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Boko Haram Fighters Kill Over 300 Members And Their Families Trying To Surrender


Over 300 Boko Haram terrorists planning to surrender to the Nigerian Army have been killed by unrepentant Boko Haram/ISWAP Commanders.

According to Nigerian Tribune, the 300 insurgents and their families were coming out of Sambisa forest to surrender before they were killed.

Brig Gen. Ishaq Abdullahi (rtd), Special Adviser to the Borno State government on Security Affairs, made this known in an interview in Maiduguri.

According to him, more than 90, 000 Boko Haram fighters and their families have so far surrendered to the Borno State government in the last 17 months of initiated of peace dialogue with the fighters.

He noted that not fewer than 95 percent of Boko Haram Commanders diehard have been killed either through military operations or in fighting between the warring factions.

“The advantage we have in this peace dialogue is the death of late Abubakar Shekau and the political will as well as the willingness of the people to forgive.


“They warned that nobody should pick my calls or be eliminated in Sambisa, they actually eliminated more than 300 fighters and their families who were coming out. Just last week they killed three commanders and their families who were about to escape. It is sad to hear that but this is to tell you what we are doing.


“So any surrender Boko Haram you see in the camp now have risked his life to come out, in fact there was one that was coming out and he say sir, pray for me so it is 50/ 50 for them. It is so bad that the commanders are killing the children, women and disability people to instill fear in them.


“Just last week, there was a video that they wore red clothes on them, they were Amirs that have accepted to come but unfortunately they were eliminated to instill fear on those who are willing to surrender.” Ishaq revealed.


“Again, we are so lucky that over 95 percent of Boko Haram commanders diehard are dead, they are dead. It make it easy for us to speak with them and persuade them drop their weapon to embrace peace.


“I must say this in fighting between Islamic State of West African Province(ISWAP) and Boko Haram fighters has helped us but mostly importantly the death of commanders played a key role in our success.


He attributed the success to the fervent prayers of Borno people and the political will of current administration in the state.

“I just have to say this, the people of Borno had prayed seriously, I hold opinion that it is their prayers that God accepted in this way. in fact, most of these people the moment they came out they would say we don’t know why we fighting.


“Its amazed me most times, when I listened to them. It has gotten to certain time that when they see my call in Sambisa forest they would be confused.”

This post first appeared on Ijawvibes, please read the originial post: here

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Boko Haram Fighters Kill Over 300 Members And Their Families Trying To Surrender
