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Blog Break: Taking Time To Exhale
Warning.Sensory overload.Too much Trump, Stormy Daniels, MAGA Mike Johnson, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Lindsey Graham.Too many Trump trials being held up by MAGA judges and the Supreme Cour… Read More
He's Back! This Time In Drag
While Donald Trump has inspired thousands of grifters from across the country few have reached the heights that disgraced former Congressman George Santos has.Since being booted out of the H… Read More
A Pox On Polls! Who Really Needs Them?
It's time to expose the dark secret about political polls.We, the people, don't need them.However, the media market needs them to make a profit by making us puppets.Yeah. Puppets. The polls… Read More
Existing In Pre-Apocalyptic America
How are you doing?What drives you to keep going on in this polarized society?What gets you out of bed each morning?Some people say defending our republic motivates them to get up in the morn… Read More
The World According To Donald J. Trump
Buckle up.I'm going to take you on a ride to an alternate universe that somehow exists alongside reality.Hop on the crazy Trump train to explore his damaged brain.In Trump's world the 2020 e… Read More
Trump's MAGA Meme Stock Meets Reality
It was just a week ago when Trump's new stock offering under the ticker "DJT" made a flashy market debut but now reality is starting to set in.The former president and convicted rapist'… Read More
It's Time To Pay Up Donnie!
It's looks like there will be some prime real estate going on the market soon in New York City.Convicted rapist and former president Trump is unable to post the bond to satisfy the $464 mill… Read More
Stay Away From My Decaf Coffee!
Quick backstory.My name is Dave, and I was once a caffein addict. I drank it morning noon and night. If I could have, I would have had a permanent caffein drip inserted into my arm.I st… Read More
Do you remember when presidential candidates weren't convicted rapists?I do.Let's take a stroll down memory lane in America before chaos set in and a cult that worships dictators that overth… Read More
Republican Profiles In Stupidity
I'm going to take you down a path littered with Republican profiles of stupidity to share with your friends and family.Inquiring minds must know what challenges lie ahead of us.   … Read More
America? Or Amerika? You Decide
      The gauntlet has been thrown down.The challenge issued.Americans are going to have to decide what form of government they're going to have after the November election.A… Read More
Exhibit A: Donald J. TrumpAfter decades of dragging the justice system around by the hair one man has eluded, mocked, and used with impunity.Yet we claim no man is above the law.Forget about… Read More
Blogger Hits Pause Button
I know. I just came back from a blog break and now I'm taking another one.Some readers may be saying, "Hey Dave! What's with all the blog breaks?"My answer is simple. Because I feel lik… Read More
On Naps And Blog Breaks
I've always thought taking a nap during the day was the way to go even though Americans are not known for the habit.Taking daytime naps is common in Mediterranean and Asian populations. In c… Read More
Guilty pleasures are something one enjoys despite the notion that it's not held in high regard, or is viewed as unusual, socially unacceptable, or just plain weird.One of my guilty pleasures… Read More
Interviews From The Far Side Of Sanity
I'm guessing that by now you have probably seen at least one interview with a Trump supporter who sounds like an escapee from a mental institute.For years reporters and comedians have been a… Read More
Welcome To The 1st Politized Superbowl
When Superbowl LVIII is played tomorrow it will have a unique feature - it'll be the 1st political football game in the league's history.That's because Kansas City player Travis Kelce i… Read More
Animals Antics Making News
Residents of an apartment complex in Florida (where else?) had a kangaroo come by and visit them last night.The Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of a kangaroo on th… Read More
Do Americans Deserve Democracy?
Any democratic country that allows a person like Donald Trump to hold their nation hostage might not be deserving of the freedoms they currently enjoy.Despite not actually being in gove… Read More
Average Americans cringe when they see a Trump supporter decked out in full cosplay dress (a mangled American flag with Trump's mug on their shirts, jackets, hats, and flags.)It's under… Read More
Impeachment Fever Gripping MAGA World
"Off with her head! Off with their heads! - The Queen of Hearts in Alice's Adventures in WonderlandA GOP fever dream infection began three years ago and is openly festering today in the Hous… Read More
Republicans Are Pushing Another Big Lie
In so-called conservative circles the main mission has been to promote the Big Lie that Trump won the 2020 election.There's another Big Lie that has been gaining traction this year - the fal… Read More
Brief Blog Break: Back Sunday
Time for a 4-day break... just because.Seeing as how you stopped by why not check out my archives (right side of page)? There's years of stories and opinion pieces to peruse.Interested in re… Read More
Why Americans Aren't Happy
 A recent Forbes survey of the top 20 happiest countries in the world lists the United States at #15. Finland was #1. With that empirically established what's the problem… Read More

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