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Massachusetts Landmark Named U.S. Ugliest Building


Massachusetts is known for many things. Steeped in US history, Massachusetts is also known for its stunning Cape Cod beaches, beautiful Berkshire mountains, infamous professional sports teams, and yes, that accent (which very few residents west of 495 actually have).

One thing Massachusetts is not famous for its architecture. This isn’t to say there aren’t stunning structures across the state, but outside of its historic buildings, we’re certainly not notorious for it.

In fact, a recently compiled list of the ugliest buildings in the country names an outstanding building located right here in Massachusetts. Oh. The mentioned building not only made it to the list, but also took first place, finishing second.

To rank it, home improvement company Buildware compiled a long list of buildings from around the world, the UK and the US that are seen as “ugly” by the public on social media. Using analytics software, Buildware calculated the percentage of tweets with a negative attitude towards the design of each building and ranked them in that order.

What building in Massachusetts has been named the second ugliest building in the country?

City Hall of Boston. The headquarters of the capital of Massachusetts was voted the second ugliest building in the United States. The building was designed by Kallmann, McKinnell and Knowles in 1968, but has recently undergone a cosmetic update starting in 2020.

In first place was the Edgar Hoover Building in Washington, DC, which serves as the headquarters of the FBI. In third place was the Verizon Building in New York, followed by the Watergate complex in the District of Columbia and Denver International Airport in Colorado in fifth place.

The study also notes that the ugliest building in the WORLD according to their analysis is the Scottish Parliament Building in Edinburgh.

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This post first appeared on Hinterland Gazette | Black News, Politics & Breaking News, please read the originial post: here

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Massachusetts Landmark Named U.S. Ugliest Building
