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Future Leaders Academy Of Africa Blog

Future Leaders Academy of Africa is a think tank oriented towards Africa Future Leaders Academy of Africa Indeed, Future Leaders Academy of Africa is a think tank oriented towards Africa FLA offers an analysis of the burning issues in Africa and the world. It is a breeding ground for talent, enriched by scientific rigor and softened by a playful approach. Analyses, blogs, policy briefs, policy notes, reports, podcasts, … are all tools to serve you. FLA is member of the Africa Think Tank Network. Future Leaders Academy of Africa is a think tank oriented towards Africa. FLA is an incubator for African leaders of tomorrow Yes, FLA is an incubator for African talent. Naturally, the institution seeks to develop the African leaders of tomorrow by applying them to the most pressing issues of the day and by training them in critical analysis. A rigorous methodology, a high-level staff, and continental and global experts are the recipes of FLA. In fact, our Junior Fellows come from all over Africa. But also from the diaspora and other countries. They learn an applied methodology for economic, political and social analysis. The prospective approach is the leitmotiv of our think tank. These ingredients allow us to be part of the future of the continent and to accompany its development. Learn your way – Own your opinion! Critical analysis of current events in Africa Future Leaders Academy of Africa is a think tank oriented towards Africa Indeed, FLA allows Junior Fellows to provide our readers with critical analysis of current events. Podcasts, briefs, policy papers, … will be made available to the reader to build his vision of Africa today. Far from the beaten path. The scientific rigor of the analysis is ensured by the review exercised by our senior fellows. In addition,, publications and events will be offered soon. These are opportunities for exchange, analysis and debate on the future of the continent. Stay tuned.
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Future Leaders Academy of Africa
