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Dhoni’s 20-minute conversation with Jharkhand driver during ad-shoot reveals his humility

Dhoni’s 20-minute Conversation With Jharkhand Driver During Ad-shoot Reveals His Humility

People who are familiar with MS Dhoni are aware of his elusive personality: he is a person of few words, picky about the people he associates with, and elusive unless you have a particular place in his heart. He exudes an aura that is nothing short of spectacular, and this aura is complemented by the respect that he has earned throughout his career.

Dhoni’s humility, more than his layers of fame and grandeur, is what continues to enthral fans all around the world. And now, a fascinating tale has surfaced that sheds insight on the enigmatic Captain Cool during a long talk he had with a driver from Jharkhand while shooting an advertisement.

The story, which was tweeted, was related in an interview with Chalchitra Talks by acclaimed co-producer and author Devaiah Bopanna. Although Dhoni doesn’t converse with many people, Bopanna said in the interview that he is a nice person.

If you talk to him, he’ll respond nicely, he said. He continued by recalling an incident that happened during a commercial shoot for an advertisement that included Dhoni. The driver of their car knew it was an MS Dhoni shoot while they were driving to the location. The driver, a major fan of MS Dhoni and a native of Jharkhand, showed his enthusiasm.

The team made the sweet decision to give the driver a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by inviting him to meet Dhoni. The driver and everyone else in the area were taken aback by Dhoni’s warm response when he was presented to them. Given that he hadn’t spoken to anyone for so long during the entire session, Bopanna said that Dhoni legit spoke to him for like 20 minutes.

He also revealed that Dhoni even asked about the driver’s home and exchanged childhood stories, establishing a unique bond with the driver.

Dhoni even called his manager to ask for the driver’s contact information so he could be his chauffeur anytime he was in town, which further strengthened his relationship with the person.

The post Dhoni’s 20-minute conversation with Jharkhand driver during ad-shoot reveals his humility appeared first on APN News.

This post first appeared on Latest World News, Breaking News In India, Business, Sports, Entertainment, please read the originial post: here

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Dhoni’s 20-minute conversation with Jharkhand driver during ad-shoot reveals his humility
