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Innocent of capital punishment? Then who killed 19 girls?

Innocent Of Capital Punishment? Then Who Killed 19 Girls?

- Nithari heinous case was investigated by CBI but there was no eyewitness, due to lack of eyewitness the convict was released

- The acquittal in Koli-Pandher case of 19 innocent girls who were raped and killed and then brutally dismembered and buried in the ground is shocking. When the trial court sentenced Koli-Pandher to death, it seemed that both the Hewanos had been punished for their crimes, but the High Court reversed the verdict, ending the case contrary to public perception.

An anti-climax has arrived in the case of Nithari murder, which once shocked the whole country. In the case of rape and murder of 19 girls, the trial court sentenced the two main accused Surendra Koli and Mohinder Singh Pandher to death. Koli was sentenced to death in 12 cases while Pandher was sentenced to death in 2 cases. The Allahabad High Court reversed this judgment and not only canceled the death sentence of Koli and Pandher but also acquitted them both.

The CBI investigated the case. After the trial court sentenced Koli to death in 12 cases and Pandher in 2 cases, both argued in their petitions in the High Court that there were no eyewitnesses to the so-called murders. Both have been convicted based on circumstantial and scientific evidence alone.

The High Court upheld this contention and acquitted both Koli and Pandher on the ground of direct evidence and lack of witnesses to be responsible for the massacre. Both Koli and Pandher have been sentenced to death in the Rimpa Haldar murder case. Both the High Court and the Supreme Court have approved the death penalty in this case, so both Koli and Pandher will not be out of jail, but shockingly, nothing happened to them in the case of brutally dismembering and burying 19 innocent girls after raping and murdering them. is A charge sheet was registered against both of them in 16 cases but both of them committed 19 murders.

When the trial court sentenced Koli-Pandher to death, it seemed that both the convicts had been punished for their crimes. After reading the details of the shocking Nithari massacre, everyone felt that the two should not be punished less than death. The trial court's judgment gave satisfaction that justice has been done, but the High Court changed the judgment itself, and this case has ended contrary to people's expectations. The CBI can challenge the High Court judgment in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court could have sentenced both the prisoners to death but for now both have been acquitted.

The Nithari massacre is one of the most heinous and shocking massacres in the history of India. Along with girls, Koli-Pandher also made small boys victims of their lust. Only one of the girls killed by Koli-Pandher, Payal, was 20 years old, while the remaining 15 boys and girls were minors. Surendra alias Satish Koli, who was working as a servant to businessman Mohinder Pandher, kidnapped these girls, brutally raped them and then killed them. Some girls were also raped by Pandher and then both killed them together.

Koli-Pandhers used to kill innocents and cut the bodies into pieces and bury them at the back of their house. The series of killings started in 2005 and continued for two years. In 2005, girls suddenly started disappearing mysteriously from Nithari, but Pandher was a respectable person so no one suspected him.

Police also played a major role in this case. Since the missing girls were from poor families, when their parents went to complain, the police would turn them away. Even the parents would forget the whole matter after getting tired of being repeatedly pushed by the police station. Nithari Resident Welfare Association President S.C. Had Mishra not come into the picture, this streak might have continued.

In December 2006, two parents whose daughters had gone missing contacted the police after reporting that the remains of the missing children were near a municipal water tank behind house number D-5 in Sector 31, Noida, Mohinder Pandher. The people reached Mishra when the police did not give them credit. Mishra went to the water tank with both of them and checked and found a severed and rotten hand. After that Mishra contacted the police along with the mob and the police had to be active.

Based on the complaint of the people, the police searched the rear of Pandher's house and found a large number of skulls, bones and other body parts from there. Even then the police tried to cover up the incident but public outrage had already flared up so finally the police caught Koli and Pandher and put them in jail. Pandher's maid, Maya, was also arrested on the suspicion of kidnapping girls and bringing them home.

Even after that, the police kept trying to arrest the accused. When the police were examining the dead bodies, a new explosion broke when Payal's body was found, as it was not revealed that Payal was killed by Koli-Pandher. As the police tried to suppress the incident, frustrated people came down on the road, finally Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav handed over the investigation to the CBI. A committee was also formed to investigate police negligence. The CBI quickly investigated and filed a chargesheet and in February 2009 Koli-Pandher was hanged in the Rimpa Haldar case. After that Koli was sentenced to death in 12 cases and Pandher in 2 cases in a span of three years. Now the High Court has canceled that sentence.

Following the judgment of the High Court, everything has become zero in the Nithari case. No one has been punished for their murder after the discovery of such a large amount of human remains. Due to this, the question has been raised that, if Koli-Pandher did not commit the murders, who committed this massacre? 57 Where did the 700 bones found in the bag come from?

It is unlikely that the answer to this question will ever be found.

Colleen had a perversion of sex with dead bodies

The CBI punished Koli-Pandher but did not get to the root of the carnage. Due to this, even after 17 years after the massacre came to light, the motive behind the murders of Pandher-Koli has not been revealed. The CBI investigation was also questionable as the CBI had acquitted Pandher in the first chargesheet in 2007 and termed Koli as the mastermind, but later made him an accused after finding forensic evidence against Pandher. The CBI also claimed that Koli was a necrophiliac.

A CBI investigation suspected a child pornography racket after finding obscene literature and a laptop with a webcam in Pandher's house. Photos of Pandher with naked children and foreigners were also found abroad. At the end of the investigation, it was revealed that the naked children were his grandchildren and Pandher was not involved in child pornography. No satisfactory explanation was given about laptop and webcam.

There was also the possibility of killing fifteen boys and girls and selling their organs. Pandher's neighbor doctor was caught in a similar case in 1998 but escaped. Police raided but found no evidence.

The investigation team also expressed the possibility that Koli-Pandher had eaten human flesh after the killing. The team did not rule out the possibility of cannibalism (cannibalism) after observing the brutality both had endured with the victims and the remains, but this was not investigated in depth.

Koli-Pandher hanged in 14-year-old Rimpa's rape-murder case

Koli and Pandher have been sentenced to death in the Rimpa Haldar case. Rimpa was an innocent girl of only 14 years. Pandher and Koli brutally raped her and left her dead. Rimpa, who lived with her parents and four younger siblings in Nithari village, suddenly disappeared in 2005. A very smiling Rimpa was smart in studies, straight-forward and got along with everyone. Rimpa studied with her grandparents there and came to her parents on vacation. Such a girl suddenly disappeared so everyone was shocked.

Rimpa's father Anil Haldar drove a rickshaw while her mother helped the family by doing housework. Rinpa was passing by Pandher's house in the afternoon when Koli picked her up.

This post first appeared on The Editorial News, please read the originial post: here

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Innocent of capital punishment? Then who killed 19 girls?
