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Exemplary Senior Technical Officer Honored: Shashank Shende Recognized by ICMR


Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh – [22-Aug-2023]

In an exceptional display of commitment and selflessness, Shashank Shende, a senior technical officer at SGPGIMS Lucknow, has garnered well-deserved recognition and a certificate of honor from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for his remarkable achievement of donating blood 55 times.

Hailing from Kamptee – Nagpur, Maharashtra, Shende’s journey has been one marked by unwavering dedication and pioneering contributions in the field of medical genetics.

Shende embarked on his journey at SGPGIMS Lucknow in 1998, joining as a lab technician in the Department of Medical Genetics, with a primary focus on the HLA lab. Over the years, his career has been distinguished by his involvement in significant medical procedures such as the 2000 Kidney Transplant and 200 Bone Marrow Transplant operations.

With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Shende transitioned to the Sanger Sequencing lab, where his expertise shone brilliantly. He has become a driving force behind the institution’s efforts to advance medical testing, particularly in the realm of genetic diseases. Shende firmly believes that a medical lab technician must possess both theoretical and practical knowledge to excel in their work. He embodies this philosophy in his tireless dedication to understanding the intricate nuances of genetic analysis through Sanger sequencing.

Apart from his professional achievements, Shende is known for infusing positivity into every corner of the lab with his vibrant and joyful demeanor. His ability to strike a balance between hard work and a positive outlook on life has made him an admired figure among colleagues. Shende’s infectious enthusiasm creates an atmosphere conducive to collaboration and innovation, fostering an environment of growth and excellence.

In his role as a Senior Technical Officer at SGPGIMS Lucknow’s Medical Genetics Lab, Shende plays a pivotal role in driving the institution’s research endeavors. His specialization in Sanger sequencing has enabled him to navigate the complexities of genetic analysis with precision and expertise. Shende’s responsibilities encompass not only hands-on laboratory work but also leadership and mentorship for junior team members, showcasing his comprehensive understanding of the field.

Shende’s meticulous approach to Sanger sequencing amplifies the lab’s capabilities, aiding in the identification of crucial genetic variations that are instrumental in diagnosing and treating various medical conditions. His seniority and wealth of experience contribute to a collaborative and knowledge-sharing environment, furthering the growth of the entire team.

Shende’s journey is a testament to the power of dedication, passion, and continuous learning. His story serves as an inspiration to all those aspiring to make significant contributions to the medical genetics field and beyond. As Shende himself advises, success comes through dedication and a deep understanding of one’s craft.

This post first appeared on The Bharat Bytes, please read the originial post: here

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Exemplary Senior Technical Officer Honored: Shashank Shende Recognized by ICMR
