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Cow will not get national animal status: Forest government announcement

Cow Will Not Get National Animal Status: Forest Government Announcement

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- MP Gendabhai Gumani sparked a debate in the forest by demanding special status for cows instead of tigers, but heavy lobbying by the tiger community took effect and their status remained unchanged.

In the forest there was, so to speak, a lot of competition between animals and birds, but each animal and bird community suspected itself of being superior. The whole animal community was unanimous that animals were stronger, more efficient, had a more glorious history than birds. Birds believe that animals have not got the power to fly, so the bird community is considered the strongest and most skilled. Birds had vision, wings. Animals had greater physical capacity.

This was not the end of the matter. When the talk of animals and birds came out, unity was seen in the animals and the birds also became united. But the competition of being more powerful-smarter than each other is real. Eagles considered themselves the highest among birds. So crows were proud of smartness. Parrots were loved by everyone and legends claim that even Lord Sri Rama loved their company. Vulture society had the arrogance of foresight. Pigeons were highly suspected of their communication skills. He felt that there is no bond of pigeon society in terms of contact. Morsamaj was proud of art. Ever since Lord Krishna gave the peacock a place of honor in the crown, the moral society has gained momentum. Also, the forest government had given the special status of national bird to the whole society years ago, appreciating the peacock's art.

Among the animals, lions ruled for years, claiming royal blood. He used to get special respect. Their population was counted. As special reports of fluctuations are presented. When the lions died alone, there was a lot of discussion in the forest. Lionesses giving birth to cubs used to make news. Since horses have a history of fighting in wars, they consider themselves heroic. Donkeys believed that no one can do as much work as them and singing ability is unique in Latka. Also, since the forest government increased the price of labor, the facilities available to them, the average income of the donkey community also increased. Bullocks gradually gained respectability through cultivation. From Maharaja Singh to opposition leader Sasalabhai, the bulls' debts were waived, so the financial condition of the bulls also improved. Also, since Lord Shankar's Pothia were descendants of Nandi, there was a religious belief that bulls were supreme in society.

Lions claimed to be the most powerful animal in the jungle. The challenge of the tigers was there. Tigers were not particularly interested in power, but were obsessed with special status and respect. Tigers were made the national animal years ago to avoid conflict, and in the 'Save Tigers' project, all the tigers were saved fresh from the Gir forest by giving Matabar funds! Everything was going well, but Wattbank was more important in Jangalshahi. Union power was more important than being powerful. The greater the number of animal or bird society, the more important it is. There were more cows than tigers in the forest. Also, cows were able to prove their religious importance. Apart from the fact that cows were dear to Lord Krishna, cows were mentioned very respectfully in the ancient stories of the forest.

Maharaja Singh himself used to praise cows. During the rule of Bhaktivan Raja Singh, the demand for giving special status to cows was gaining momentum. Not long ago, MP Gendbhai Gumani campaigned to declare cows as the national animal instead of tigers. Average jungle dwellers wanted the special status of cows that lived with them every day. Lord Shri Krishna's beloved Gayasamaj was a symbol of faith for the forest dwellers. Tigers did not get along well with most jungle dwellers and were prone to bullying. After getting the special status, many tigers burst into smoke, so many leaders of the forest also came to the ground to cut the tigers to size. Many leaders were supporting MP Gendbhai Gumani's campaign.

Aware of their status, the Tigers had started lobbying since they came to know about this. He directly approached Bearbhai, Maharaja Singh's personal advisor. The tigers knew that the jungle power was more influential than the union power. He gave a big election fund to Maharaja Singh's party. On the other hand, today's cows go viral on social media. It was explained to the jungle dwellers that tigers don't attack anyone with their horns!

Tiger lobbying and Dhanshakti took effect. The Forest Minister of Maharaja Singh's government announced one day: 'The cow is not a national animal and there is no consideration in giving that status to the cow society. The tiger is and will remain the national animal.'

This post first appeared on The Editorial News, please read the originial post: here

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Cow will not get national animal status: Forest government announcement
