as Madison's Constitution does.

Too bad that it is only sophistry, words on a page, and not enforced as it was originally intended. I submit that the same goes for any other constitution, as man is the measure of all things, and is, unfortunately, prone to hypocrisy. The arrogant, elitist criminals running the United States today are absolute proof of that.

Here, I was attempting to be polite, thinking that possibly the individual was a foreigner, and clearly pointed out that I was writing about the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Anonymous 20 March, 2014 20:38
Do you not think actual enforcement of said constitution would lead to a number of someones getting hurt, and does that not concern you in the least.

This remark is either stupid, contrived, or the individual does not understand the meaning of the word "enforcement" with regard to the Bill of Rights. Then again, perhaps he or she was serious, thinking that enforcement of the Bill of Rights would "hurt" the elitists and their jackbooted pigs, duly charged with keeping the rest of us in line.

Anonymous 20 March, 2014 20:49
You don't think it's been enforced? How much more enforcing needs to take place? How many years, how many tears? Curious.

This remark seems to prove that the individual is a cretin, considering that "enforcing" the Bill of Rights would lead to less "tears", considering that the people's rights would be respected by the authorities.

Conway 20 March, 2014 23:27
Apparently, you do not understand what I have written.

The Constitution of the United States of America is not being enforced, and people are suffering because of that. 

Liberty, freedom and the full exercise of Individual rights are the objective of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The elitists running this nation do not want that, and never did.

This needs no further explanation.

Conway 20 March, 2014 23:32
It's definite - you do not understand what I have written at all, your reading comprehension skills are lacking. 

That, or you are deliberately trying to waste my time by posting a nonsensical argument. 

Have a good evening.

Strangely, I missed his second reply until a little later, and his/her latter remark convinced me that the individual was incapable of understanding the essay.

Anonymous 21 March, 2014 04:59
No, Im the only one on here attempting to make sense of what the fick you're saying. And talk to you. Again, it seems, the only one to do so.

It is obvious that the individual cannot make sense of what I was saying due to either not reading it, or not possessing the intellect to understand what I was relating. That, or he/she was simply fucking with me, which, after reflection, is probably the case. Notice the missing punctuation in the contraction; and the misspelled "fuck". Then, the individual wrongfully assumed that I was interested in conversation with them, when the only thing I was and am interested in is having someone challenge or refute my position in the essay.

Conway 21 March, 2014 13:27
My dear Anonymous,

Okay, you asked for it.

Your poorly composed responses to my current polemical essay are little more than meaningless, incoherent drivel. Apparently you have not even read it, judging from your obtuse remarks. Further, I sincerely doubt that you could understand the article even if you did read it; I suspect that you do not have the intellectual capacity for such a task.

I candidly wager that you are some bizarre type of troll or perhaps a lower level NSA employee, too inept to even create a profile for reference, making a pathetic attempt to get a rise out of me for whatever reason. You are wasting your time, others have tried, and you have missed the mark by miles. 

Moving on, judging from your writing "style", which I believe to be contrived, you are probably the same individual who showed up a few years back on the Wagist site and followed me here. If that is so, I suggest you find someone else to play with; so far I find you ignorant and quite unchallenging.

That said, I write for catharsis, not popularity; you are judging others by your own criteria, and have made an inaccurate value judgment with regard to my intention. Try the Hegelian Dialectic next time; I have instructed the reader how to employ that aspect of critical thinking in past essays.

My challenge to you and any other reader is to prove my assertions in the above and other essays as inaccurate, or "wrong", and to prove such charges by using cited facts, historical precedent, and case law. If you can accomplish that - I wish you luck in doing so.

That is all I am after, period - nothing else matters here. 

If you cannot refute my position, simply say so, and move onto something else.



This needs no further explanation.

Anonymous 21 March, 2014 13:41
You are the most unpleasant human being I've ever come across, and I truly regret ever given time amd money to you. The waste of a life was spent trying to give anything of value to you. Don't contact me again. and go fucking die, you walking abortion.

Notice the extreme anger at my reply, which was not complimentary, yes, but my response was civil, for the most part. 

Then, as if I should care, the individual informed me that I was "the most unpleasant human being they had ever come across". I wager he/she doesn't get out very much, or lives in an asylum of sorts or perhaps a monastery. Then the poster goes on to write "I truly regret ever given time amd (sic) money to you". Note the grammatical mistake as well; I suspect anger is ruling his or her thoughts, or perhaps the poster is simply uneducated. The time and money remark I find enigmatic, considering that the time involved in interacting with me was minuscule, and no exchange of specie was involved. Then, in a ridiculous attempt to manipulate the conversation, the poster wrote further incoherent drivel, telling me not to "contact them again", which I never have, and ended their rant with sophomoric expletives.

Anonymous 21 March, 2014 13:43
The waste of time comes from thinking that you actually had something of importance to say, and trying to make sense of it. I don't plan on doing that again.

Whether my words are important remains to seen; notice the poor word usage in the beginning of the the poster's sentence. It is fortunate that he/she didn't plan on trying to make sense of the essay, as he or she is evidently incapable of making sense of much of anything, including having the ability to pour piss out of a boot, with the directions written on the heel.

Anonymous 21 March, 2014 13:50
That means stay away from my friends and family too, creepy pathetic stalking freak.

This remark is thoroughly puerile. Apparently, it was meant to put me on the defensive; it actually made me laugh.

Conway 21 March, 2014 14:04
Please, go see a psychiatrist before you harm yourself, or others.

I actually meant that, the individual is obviously disturbed, judging from the "goofy" remarks so far. The disjointed, repetitive replies show that the poster has obsessive tendencies, and does not like being dismissed as irrelevant by anyone, even by an old fart like me who writes vitriolic polemical essays on an unknown blog for the sheer hell of it.

Conway 21 March, 2014 14:00
My dear Anonymous,

I never have contacted you - you contacted me. You could have avoided that by not bothering, but you insisted. Ergo, it is your fault that you are pissed off, and that I am laughing at you.

You have effortlessly proven my point before the entire world; you are an ignorant individual who doesn't even recall the idiotic drivel that you have composed. With each post you make you bury yourself further; good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.

I also notice that you cannot refute one thing that I wrote in the essay - I win the argument by default, and you are defeated.

Further, you have never given time or money to me, you don't know who I am and you never will, and as far as I am concerned, you can go fuck yourself, cretin.

Angry much?



My reply needs no further explanation.

Anonymous 21 March, 2014 14:04
You got that right. I don't . Don't plan on spending anymore time and money to figure it out either. You forgot the stay the fuck away from me and my family, however, you creepy walking aberration. .

This individual, the subject, is a very young, lonely person, 18 to 25, tops; I seriously doubt that they have a family, unless it is "Mother and Dad", in that order. 

If the poster is male - a classic, infantile deviate, Freudian Oedipus Complex is indicated, with probable sexual inexperience, other than occasional masturbation with dominatrix overtones and guilt feelings afterward; possible homosexual tendencies as well, subject's attraction to men is subconscious, but evident, based on obsessive interaction and gravitation toward male or masculine figures.

If female, the subject is an overweight, rejected, easily orgasmic virgin, addicted to clitoral masturbation without penetration, due to guilt feelings; headed for spinsterhood due to unrealistic standards. Often sits quietly, unobserved, with the heel of her foot in her crotch, preferring one over the other dependent on dexterity for masturbation purposes, young male celebrities the object of her fantasies. 

Please note the clumsy, second attempt to put me on the defensive, with the childish ending of the reply.

My evaluation of the gender of subject: 93% chance that the poster is male, or perhaps an extremely masculine lesbian; intersex hermaphrodite possibility as well; XXY or XYY karyotype possible. Further remarks on the subject will refer to he/she exclusively as "he, his or him".

Ethnicity undefinable at this time, suspected Caucasoid of southern European extraction.

Conway 21 March, 2014 14:09
You are the obtuse cretin who keeps making a fool of yourself - I'm actually enjoying this.

I'm laughing at you too - mentally ill individuals usually provoke laughter.

Incidentally - if you "know" me personally - what is my REAL NAME?



Yes, I was abusive toward the subject, as he was intent upon the delusional idea that he knew me personally, so the subject was challenged on that premise. Subject then became ambiguous, and then attempted to assign "supernatural" qualities to the object of his adversary. Paranoid delusion is evident. (See below, i.e. "Legion")

Conway 21 March, 2014 14:13
Incidentally - I think I'll do an article on YOU and your stupid remarks, posted en toto, with my responses, so the entire goddamned planet can see you for the absolute fucking idiot that you are.

Enjoy burying yourself further.

Have a nice day.

Anonymous 21 March, 2014 14:19
Legion is your real name you fork toungued pig. Is this your newest incarnation? Wow this newest facet I doubt is going to make you the money your other fake fraudulent personas did.

Supernatural fantasies, based on Judeo-Christian and Muslim dogmas, 78% chance that subject is fundamentalist Christian, e.g., primitive Baptist, Pentecostal, or Seventh Day Adventist. 15% chance that subject is Muslim, possibly of Druze or Sufi sect; 5% chance that subject is of Jewish faith, i.e., orthodox Kabbalist. Sanity of subject now in question. Overall percentage estimate of fanatical religious belief: 98%. Spelling mistake noted, perhaps due to stupidity.

Anonymous 21 March, 2014 14:22
Why not. You've al
Ready written about me, my family, my friends, not to mention how many other people you've stalked over the years. Go for it.

Subject now displays primitive fear/threat reaction, easily predictable, with regard to family, friends, et cetera; fabricated "threat" to dear ones noted and cataloged accordingly as a defensive posture. Subject continues to imply that I am a supernatural being from mythical place called hell, a creature named "Legion", taken from New Testament Bible, likely KJV or Douai translation, subject's reasoning based on archaic superstition. Please note the odd mistake in spelling  - "alReady".

Anonymous 21 March, 2014 15:30
Put the other comments pig. I own your sorry evil ass and you know it.

Subject seems to think that old fart Conway is entirely devoted to him, and that my existence is dependent on his every word. Note the "pig" reference, either taken from my polemics, or perhaps employed from his personal, superstitious worldview. Percentiles have changed, if subject is fundamentalist Christian, a Seventh Day Adventist tops the probability, with Muslim Sufi coming second, and Jewish Orthodox third. Probability of subject being an atheist: less than one percent.

Conway 21 March, 2014 20:30
If you are indeed serious, and are not just mentally masturbating for some kind of puerile lark, you seem to delight in burying yourself. Alright; I'll play your little game, though I do realize that you have a very limited capacity for debate, if one can call this unproductive series of ludicrous exchanges a debate.

For example, you have absolutely no idea as to who I am, and your ridiculous, inane replies reflect that fact. That noted - kindly tell me what my given name is, here, and in what State of the Union that I reside in, that is, if you "know" me so well, which you do not, and never will. You are being mendacious, in other words a liar, for someone of your limited intellect, and if you actually do believe that you know me, you are in fact delusional. Considering your words; I suggest a visit to a psychiatrist, coupled with appropriate doses of serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. Such compounds may prove effective for assisting you in dealing with your delusions - do you hallucinate as well?

Try lithium.

Further, your spelling is absolutely atrocious, and your grammar leaves a lot to be desired. You can barely compose a coherent sentence, and your obvious anger at my blithe dismissal of your ill-thought replies only makes the situation worse - for you. Incidentally, if you had even half a brain, you could easily find my given name and where I reside from various posts I have made over the Internet - I'll give you a clue - the initials of my first and last name fall between the letters of "F" and "N" in the English alphabet.

Oh well, this may help increase your ire - I don't care in the least of what you may think of me, and I dare you to make even one attempt to refute anything that I alleged in the article, which you cannot, due to not even understanding anything I have written. I actually find you entertaining, to a degree, and your remarks have made me laugh out loud. For that, I thank you.

Referring to your pathetic attempt at assigning personal nomenclature to an individual you will never meet - your laughable Biblical references from the Gospels of the New Testament only reveal you to be some variety of idiotic, dogmatic religious fanatic, who believes in silly, non-existent creatures like demons, angels, and gods. That is your problem, all the belief in the universe will not bring such entities into existence. Further, your foul mouth and ad hominem remarks make you a hypocrite, which is very typical of the "Christians" I have met, along with other mentally disturbed fanatics like Muslims.

Look for my article on you, exemplifying you and your words before the entire world as a drooling cretin.

Keep replying, you are only pouring gasoline on a fire. Warning: If your replies are not sufficiently obtuse, and entertaining, I will simply delete them and be done with you.

Have a good evening,


This post needs no further explanation.

Anonymous 22 March, 2014 05:00
You're hardly one to prostelyze about hypocrisy, fraud. How did you make your money? Not by acting like the pig you portraying at the moment.

This post is probing, the subject is attempting to make me justify my position, without any compelling reason, ergo, observer ignored it. He cunningly asks about my livelihood; I have repeatedly stated that I built my position by servicing electronics in the past, along with trading equities in hard commodities. Then he compares me to a porcine creature, without having any effect, as I could not care less about his view of me. Refer to above analysis regarding the superstitious, with regard to pigs.

Conway 22 March, 2014 05:26
Ah yes, you are here - I am very glad of that, and I thank you very much for your response. You made me mentally cum with your latest inane reply; I am quite satisfied; I relish in your gross stupidity. Keep feeding me, you fucking idiot.

Your latest fecklessness easily passed my litmus test for both obtusity and entertainment; therefore I approved it. Fuck up and I will delete further replies and silence you at my leisure - you must pass my tests from now on.

As a public service, I will inform you when I decide to silence your squawkings, should you fail to be entertaining.

I have proven you for the utter superstitious fool that you are. I will even tell you the title of my post devoted to YOU: " A Tale Told by an Idiot, Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying Nothing".

You definitely signify nothing.

I have already written the outline, I'm simply waiting for you to post more entertainment; I've even posted another essay in the meantime, devoted to your moronic, inept, megalomanical nigger jackanapes.

Please, I appeal to you, keep burying yourself, I'm loving it.

Kind Regards,


Anonymous 22 March, 2014 06:21
I know the name you've decided to adopt, after challenging me to read your lanced, puss filled posts. It is however, not the name I originally associate with you, is it.

The adjectival definition of the the word "asshole" defines the subject's idiotic post, with allusions to "Legion" again; note how the subject uses a repeated "s" in his clumsy attempt to spell "pus", a purulent exudation of dead bacteria and white blood cells from a common abscess.

Conway 22 March, 2014 14:16

I'm sorry, but your latest post, which I published for you, was completely obtuse, though not sufficiently entertaining. Therefore, I am forced to do something that I have never done before on this blog - I shall no longer approve further comments from you.

You have written enough to enable me to easily identify your peculiar prose, and even if you attempt to alter it, I will still be able to recognize, and delete it. Let's just say that I have a patented "moron detector", and leave it at that.



With great regret, I had to do this - I enjoy sparring with people, but even I have to draw a line somewhere - the poster is a delusional religious fanatic, probably an insane, fucking idiot, not worth my time.

Predictably, the attracted, obsessed, latent homosexual dummy had to post yet another inane rant - which I refused to approve; my stipulations binding on me as well, but I shall post them here for continuity, to show him for the fool that he is:

How apt. Free speech further limited by you, While you prattle away at the rights this country no longer affords people. And angry that once upon a time you felt That i limited free speech. All while having a fit that I dared try talking to you. Typical. Don't worry, you too have a pattern that seems to be your m.o. 

Conway's take: Sour grapes from Aesop's Fables. Notice the ridiculous capitalization errors. The subject in question, a feckless idiot, doesn't even understand the concept of "free speech" as defined by the Constitution of the United States of America. Free Speech applies to GOVERNMENTS, not individual people, or businesses. I reserve the right to refuse to publish the inane replies of morons, using my patented "moron detector", and our friend anonymous is the absolute epitome of a fucking moron with the collective intellect of a ten pound bag of russet potatoes.

In fairness, I will give the deviant subject, an obviously obsessed, insane individual, a chance to reply, but only on this post - any remarks on earlier or forthcoming essays will be summarily deleted.

Go ahead, subject, I guarantee that you will have free reign here, to refute my analysis of YOU - I give you my word as a man that I will publish whatever you have to say, at MY LEISURE, but only on this particular post. Beware that I will slap you down accordingly with each post that you make. Take my bait, you goddamned fool - come on, you cowardly pussy, I DARE YOU to fuck with me - I will DESTROY YOU, with no holds barred. When you do not respond, as I flawlessly predict, I will repeatedly make note of that too in later essays.

Analysis and prognosis: Subject Anonymous is a goddamned deranged, delusional fruitcake and a dangerous, superstitious freak, who should be confined indefinitely in an institution, to ensure the safety of others.

ADDENDUM: The lunatic took my bait, and posted further absurdities, as follows:

Get it through your fucking head, you evil fucking stalking pig. I'm not your fucking dog, go fuckiñg die, diseased piece of shit. Stay gone from me and my family. 

You ARE my dog, motherfucker - bark for me, then heel. If I decide to become charitable, I'll order you to fetch a dried up turd on my back lawn shat from the ass of my trained ocelot. Be nice, or I'll order you to fetch fresh turds shat from the asses of my Boudreaux bulldogs.

The subject is indeed dangerous - he is delusional, and should be forcibly confined before he hurts himself or others.

Kind Regards,


This post first appeared on Conway's, please read the originial post: here

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A Tale Told by an IDIOT, Full of Sound and Fury, Signifying NOTHING


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