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Singapore Tourist Pass


Recently during Hari Raya, we visited Singapore. It's a day tour. We started our day from Abah's house in Kluang at 730 am. It was the 3rd raya. We drove straight to JB, and as I remembered the journey took 0130 hours.

We parked at a designated paid parking, walking distance from KTM Railway station. I think the fee is RM10. I guess it is ok considered that we parked for the whole day.

Where we went while in Singapore?

Okay here are the places

Bugis Street -The shopping mall called Bugis Junction Mall, Liverpool FC official store (Malaysia tak ada)

Arab Street - The Sultan Mosque, Turkish Restaurant, Zam Zam restaurant 

Changi Airport - The Jewel, a small commute from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1, the commuter actually has a trail just next to the Jewel fountain. It is a beautiful thing to see at the airport.

The Raffles Place - got to see the 'mermaid lion', and the city. Was beautiful.

Next entry, i'll share how we commute using Singapore Tourist Pass. 

This post first appeared on My 2 Cents, please read the originial post: here

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Singapore Tourist Pass
