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Enigma In Black Blog

Opinion and reporting about politics, race and education.
Can Your Story Title Be Too Good?
Everything you’ve been told says that the story title will determine whether or not someone is interested enough to click open your story and start reading it. I’m here to tell y… Read More
What If Trump Won’t Leave?
It’s not as ridiculous a question as it seems. Trump has already hinted at the possibility of not leaving office; even if he completed two full terms in office. Of course, there are tw… Read More
Trump: Surrounded By Rats!
Instead of the rats deserting the sinking ship, they appear to be circling the President, waiting to bite a vulnerable spot. It was ironic that Trump recently tweeted about Richard Nixon&rsq… Read More
Trump Word For The Day: Collusion!
Definition – Secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others. Donald Trump says it in almost every public conversation. “No Collusion!… Read More
I Beg Your Pardon… Dad
“So Dad, if I get indicted for some of the stuff I did for you, will pardon me?” “It’s not as simple as that Junior. If I pardon you, my lawyers tell me it will almos… Read More
Paul Manafort Goes To Jail
Paul Manafort has a certain sense of style, his fashion sense might not be for everyone, but records show he paid $849,215 to a men’s clothing store in New York. He paid New York tailo… Read More
The Funeral Of Donald Trump
As must we all, Donald Trump will eventually meet his demise and the country will be faced with the need for the funeral of an ex-President. Always a revered occasion, these events are typic… Read More
Donald Trump: 7 Hours Of Hell
A Manhattan Judge just ruled that Donald Trump must sit for a 7-hour deposition with lawyers from Summer Zervos in her defamation case. Zervos, a former contestant on “The Apprentice… Read More
Will Paul Manafort Run?
Paul Manafort has basically been under house arrest while awaiting two trials to start later this year. He is scheduled to begin trial in Alexandria, VA on July 24, 2018, on charges of bank… Read More
Donald Trump… Above The Law!
The New York Times has obtained a 20-page memo from the then Trump lawyers to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, indicating Trump “could not possibly” have committed Obstruction of… Read More
Trump Word For The Day: Discovery
Forgotten amidst the omnipresence of Stormy Daniels and her attorney Michael Avenatti is the defamation suit brought by Summer Zervos, a former “Apprentice” contestant. Miss Zerv… Read More
The most recent explanation for why Donald Trump paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 in the days leading up to the 2016 election is that he, “did it for his family.” We appare… Read More
The Alpha Males Of The White House
There’s something troubling about some of the men in the White House and their relationships with women. Let’s start arbitrarily with Rob Porter, famous for having battered his t… Read More
Trump Word For The Day: Non-Disclosure
The Trump word for the day is Non-Disclosure. After spending weeks creating distractions trying to keep his affair with porn star Stormy Daniels out of the headlines. Trump gets the double w… Read More
Why Trump Must Fire Mueller
Trump really has no choice, the Mueller investigation is slowly but surely closing in on him and what little hope he had that his financial crimes, his obstruction, and even collusion will g… Read More
Trump Word For The Day: Subpoena
The New York Times reports that Special Counsel Bob Mueller has officially subpoenaed records from Donald Trump involving his businesses, some involving Russia. Despite Trump’s claims… Read More
The President Can’t Read!
There are three minimum requirements to become President of the United States: One must be at least 35 years of age. One shall have resided within the United States for 14 years. One must be… Read More
Photo: billboard.comOn June 17, 2017, after five days of deliberation, a mistrial was declared in the trial of actor/comedian Bill Cosby. He was charged with three counts of aggravated indec… Read More
Omarosa: Watch Your Back Girl!
Multiple news outlets are saying you might have secretly taped people in the White House and you’re now trying to find a lawyer to either; Protect you if you get called as a witness by… Read More
Photo: thenakedconvos.comIn 1996, Prince released a cover of The Stylistics, “Betcha By Golly Wow.” Before he began singing, he said, “Sometimes the words of another&hellip… Read More
Why Trump Likes Norwegians
In testimony under oath, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielson told the world why Donald Trump prefers immigrants from Norway as opposed to those from any part of Africa, El Salvador, or Haiti! She… Read More
Alan Spivey: Shadow Warrior
Almost two years ago, I made an appointment to interview a young man in anticipation of one day writing a book about him. Not for the things he had accomplished, but for what he would. He wa… Read More
Trump Word For The Day: Blackmail
After Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R) Iowa announced he would not be releasing the transcript of their 10-hour interview with the head of Fusion GPS regarding the Trum… Read More
Trump Word For The Day: Obstruction
The first rule of obstruction is that you don’t talk about obstruction. When Donald Trump went to FBI Director James Comey to ask him to drop the investigation of Michael Flynn. He tal… Read More
The Dreamers Deferred!
On September 5, 2017, Jeff Sessions announced that the Trump administration would be ending DACA, the Obama-era program that allowed undocumented immigrants that were brought to this country… Read More
I don’t know you Omarosa, I am writing to send you a word of encouragement after your resignation firing from the Trump administration today. I want to commend you for navigating the s… Read More
Insincere Apologies
Matt Lauer is “embarrassed and ashamed” and has, “no words to express my sorrow and regret” for the pain he caused women he now professes to admire. Lauer said, &ldqu… Read More
Fathers And Sons
Michael Flynn and Michael Flynn, Jr “The SJW (Social justice warriors) are out in full this morning, the disappointment on your faces when I don’t go to jail will be worth all y… Read More
What Flynn’s Guilty Plea Means!
Michael Flynn just plead guilty to a charge of, Lying To The FBI.” He acknowledged lying about negotiating a deal with the Russians, not to respond to sanctions against Russia imposed… Read More
Trump Word For The Day: Pocahontas
Donald Trump simply doesn’t know when to shut the hell up. At a ceremony honoring three Navajo Indian veterans who served as code talkers during World War II, Trump went off script and… Read More

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