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Pakistanis living abroad come to Pakistan only to bury dead bodies, uproar over Defense Minister's statement

Pakistanis Living Abroad Come To Pakistan Only To Bury Dead Bodies, Uproar Over Defense Minister's Statement

Islamabad, 17 July 2023, Saturday

While the Indian government is honoring the people of Indian origin living abroad and providing them with various facilities, the government of Pakistan is busy humiliating its own citizens living abroad.

Pakistan's Defense Minister Khawaja Asif made a statement in Parliament two days ago that, some live in Canada and some in America...all these are shameless people and they come to Pakistan only to bury their relatives and then leave.

This statement is having deep repercussions among Pakistanis living in other countries. The association of doctors of Pakistani origin based in America has strongly criticized this statement and said that the defense minister has insulted the Pakistanis living in America and Europe. Pakistani citizens living abroad have always prioritized the interests of Pakistan. For whatever political differences exist in Pakistan, it is necessary to have a dialogue with the people instead of making such statements.

The organization has appealed to the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shahbaz Sharif, that the Prime Minister should pay attention to this matter and delete the statement of Khawaja Asif from the records of the Parliament.

This post first appeared on 24x7 Breaking NEWS, please read the originial post: here

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Pakistanis living abroad come to Pakistan only to bury dead bodies, uproar over Defense Minister's statement
