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Neue Überschrift: “Northvolt-Fabrik in Heide setzt Impulse für Wohnungsbau in Schleswig-Holstein”

Neue Überschrift: “Northvolt-Fabrik In Heide Setzt Impulse Für Wohnungsbau In Schleswig-Holstein”

Verbandsbüro - Ihr Experte für Verbands-und Vereinsmarketing

Neue Überschrift: “Northvolt-Fabrik in Heide setzt Impulse für Wohnungsbau in Schleswig-Holstein”

"Positive Signal for Housing Construction in Schleswig-Holstein: Northvolt Factory to be built near Heide"
"23.01.2024 - The Northvolt battery factory near Heide will be built, bringing with it the promise of up to 3,000 new jobs in the region. This significant development also creates a demand for housing, a need that is welcomed by the BFW Landesverband Nord, the regional association for free real estate and housing companies. With over 5,000 new apartments built since 2020, the BFW Landesverband Nord sees the decision to construct the Northvolt factory as a positive signal for the housing market in Schleswig-Holstein. The region is set to benefit greatly as it establishes itself as a hub for future technologies and climate protection. The association's members are ready to build the necessary homes, provided there are sufficient land resources and expedited approval processes. This exciting news paves the way for growth and ample living spaces for those newcomers to Schleswig-Holstein. Stay tuned for further updates on this exciting development."

The post Neue Überschrift: “Northvolt-Fabrik in Heide setzt Impulse für Wohnungsbau in Schleswig-Holstein” first appeared on Verbandsbüro - Ihr Experte für Verbands-und Vereinsmarketing and is written by Presseredaktion

This post first appeared on Verbandsbüro, please read the originial post: here

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Neue Überschrift: “Northvolt-Fabrik in Heide setzt Impulse für Wohnungsbau in Schleswig-Holstein”
