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Major earthquake hits Taiwan, magnitude 5.3, no damage reported

Major Earthquake Hits Taiwan, Magnitude 5.3, No Damage Reported

Image Source: Twitter

- Earlier on September 18, a strong earthquake was felt in the north-east of Taiwan

New delhi date. 14 October 2023, Saturday

Strong tremors were felt today on the east coast of Taiwan, after the earthquake in Afghanistan caused great devastation. The magnitude of the earthquake was 5.3 on the Richter scale. For a short while, all the buildings in the capital of Taiwan were shaken by the strong shock. But so far no clear information about the damage has been revealed.

People run away from home and office

The epicenter of the quake was at a depth of 7.2 km (4.5 miles) in the ocean near Huilian County, the weather bureau said. According to local media reports, people have fallen after the strong earthquake. All had left their homes and offices. Taiwan is located near the junction of two tectonic plates and is prone to earthquakes.

There was an earthquake recently

Earlier on September 18, a strong earthquake was felt in the north-east of Taiwan. Meanwhile, the magnitude of the earthquake was estimated at 6.1. Buildings shook due to the earthquake. However, even then no clear information was given about the damage.

Strong tremors of earthquake were felt earlier too

In September of the year 2022, strong earthquake tremors were felt in Taiwan. The magnitude of the earthquake at that time was estimated at 6.8 on the Richter scale. Meanwhile, around 150 people were injured and one person died in the south-eastern part of Taiwan.

This post first appeared on 24x7 Breaking NEWS, please read the originial post: here

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Major earthquake hits Taiwan, magnitude 5.3, no damage reported
