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Social Justice • News | Topics | Issues • Sjs Blog

What is Social Justice? Social Justice Solutions explores news, topics, and issues about social justice in the modern world. Submit your ideas and comments.
How am I doing? This blog post is over two-weeks late and this is the fifth time I have attempted to sit down and write. What started as an eloquent condensed comparison of problematic occur… Read More
Let me tell you about the time Texas tried to codify how to overturn an election in the middle of the night. It all started decades ago when reports about climate change started to gain trac… Read More
LIVED EXPERIENCE As a professional Sickle Cell advocate, there is nothing that supersedes the lived experience. Living with a chronic illness every day gives a perspective that can never be… Read More
I’ve always been one to say exactly how I feel, and honesty is one of my most important values. Yet, writing this blog post has been next to impossible for me in the last few weeks. In… Read More
“When white Americans tell the Negro to lift himself by his own bootstraps, they don’t look over the legacy of slavery and segregation. Now I believe we ought to do all we can an… Read More
I was supposed to write this post weeks ago, way back during budget week in April. Or was that in March? Lege time feels very different from usual work time. You never know when your boss is… Read More
As the end of my internship at the Texas State Capitol hurdles towards me, I am taking time to sit back and reflect on my experience. With only a couple of weeks left, I have caught myself w… Read More
Someone recently asked me, “so how do you like session so far?” Being a first-year staffer, I have been asked this question more times than I can count. However, the longer I&rsq… Read More
In the beginning of the 87th Texas Legislative Session, I felt hopeful. Hopeful for what I would learn, the ways I would grow, the people I would meet, the friends I would make, things I wou… Read More
I have been thinking a lot about integrity lately. It is my favorite of social work’s six core values, perhaps because it is the most all-encompassing. The word can represent honesty… Read More
I am a born and raised Austinite, a rare breed nowadays. Due to proximity, I have been roaming around the Texas Capitol building since before I could properly walk. Drinking Slurpees on the… Read More
My experience in this legislative session so far has only fueled the deep-rooted rage and frustration within me that has persisted since the start of my social work education. For many of us… Read More
On January 12, 2021 the Texas Legislature kicked off the 87th Legislative Session. Long before the start of the session, myself and 13 others from the University of Houston Graduate College… Read More
Before I even started my legislative internship, the 87th legislative session was foreseen as a challenge, due to balancing the fulfillment of the democratic pr… Read More
We have been repeatedly told that this experience interning at the Texas Capitol will be fast paced, to say the least. We will be stressed out and overworked in ways that few people can unde… Read More
During my graduate studies, I’ve been confronted time and again with the perennial question, what is it you study? To dispense always, in tailored anticipation, political social work:… Read More
As an individual focused on drug policy and the justice-system in a highly conservative state, I thought rhetoric would not surprise me, but I was wrong. I have surrounded myself with social… Read More
When it comes to managing time at university, it can be an incredibly overwhelming and jarring shift from a relaxed school life. Because of this, people who are just starting their first yea… Read More
What is change? Change, a verb meaning to make or become different or a noun meaning the act or instance of making or becoming different is, first of all, subjective. What everyone wants to… Read More
Over the past two weeks, I have been responsible for 105 bill analyses on subjects that have been referred to the Texas House of Representatives’State Affairs ,Criminal Jurisprude… Read More
Mr. Speaker – Members, We have entered the last month of the 86thLege! As a social work intern and policy analyst with the Legislative Study Group, a lot of blood, sweat, and tear… Read More
Budget Week: The Struggle Is Real
As a social work intern with the Legislative Study Group (LSG), I am the staffer assigned to the Texas House of Representative’s Appropriations Committee. In this role, I have a front… Read More
“People come here to see how the sausage is made, but some of them become vegetarians.” – Quoted on Overheard Texas Lege (@overheardtxlege on Instagram) Located in an offic… Read More
As Easter came and went, I was able to go home and see my family and friends for the last time before session ends. Even at 4 months into this University of Houston Graduate College of… Read More
This is my second of two blogs and I figured this one would prove easier to write than the first. There have been a whole lot of meetings, even more bills, almost as much coffee, and several… Read More
The Shiny Object
Part of the preparation for this University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work legislative internship consists of, what I like to think of as, Legislature Boot Camp fo… Read More
Researching plastic waste for a class presentation last semester at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work and watching “The Devil We Know” caused my existing… Read More
Since accepting the offer to participate in the Austin Legislative Internship Program, we have been told over and over again that we will be working with some very important people within th… Read More
This is my first legislative session and first blog post ever. I am much more daunted by the former than the latter, which screams volumes, given my avowed phobia of writing. Despite he… Read More
It is difficult to decide what route to take with this blog post. It seems as though a quality approach is to type and think at the same speed: My name is Sophia Creede, and I have been livi… Read More
Yesterday was the start of the 86thTexas Legislative Session and I couldn’t be more excited to start training as a Policy Analyst with the Texas Legislative Study Group. Prior to the s… Read More
Becoming a woman who never took politics seriously, to becoming a Texas Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar, deputized to register voters in each of 5 counties. Then being accepted to the Austi… Read More
Social activism is about much more than disobedience and disruption. There are many effective ways that individuals can help to influence the political landscape and shape public policy &mda… Read More
Although the world may have progressed since the 19th century, by and large, interracial couples still tend to receive a lot of stares. While those doing the staring may not even be aware of… Read More
An Invitation To Remake Child Welfare
A few days before Christmas, the federal government extended an invitation to state child welfare agencies that has the potential to completely transform the system. The invitatio… Read More
Whenever helping someone find employment, I know two things; they want a job and they are only going to share what they think is needed for me to help them. There are many things which, havi… Read More
Voice of an FCNI Staff We all know that the Back-to-School anxiety is a real thing, so some of our Rehabilitation Specialist staff who work one-on-one with our youth and families, as well as… Read More
In my life, I have searched for many things.  I have sought out love.  I have tried to find peace.  But more than anything, it seems like my life has been one constant search… Read More
Not everybody wants the same things, nor do people who do want the same things want them to the same degree. Take yesterday. So there I was on day 1 of a 7 day career exploration workshop. 7… Read More
  “Education exposes young people to a broader world, a world full of opportunity and hope.”  -Christine Gregorie It is a hard life lesson to learn that you ne… Read More
I thought about writing Jim instead.  That is your name.  It has been a while since I have thought of you as more than the person who spread his seed. That certainly doesn’t… Read More
Mother’s Day is here again.  This will be my 7th Mother’s Day without a mother.  That isn’t true, is it?  It has been 7 years since I cut you off. … Read More
Obesity is the most common chronic disease of childhood. The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) reports this condition now affects more than 30 percent of children in the U.S. –– a n… Read More

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Social Justice • News | Topics | Issues • SJS
