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Nawaz Sharif's Sudden Diplomatic Revival of Old Disgraced Nawaz Sharif as New Pawn of Pakistan Army

Nawaz Sharif's Sudden Diplomatic Revival Of Old Disgraced Nawaz Sharif As New Pawn Of Pakistan Army

- Comma

- Pakistani Justice Mohammad Bashir said that any country is on the brink of destruction when its pro-ruling verdicts echo in the courtroom. Protecting the courts from political miscreants is a task as important as saving the entire nation and a war!

The return of Nawaz Sharif, the three-time Prime Minister of Pakistan and the senior PML-N leader, to his homeland is a major event in terms of the political stability of the neighboring country. There is no doubt that he has been a popular and powerful leader of his country, but it should not be forgotten that after the much-publicized Panama Papers leak, he was declared ineligible for the post of Prime Minister by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, barring him from holding any public office for life. was placed and sentenced to seven years. He was released on health grounds after serving jail time in a corruption case. Later permission was also given to go to London.

When he returned after four years, he had just received protective bail from the High Court. In the meantime, he will appear in court and it is believed that he will also get relief. Underpinning such expectations is the belief that their current presence in Pakistan is sanctioned by the military. It is only with the will and permission of the army that Nawaz Sharif, who could not even think of returning to Pakistan for the last four years after going to London, has suddenly returned with honor. As soon as he returned, he also held pink political rallies, which showed that he was starting a new game like a new chess master, according to a well-planned plan.

Elections are to be held in Pakistan at the end of next January and former Prime Minister Imran Khan, leader of PTI and leading in popularity, will also participate in it. Imran Khan, who was forced to step down after growing differences with the army, was also jailed in a corruption case, but the Islamabad High Court stayed his sentence, clearing the way for him to contest the elections. Obviously, in such a situation, it is necessary not only for his political rivals, but also for the Pakistan Army to eliminate the possibility of Imran Khan's election victory.

It is clear that the popularity of Nawaz Sharif, who was once a speck of glass in the eyes of the Pakistani army, is now becoming a tool for them to remove Imran Khan from the road. Whether this will be possible or not will be clear only after the election results, but for now, the return of Nawaz Sharif has certainly made the election race there interesting. However, the bigger question than winning or losing the elections is whether the elected leadership after winning the elections will be able to bring Pakistan out of the misery of economic crisis and whether the roots of democracy will be strengthened there. The first question will be answered not by the words but by the actions of the leader who comes to power, but as far as the second question is concerned, it is the game of Pakistan Army to bring and remove leaders from power. Nawaz was a discredited leader who was raised on the throne, but he has been brought back to the field, it is the diplomacy of the Pakistan army.

Nawaz Sharif was sentenced to ten years of rigorous imprisonment and his daughter Maryam to seven years of rigorous imprisonment, one chapter of Sharif was now over in Pakistan and at that time two serious cases were pending trial. The convictions were mainly related to disproportionate assets, with Sharif revealing the two-figure money he had invested in various properties in Britain. Nawaz Sharif has a Himsheela-like personality when it comes to corruption, meaning many of his scandals are yet to be exposed. In the last term in Pakistan, he was only Mahoru and the entire power was enjoyed by his daughter Maryam. The world no longer has high expectations from the leaders of Asian countries.

In America and Europe, it is customary to call corrupt leaders 'just like an Asian leader'. 'Asian leaders' is a new British English idiom for leaders who have no interest in the social progress of their people and who come to power only to protect the interests of their party and cronies. A closer look at the judgments of the courts of any Asian country reveals that most of the judgments are biased towards the ruling party, reports from 'The Washington Post' recently pointed out. Nawaz Sharif and all the Pakistani leaders before him took the Pakistani judiciary under political influence.

Across Asia, it is the case that leaders are surrounded by several allegations related to the judiciary. In Bangladesh and Pakistan, a gentleman and neutral judge is proved to be a madman. Political interference in the judiciary is an indictment of Asian courts. However, in the last two-three years, the Pakistani judiciary has changed the way of taxation. A retired judge of a Pakistani court has alleged in his published autobiography that if a case is filed against the politicians in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh for the scams committed by them, the courts of the three countries have to do the same thing for 20 consecutive years, because so much All are corrupt leaders and most are scams.

Nawaz Sharif's entire family was exposed. The bitter vine had a mold like all bitters. Both his sons were declared fugitives and are believed to be in hiding in the Caribbean islands. Sharif's plan is to return his party to power in the upcoming general elections in Pakistan and somehow exonerate himself completely. The punishment meted out to him and Maryam included hard labor. He was the first ever prime ministerial leader of South Asia who was sent to prison after being thrown into a hellish life while taking advantage of the greed of tax havens.

Nawaz Sharif also approached British and American learned advocates and some other legal firms (law firms), but all of them refused to fight or advise him as Sharif's scams revealed by the Panama Papers were completely in line with the British government's land and house registration. was Despite the tireless efforts of Nawaz's Pakistani lawyers, they lost the case. Several other corporate executives who ran Nawaz-owned foreign companies Nelson Enterprises and Nescol Ltd, who also went underground after the sentences were announced, have now started appearing on Nawaz's side with new funds.

This post first appeared on The Editorial News, please read the originial post: here

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Nawaz Sharif's Sudden Diplomatic Revival of Old Disgraced Nawaz Sharif as New Pawn of Pakistan Army
