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Time to defy them MORE

In the Imperial Governorate of Santa Fe, formerly the State of New Mexico, the Empress is ticked. That’s good – great! But more is needed.

She is so ticked, in fact, that (according to KOAT-TV) she has issued a decree that two churches in Albuquerque have been fined $10,000 apiece for violating her Lockdown edicts.

Their crime? The members of the congregations gathered together to worship on Christmas Eve. In doing so, the assemblies violated the 25% capacity for “houses of worship” imposed. Supposedly to prevent the spread of disease. And the “houses of worship” (the congregations which own the buildings, apparently, since buildings are not sentient) did not force those people assembling to wear masks. Or at least not enough of them. Again, supposedly to prevent the spread of disease.

Even worse, they “boasted” about their refusal to obey her, by posting videos of the services online, as they would normally do. The Empress cannot tolerate such disrespect. Especially as the economy in New Mexico spirals downward.

What is next? Blocking access (and exits) to meetinghouse parking lots (as done in Mississippi)? Spies and stool pigeons with rewards and bounties (as done in Colorado)? Doxxing of worshippers so that Antifa and Black Lives Matters and other street thug storm-troopers can harass and attack them – even assaulting them in their cars (as done in California and elsewhere)?

This is surely only the beginning: like Emperor-Fuehrer Cuomo of New York (the Empire State), Comrade Emperor Newsom of the People’s Republic of California (worthy successor of Emperor Norton I), King Police-State (sorry, Polis) of Colorado (the Rocky Mountain High state), and many others, she is waging a war on churches and synogogues (but not mosques, apparently) and their members. All as part of the Panic Lockdown, with the excuse of preventing the spread of disease.

Such actions are not new or startling for Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Michelle Lujan Gresham the First. She had already destroyed hundreds of restaurants and many other businesses by outlawing indoor dining, forcing “capacity restrictions” and other measures. She has used her State Police jackbooted thugs (and National Guard) to besiege and occupy cities which did not bow to her demands. She has closed grocery stores and supermarkets for weeks because five employees of the store have tested positive, thus denying essential goods and services: she’d rather her subjects starve than risk catching the fearful Beer Flu.

The Panic is, and always has been, an excuse for authoritarian, dictatorial actions on the part of health commisars and many other unelected officials. Mayors, county executives, and former State governors quickly jumped on the bandwagon.

The restrictions on religious gatherings are just the most egregious of many unconstitutional and illegal actions. For these, consider:

  1. Violation of First Amendment rights of worship, speech, and assembly.
  2. Violation of provisions for how laws are to be made – NOT by executives or unelected bureaucrats, but by representatives of the people in legislatures and elected councils and commissions.
  3. Denial of equal treatment – as compared to many other sorts of gatherings which are often ignored for distancing, mask-wearing, shouting and singing.
  4. Denial of due process – fines of very large amounts (for some businesses, up to millions of dollars) without bothering about courts, deliberations, verdicts, or anything like that.

No doubt, there are more. But this is adequate to show that what we have is a counter-revolution. Its leaders? The very people (the “leaders” and their staff – minions) whom we “the People” have supposedly hired. And foolishly, granted authority to carry out OUR will, maintain peace, preserve liberty, and provide for the general welfare.

They have not just betrayed their oaths to uphold, defend (and obey) the Constitutions – both Federal and State. They are EXACTLY the people identified in those oaths against which the Constitutions are to be defended. They are the “domestic enemies.” (Well, some of the domestic enemies. They are just a few of the many groups who hate and fear liberty or believe that our history and society are so evil that they must be attacked and destroyed.

The political labels they wear, and the claims they make about their political philosophy, must be ignored: it is their actions that brand them as enemies. That number includes a lot of so-called Conservatives. As an example, consider the piece of garbage that is the Governor of Wyoming. (Not sure what title to give him yet: emperor and king are too pretentious for Wyoming. Maybe “Paramont Chief” Mark Gordon: at the beginning of December he ordered a mask mandate for the whole State. Wyoming had been part of the Axis of Evil that refused much of the Lockdown and did not succumb to the Panic. No more: and Gordon has done this on his own, supporting county health bosses and the state health director (all unelected positions with NO executive or legislative or judicial authority). He doesn’t have the power granted to him by Wyoming’s people to do this – he has VIOLATED the Wyoming Constitution. He has betrayed his oath, AND the people of Wyoming.

Enemies that must be defeated. Not just one time. And not a defeat which allows them to come back again in two years, or four years.

If we and the people of these States are to again be free, we must CRUSH these enemies. Resist? (That word has been damaged by the AntiFa and their buddies.) So let us:

defy, refuse, hold out, withstand, stand firm, protest, dissent, stand, fend, reject, balk, baulk, jib, contradict, controvert, defend, disobey, elude, escape, fight, fight back, fight down, oppose, react, respond.

How? More on that later.

This post first appeared on FREEDOM BUNKER: The Best Libertarian News And Chat, please read the originial post: here

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Time to defy them MORE


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