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Weekend 2 Cents: Revealed...Roswell Crash Witness Statement Disclosed -- Linda Godfrey...Crypto-Researcher & Author of 'Monsters Among Us'

Revealed: Roswell Crash Witness Statement Disclosed

The following statement was recently posted on the MUFON CMS:

Roswell, NM - 1947-07-05: This is a report of an interview I conducted of a person who was at the Roswell crash site. I am a retired engineer.

I joined the staff of the then new campus of the University of California at Santa Cruz. There were several sightings of UFO's in the mountains behind the campus in 1969 and reported to the University. I was asked to interview 3 people and file a report. I could find on credibility or evidence in these events but, because it was a small campus and everybody in the Sciences knew what was going on, I got the unwanted reputation of someone who knew about UFO's.

One day in 1970, a maintenance worker who I knew well from my church, came into my lab and said he had a friend who wanted to talk to me but did not want to meet in a public place. I suggested we meet at my home that evening. At the time, I did not know he wanted to tell me about a UFO incident.

That evening I was told by the two men that they had been captured by the Germans during WW2 and spent a year and a half in a POW camp. They became good friends during that time and remained so after the war.

The individual I interviewed was a welder by trade and after the war was employed at the Roswell Air Force base welding jigs and fixtures for servicing aircraft. He began by stating that the week before the 4th of July flying saucers would fly over the base in pairs every once in a while. He said they were circular and had a large dome on the top. They were flat on the bottom and were silent. He assumed they were some technology obtained from the Germans. He said everyone working there called them "flats."

He said that he had just returned back to work after the 4th of July holiday when a truck pulled up and an officer got out and told him to load a cutting torch and fresh tanks and that they were going out to the desert. He said that it was mid afternoon when they arrived at the crash site. He said at the time he thought a plane had gone down. He said they had a flatbed truck loaded with wreckage and there were soldiers on their hands and knees picking up every piece of wreckage and putting it in cloth bags. He said the bags were the kind used for sandbags.

He said they drove a little farther out of sight from the wreckage and came upon a second group of people standing around an intact UFO. He said the brush was knocked down indicating the craft had skidded across the ground and came to rest nosed into a natural berm with the back side slightly off the ground.

He described the craft as being about 25/26 feet in diameter with a large dome on top. He said the craft was the 'color of weak tea' with a burnished finish. He said there were no signs of weld marks, seams, or rivets and that all of the edges had either an inside or outside radius. There were no visible windows or openings. That was why he was brought there.

He was told to cut an opening in the dome big enough for a man to crawl through. By this time it was getting to be late afternoon and there were soldiers setting up a bank of portable lights. He said he began cutting a hole from the base of the dome. He said it was a tough alloy and slow cutting but the material was surprisingly thin. He tried bending the metal out of his way as he was cutting but the metal would spring back to its original shape without creasing.

He finished his cut and set the metal piece aside and looked into the cockpit for a few seconds before he was ordered off the craft. He said it was difficult to see very far into the craft because of the glare from the portable lights and the cockpit was full of smoke from the cutting torch. He said he saw two beings who appeared to be dead. He said the cockpit had a strong smell of ammonia. He described the two beings as being about 4' tall but they were doubled up so it was hard to say. They were wearing what he said were skin tight purplish flight suits that reminded him of sequins. He described their heads as what we now refer to as greys. He said there were no visible instruments that he could see.

He was ordered off the craft with his gear and returned to the Air Base. He said it was dark when they arrived and he was escorted by armed guards into a building for a debriefing. He said there were several high ranking officers at the table along with 4 or 5 civilians in suits. He said that after he was debriefed he was told that he was not to talk about what he had seen as it was a state secret and if he was caught divulging anything he would spend the rest of his life in prison or worse. He was scared to death by the threat and my friend and myself are the only people he ever told and that was 23 years after the event.

When we started the interview, I was told that I could not take notes or use a recorder. He was very nervous telling the story and had to be reassured by my friend that I would not betray him. He said that what had been described as the Roswell event was not true and he wanted the truth told after his death. He asked that I keep what he told me a secret until after his death which I have done. He and my friend both passed away in the late 1980's.

When I heard this story I did not know what to think. I was not a UFO buff and had never heard the Roswell story. My friend said this guy was the real thing and during the interview I never sensed anything odd about his presentation or with his mannerisms. He provided a lot more information that I have stated but the interview was almost 50 years ago and forgotten. I think he was telling the truth. My friend was a very honorable and trustworthy man who would knowingly support a bogus story. I never saw or spoke the welder again after that evening. I have shared my knowledge of this interview with a couple of investigators but I think they doubted my credibility. - MUFON CMS


On our most recent Arcane Radio show, remote viewer Dr. Angela Thompson Smith discussed a session conducted by Intuition Service in April 1993. The following excerpt is from her excellent book SEER: 30 Years of Remote Viewing ...and Counting

Location of the Roswell Wreckage

PROJECT: Location of Roswell Wreckage
DATE: April, 1993
CLIENT: Intuition Services
TYPE: Applications

In April of 1993, I was asked to do a viewing by Intuition Services to
locate the whereabouts of the Roswell wreckage. It has been widely
speculated that a UFO crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947 and that the event
was covered up by the government. The group wanted to know the
current whereabouts of the wreckage and to locate a paper trail that
could lead investigators to information regarding the Roswell cover-up.
As usual the group supplied me with a list of non-leading questions,
looking for new information, to which I gave the following answers:

1. Where is the majority of the Roswell crash wreckage now? Where is
it being studied now?

Large pieces of triangular and strut-like pieces of debris, wrapped in
green cloth (surgical drapes) and over-wrapped in tarpaulin are sitting
on dusty shelves in a warehouse at Wright Paterson Air Force Base. They
are very high up, to the very end of row S. This row is the farthest right
as you enter the front entrance to the warehouse. The warehouse door is
open to the light and, currently, not closely guarded. People come and go
through the open door. There is an office space to the left of the front
door (as you enter) and all the itinerary of the warehouse is coded in a
locked file cabinet. In the cabinet are references to documents located in
a locked file in a two-story stone building on the base.

Documents there are dated 1958 and are yellowed with age around
the edges. They relate to physical examination of the debris. The
documents have a decal on the top left, of a circle with a horizontal stripe
through, and writing is superimposed on the design. The debris is not
currently being studied but there is renewed interested from Los Alamos.
I did not see any round (flying-saucer shape) debris. When Brazel
reported the debris to the military and they issued the initial press
release, the debris that Brazel found was reported as a "flying saucer.”
This was purely a case of misinformation and confusion brought on by
people not communicating clearly. Immediately, it was assumed that a
round-type UFO had been discovered, and sparked all the conjecture and
stories that followed about the finding of a UFO.

There were one or more non-human bodies found near the Brazel
ranch and these were removed immediately they were found. The finding
of these bodies caused a great deal of panic and anxiety,
miscommunication, misunderstanding and general chaos. At one time,
the bodies were "lost"; it was reported that they had been rerouted by
accident to another military location but were eventually recovered and
studied. There was paperwork prepared for the removal of the bodies (at
least two) but they indicated that the remains of two dead airmen were
being moved. The names given were something anonymous like John
Doe and James Doe. There was a rumor around that the bodies were of
German paratroopers that had lain undiscovered after their plane
crashed during the war.

2. Describe any living civilians that were aware of the crash before the
military arrived. Male/Female? Age? Occupation?

Besides Brazel and his family, and people who have been described
in the literature and in the media, there were two other people who had
knowledge of the debris; a young boy who was at the ranch shortly after
the crash, maybe a young nephew. There was also a young woman, a
friend of the wife (housewife, wife of a neighbor) who was shown the
debris. She didn't say anything because the wife showed it to her without
Brazel's permission.

3. Is there a private source who has proof of the early July "74 crashes?
Describe that person and his home.

There were various surgeons, pathologists and medical personnel,
with military connections, who were sent samples of biological tissue and
debris to analyze after the crash. One such person is a heavyset man with
a florid complexion who lives in the New York area and works in New
York City. He has several homes, including one in Westchester County.
4. Is there important documentation to be found about the crash in nonsecret
vaults, such as government archives or presidential libraries? If
so, which ones?

All the important documentation related to the crash is still in secret
vaults and not available to the public, yet.

5. Are there other crashed UFOs on the planet that have not been
recovered that could be? If so, where are they?

Yes. Peruvian Andes, Colorado Rockies, Russian Urals. Round
shapes have been recorded on spy satellite images of the Rockies but
have been dismissed as anomalies or geological formation. Maybe the
mountainous areas cause crashes due to misjudgment of height, weather
conditions, and geomagnetic anomalies. Despite their advanced
technology, the craft pilots do make mistakes!

6. What caused the Roswell crash(s)?

An electrical storm combined with fluctuations in the
electromagnetic field of the Earth i.e. an electromagnetic anomaly in the
geography around the Brazel ranch?

7. Describe the aftermath and activities of the personnel around the
crash site at the Plains of St. Augustine, NM and at the wreckage area
near the Marc Brazel, Foster sheep ranch?

There was a great deal of anxiety and confusion, miscommunication,
misunderstanding of orders, dereliction of duty, reporting sick and
general disturbance among the military personnel. Nobody knew what
anybody else was doing, orders were given and rescinded, personnel
were ordered to one location, then told to return as soon as they got
there, a general feeling of incompetence and confusion.
8. Were there live or dead non-humans at each site? Where are the
corpses now? Are they or were they actively studied by humans? If so
what are/were the surroundings? What are/were they studying? DNA

At least two non-human bodies were found. Cell structure was
studied as well as morphology. DNA wasn't discovered until 1953 and by
then the bodies of the aliens had been cremated. (The bodies got so
disgustingly putrid after thawing for tissue samples that they had to be
burned). The testing of the tissue samples did not take place in one
location but were sent out to multiple labs. The individuals doing the
testing were not told the specific source of the samples, just to analyze
them as a biological sample and make a report.

9. Is there a key witness or document that will "break-open" the Roswell
case in the future? Please describe the document or the person. What is
the color of the markings at the top/bottom of the document?
Wings. Blue. The Manager of the Wright Paterson warehouse has
been there a long time and knows what is on the shelves. Maybe when he
retires he will be willing to give information.

Excerpt from SEER: 30 Years of Remote Viewing ...and Counting


This week we welcome crypto-researcher & author Linda Godfrey to Arcane Radio.

Linda Godfrey is one of America's foremost authorities on modern-day monsters. She is the author of over a dozen books on werewolves, hauntings, and the paranormal, including Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America - American Monsters: A History of Monster Lore, Legends, and Sightings in America - The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin's Werewolf and The Michigan Dogman: Werewolves and Other Unknown Canines Across the U.S.A. (Unexplained Presents) Her most recent book is Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomena Linda has appeared on many national TV shows such as The History Channel's Monster Quest, Inside Edition, and has been a guest on radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM.This should be an interesting show! Join us on Wednesday November 16th - 10PM ET / 7PM PT - go to and click 'Listen Live' to listen & chat.

This event is listed at Linda Godfrey - Crypto-Researcher & Author - 'Monsters Among Us'



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This post first appeared on Phantoms And Monsters: Pulse Of The P, please read the originial post: here

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Weekend 2 Cents: Revealed...Roswell Crash Witness Statement Disclosed -- Linda Godfrey...Crypto-Researcher & Author of 'Monsters Among Us'


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