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Golden Shore, Golden Time - The Haid's Maui Family Portraits

Golden Shore, Golden Time - The Haid's Maui Family Portraits

A golden anniversary is truly something to celebrate. It's not easy weathering the ups and downs of life with someone for fifty years but that's exactly what this adorable grandma and grandpa did. In celebration of that momentous achievement, the entire family traveled to the magic isle for some fun in the sun. Snorkeling, attending a luau, playing on the beach. There was something for everyone. This proud trio of generations was a blast to work with as there was no shortage of laughter and playfulness. As these youngsters grow up, this will be a trip to remember...or at least a trip to discover by looking at a Maui Family Portrait of themselves. Either way, it will be a precious moment to hang on to. Thank you, Haid Family, for choosing our team as your Maui Family Photographer and allowing us to capture this wonderful time in your lives. Happy Anniversary & Warm Aloha!!!

Maui Family Photographer: Sasha of Karma Hill Photography
Location: DT Fleming Beach
Time of Day: Morning

Check out the Roderick's Maui Family Portrait!

This post first appeared on Maui's Top Photographers - Family Portraits, Wedding Photography, please read the originial post: here

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Golden Shore, Golden Time - The Haid's Maui Family Portraits
