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Rail Baltica €5.8 million access track repair work starts


Repair of a section of rail track in southwest Estonia which will be used in the building of the planned high-speed Rail Baltica line will soon be underway. The work is largely funded by the European Union.

The existing line being repaired, running between Lelle, Rapla County, and Pärnu, will not be part of the Rail Baltica route, but instead will be used to transport construction materials for same.

The 40 km/h rail link will primarily convey rail, sleepers, sand and gravel to be used in the Tootsi-Ikla, Pärnu County, section construction of Rail Baltica, which is set to complete in 2024 and will link Tallinn with Warsaw, Poland, via Latvia and Lithuania, slashing existing over-land travel times between the four countries and providing a link to “continental” Europe into Germany and beyond.

Rail sections are up to 50 meters in length, with the total to be laid down on the section in question estimated at 24,000 tons, along with 600,000 tons of crushed stone to be used in ballast.

Some ballast to be used in Rail Baltica will take the form of by-products from the shale oil mining industry based in Ida-Viru County, and road transport will also be needed to bring materials to site, as well as rail links.

Rain Kaarias, manager at rail operator Edelaraudtee, which operates trains on the existing Lelle-Pärnu line, says the work on the latter will be carried out in sections.

Read more: ERR.EE

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Rail Baltica €5.8 million access track repair work starts
