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My 2 Cents Blog

I really enjoy photography since I was a kid.. ..I believe every picture can tells a story without missing a single word ...let these pictures tell you my stories and my unlimited imaginations...
Recently during Hari Raya, we visited Singapore. It's a day tour. We started our day from Abah's house in Kluang at 730 am. It was the 3rd raya. We drove straight to JB, and as I remembered… Read More
Insurance is very important nowadays . You cannot simply get treatment in hospital with no insurance policy .You can get one with investment linked or others and it is all depends on your mo… Read More
Yeah , end of the year is coming . As usual , I need money for my car insurance and road tax . Here in my country , you need to renew your car insurance when update your road tax . But lucki… Read More
hip hip hurray for ferdowsi ...he is now 1 year old ...p/s : you can check my new tech blog Read More
Drug is a disease to our society now . It is a number one enemy in all the states . Drug addict will have no future in in their life . They will do anything to get the supply including suici… Read More
Free Car Quotes is my new website . Is it good for landing page ?My next goal is to try affiliate marketing . I have done website flipping , domain flipping , adsense , blogs review and so f… Read More started a new website for Image Hosting Website . It is free of course . Just browse and upload your picture . Check it out my Image Hosting Website Read More
Sometimes my current job require me to present to Telco seminar and exhibition such as Communic Asia , World Telecommunication day events etc . I will be the exhibitor on behalf of my compan… Read More
I have a few saving account from various banks in my country .Saving account is for someone who plans to save money and look for short-term safe and stable investments vehicles, bank saving… Read More
Identity theft is a major problem nowadays in US especially . People will do anything just for their own personal objectives such as money , as well as other benefits . Some immigrant from n… Read More
Yeah , due to retina detachment operation I did last time , my left eye prescription increase to -6.50 from -3.50 . I feel quite blurry on my left eye since the difference is about -3.0 . My… Read More
hi,check out my new proxies ....http://www.allstarboys.comhttp://www.pixcollector.comhttp://www.bmwimages.comeasy to remember right ? Read More
I just changed my glass yesterday . Actually I got retina detachment surgery on my left eye last 2 weeks and my vision is not stable yet . Still got the flashes and that keep me head acne so… Read More
Panasonic AG - HVX200 The Panasonic AG - HVX200 is a handheld HD p2 camera observer that ' s designed to fair the emerging needs needs connections HD content production. The camera debuts an… Read More
Taking a supplement of vitaminThere are a number of essential vitamins that the body needs to function properly and it is possible to take these in the form fa vitamin supplement. The majori… Read More
Insurance is very important in our life . We need insurance to protect our life , our family , our house , and many more valueable things . What is insurance actually ? Insurance is a form o… Read More
Although we would like to believe that we always work in safety, accidents do happen and you need to make sure you have all the angles covered in case of accident. If you get sick or injur… Read More
I have never been to Europe countries . From my research and study , Europe has a lot of interesting places to visit . I need at least a month to travel all round Europe . More than 100… Read More
Paintball is popular outdoor games nowadays . Teenagers as well as adults may enjoy this outdoor activities . Of course , you need a plan and strategy if you want to win the game .I also enj… Read More
Another Minang Kabau House ..located at Bukit Tinggi ..Here you will find a lot of their tools for agriculture , education , culture etc...replica of 8 legged cows also can be seen here Read More
This is Rumah Adat / Rumah Pertemuan for leaders in Minang society . They will have their monthly meeting here to discuss about their society's issues such as marriage , death etc Read More
The landmark of Bukittinggi is the clock tower,its own Big Ben. It is called Jam Gadang (Big Clock in the local language of the Minangkabau people).The Dutch Queen gave it as a present to th… Read More
I never tried beca/trishaw in my life although my hometown is Malacca...During my trip to Medan , I use trishaw as main transport to everywhere ....I capture this image on one of the trishaw… Read More
Nymphaeaceae is the botanical name of a family of flowering plants. The family is also called the waterlily family. The white water lily is the national flower of Bangladesh. It is also the… Read More
Putrajaya At Nite
Putrajaya is a planned city and a Federal Territory that acts as a federal government administration centre of Malaysia moved from the overcrowding and congestion of Kuala Lumpur. However, K… Read More
Cameron Highland
The Cameron Highlands are the largest and most genteel of the hill resorts in Malaysia. It's located in Pahang's north-western corner, at an altitude of 1,829 meters. The Cameron Highlands w… Read More
Souvenir At Samosir Island
There are a lot of souvenirs at Danau Toba made by Batak Tribes for example tshirt , key chain , bracelet from beads etc ..the price quite ok need to bargain la unless you have more R… Read More
Istana Pagar Ruyung
We rent a wedding custom ( Agam Tribal ) and took pictures inside of Grand Palace of Pagar Ruyung , located at Batu Sangkar ...a lot of traditional tools/devices can be found there ...from a… Read More
Guess What!
yup's true ...If everyhing is OK , I'll soon be a father in a few months time ...Alhamdulillah ...I will create a new blog for the baby inside ..." the journey to the world " but later… Read More
Villa Sentosa Melaka
Villa Sentosa favourite place to go ...a lot of antique and unique things can be seen inside ...located at Kg Morten , Malacca , Villa Sentosa is a "must see things" in Malacca ...Come… Read More
King Durian
The durian (IPA: [duɾiɑn]) is the fruit of trees of the genus Durio. There are 30 recognised Durio species, all native to Southeast Asia and at least nine of which produce edible… Read More
Moving To Cengal Condominium
I got the key last friday and now start preparing to move to a new home ...located at Bdr Sri Permaisuri ,Cheras ...damn a lot of work to be done ..grill , curton , lamps ...need big $$ to m… Read More