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Why Does My Rabbit Always Seem Hungry?

Is your Rabbit nibbling nonstop? Does your bunny beg for treats morning and night? Rabbits are natural grazing animals programmed to eat frequently. An insatiable appetite is completely normal rabbit behavior. But how do you know if your furry friend is getting enough to eat? What are the ideal portions of hay, greens, veggies and pellets? This comprehensive guide reveals everything you need to know about your rabbit’s extreme eating habits. You’ll learn how much food they actually require, what their favorite foods are, and how to curb unhealthy overeating. Get the facts to understand your rabbit’s endless hunger and feed them for optimal health at every life stage.

Why Is My Rabbit Always Eating?

Rabbits are herbivores, meaning they survive entirely on plant-based foods. As prey animals, rabbits are hardwired to eat as much as they can, as often as possible. This instinct comes from living in the wild, where they need to constantly graze on grasses and vegetation to get all the nutrients they require. Domestic rabbits retain this instinctual drive to eat near-constantly.

A rabbit's digestive system is designed to process a high volume of food very quickly. Their food passes through their digestive tract in as little as 4-8 hours. This means they need to eat frequently to keep up with their fast digestion and high metabolism. Rabbits will naturally eat throughout the day and night, stopping only for short naps.

Some other reasons your rabbit may seem constantly hungry include:

  • Growing rabbits need more food to fuel their development and body growth. Baby and juvenile rabbits need free access to hay and pellets to meet their dietary requirements.

  • Nursing mother rabbits require up to double the normal amount of food to produce milk for kits. Their appetite will be noticeably increased.

  • Boredom or stress can cause rabbits to eat more. Make sure your rabbit has enough mental stimulation and comfortable housing.

  • Dental problems like misaligned teeth or sharp points can make eating painful. Your rabbit may eat less thoroughly chew due to mouth pain.

  • Parasites can inhibit nutrient absorption. Have your vet check for common parasites like coccidia.

  • Cold weather means rabbits need more food to maintain body heat. Make sure your rabbit isn't losing calories staying warm.

  • Illnesses like diabetes or certain cancers can drastically increase appetite, often along with weight loss. Seek vet care if your rabbit displays other unusual symptoms.

In many cases, an increased appetite alone is perfectly normal and healthy for rabbits. Providing a variety of hay, leafy greens, fruits and vegetables will satisfy your rabbit's need to nibble constantly. Monitor portions of higher-calorie foods like pellets to prevent obesity.

How To Know If Your Rabbit Is Hungry

Rabbits are very food-motivated, so they will often act like they're starving even when their needs are met. However, there are some clear signs that will tell you if your bunny genuinely needs more food:

  • Aggressive chewing on objects, furniture, or cage bars. Rabbits will seek out anything they can get their teeth on.

  • Circling your feet demanding attention and food. A hungry rabbit will be very assertive.

  • Digging or rattling bowls persistently around meal times. Rabbits quickly learn to signal for food.

  • Eating food very quickly. A ravenous rabbit will gobble down meals.

  • Soft or small fecal droppings. This indicates poor digestion of food they need more of.

  • General crankiness, restlessness or lethargy. Hungry rabbits have less energy and patience.

  • Weight loss. Check your rabbit's weight weekly to watch for concerning drops.

  • Constantly searching for food, especially after finishing a meal. Foraging after eating signals your rabbit is still hungry.

  • Aggressive resource guarding of food bowls or piles of hay. Rabbits may bite or lunge when protecting food.

If your rabbit is displaying 2 or more of these signs frequently, gradually increase their rations until the behaviors stop. Remember that abrupt diet changes can upset their digestive system. Introduce more hay, greens, pellets and veggies over the course of 1-2 weeks.

How Much To Feed A Rabbit

The amount a rabbit should be fed varies based on their age, size, activity level and other factors. Use these general daily diet guidelines as a starting point:

  • Hay: Unlimited hay should always be available. Hay aids digestion and wearing down teeth.

  • Greens: 2 packed cups daily of leafy greens like kale, spinach and parsley. Introduce new veggies slowly.

  • Pellets: 1/4 cup pellets per 5 lbs body weight for adults, unlimited for babies under 7 months. Look for timothy or alfalfa based.

  • Fruits/Veggies: 1-2 tablespoons as a treat 2-3 times per week. Carrots, apples, berries and melons are good choices.

  • Water: Fresh clean water in a heavy bowl, changed daily. Requirements vary based on diet and environment.

Weigh your rabbit weekly and adjust amounts as needed to maintain a healthy weight. The proper serving sizes and portions will be unique for your individual pet. Be observant of their appetite and energy levels.

Grass And Hay

Grass hay should make up the bulk of a rabbit's diet. Hay provides fibre that promotes dental and digestive health. Rabbits should have unlimited access to hay at all times.

The best grass hays for rabbits are timothy, orchard grass and oat hay. These have optimal protein and fibre levels. Avoid alfalfa hay for adult rabbits, as the extra protein and calcium can cause obesity and kidney damage. Young rabbits under 7 months can have alfalfa for proper growth.

There are many hay products to suit each rabbit's preferences. These include:

  • Compressed hay cubes or biscuits for easy portioning.

  • Mats or racks with attached strands of hay that prevent waste.

  • Forage mixes with dried herbs and flowers added for variety.

  • Boxes or balls with hay stuffed inside, allowing nibbling through small openings.

  • Hay racks, nets and dispensers to hold hay and keep it clean.

Rotate different types of hay every few weeks to keep your rabbit interested. Introduce new hays slowly by mixing small amounts with their regular hay at first. Store hay in a cool, dry place to prevent spoiling, mold or dustiness.


Leafy green vegetables are an important source of vitamins, minerals and water for rabbits. Introduce vegetables slowly, one at a time, watching for digestive upset. Try daily vegetables including:

  • Basil – high in vitamin K

  • Carrot & beet tops – leafy greens full of nutrients

  • Cilantro – aids digestion

  • Kale – excellent source of vitamins A, C & K

  • Parsley – freshens rabbit's breath naturally

  • Red or green lettuce – provides hydration

  • Romaine lettuce – higher nutrition than iceberg

  • Spinach – delivers calcium, magnesium and vitamin K

  • Spring greens – very low in calories

  • Watercress – packed with vitamin C

Ideal veggie leaves are dark and leafy. Avoid light greens like iceberg lettuce, which are low in nutrients. Introduce vegetables gradually, starting with 1-2 tablespoons daily for a small rabbit. Work up to approximately 1-2 packed cups of veggies for a medium rabbit, given in 2-3 smaller meals.


While hay should be the bulk of a rabbit's diet, pellets provide a balanced source of concentrated nutrition. Feeding measured amounts of quality pellets prevents vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Look for pellets made from timothy or alfalfa grass. Avoid pellets with added fruits, seeds or colored bits, which are higher in sugar and carbohydrates. Select age-appropriate pellets:

  • Alfalfa pellets for rabbits under 7 months old

  • Timothy pellets for adult rabbits

Follow pellet serving guidelines based on your rabbit's weight. For small rabbits under 5 lbs, start with 1/8 cup daily and adjust as needed. Slowly increase portions to the recommended 1/4 cup per 5 lbs body weight for adult rabbits.

Pellets should be fed in limited amounts. Leftover pellets are a sign you're overfeeding. Obese rabbits are prone to liver disease and arthritis. Use a 1/4 cup measure cup to precisely portion pellets, splitting into two or three small meals.


As treats, fruits add appealing flavor and nutrients to your rabbit's diet. Try small portions of:

  • Apple slices – remove seeds, limit to 2 per week

  • Bananas – high in potassium and vitamin C

  • Blackberries & raspberries – provide antioxidants

  • Blueberries – support urinary tract health

  • Melons like cantaloupe & honeydew – feed occasionally, high natural sugar

  • Peaches & nectarines – remove pits before serving

  • Pears – limit to 1-2 times per month

  • Pineapple – may help prevent hairballs

  • Plums – contains vitamin E and K

  • Strawberries – provide vitamin C and fiber

Fruits are high in natural sugars so portion sizes should be restricted to 1-2 tablespoons, 2-3 times per week at most. Introduce new fruits slowly and one at a time. Monitor stool for diarrhea, stopping problem fruits. Always wash fruits thoroughly and remove seeds, stems and pits before feeding.

When Do Rabbits Eat?

Rabbits are most active in the early morning and evening hours. In the wild, they are crepuscular animals, naturally eating around dawn and dusk. Domestic rabbits maintain these mealtime habits.

You'll notice your rabbit is most excited to eat right when you wake up in the morning and again in late afternoon or early evening. Keep this crepuscular schedule in mind when planning your rabbit's main meals.

Although they prefer eating at dawn and dusk, rabbits will also graze intermittently throughout the entire day and night. Hay and water should always be available to accommodate their frequent nibbling whenever hunger strikes. Timed feedings of greens and pellets are less important than constant access to hay.

Pay attention to when your individual rabbit seems most eager and active. If your bunny is keeping you up energized and hungry at 2am, try moving dinner a little later. You can match your rabbit's natural rhythm for the happiest, healthiest pet.

How Often Should Rabbits Be Fed?

Rabbits have a fast metabolism and rapid digestion, so they benefit from frequent small meals throughout the day. Here are general guidelines for feeding frequency:

  • Hay: Available at all times, 24 hours per day

  • Greens: Divide daily portions into 2-3 feedings

  • Pellets: Split daily portions into 2-3 smaller meals

  • Fruits/Veggies: Offer 1 treat in morning, 1 treat in evening for variation

  • Water: Check levels twice daily, refresh if dirty or low

Weighing ingredients and separating into multiple bowls makes it easy to provide several small, consistently portioned meals. This feeding technique promotes steady digestion and healthy gut mobility.

Baby rabbits under 4 months may need more frequent feeding of alfalfa pellets and vegetables to fuel growth. Check food levels often and refresh empty bowls as needed. Nursing mothers also require free choice food available at all times to support milk production.

For most adult rabbits, spreading meals throughout the day prevents overeating and results in evenly maintained energy levels.

Sudden Increase of Appetite in Rabbits

It's common for rabbits to go through periods of increased appetite, especially when they are growing, bonding, or ill. But a sudden insatiable hunger paired with other odd behaviors warrants a trip to the rabbit-savvy vet.

Be alert for a ravenous appetite along with:

  • Constant thirst and urination
  • Weight loss despite eating more
  • Lethargy, irritability, or depression
  • Hunching in pain or guarding stomach
  • Diarrhea or unusual stool
  • Head tilting, circling, loss of balance
  • Lumps, abscesses, or tooth misalignment

These can indicate a variety of medical issues requiring treatment. Potential causes include:

  • Dental disease impeding eating

  • Gastrointestinal stasis or blockage preventing proper digestion

  • Tapeworm or coccidia parasitic infection

  • Urinary tract infection or kidney disease

  • Diabetes, cancer, or other systemic conditions

  • Side effects of medications like steroids increasing hunger

Track all symptoms and dietary changes to share with your exotic vet. Blood tests and other diagnostics can uncover the cause of your rabbit's worrisome appetite spike and guide appropriate treatment.

What To Do About Your Rabbit’s Increased Appetite

If your rabbit suddenly seems preoccupied with food around the clock, take a multipronged approach:

  • Call your exotic vet to rule out illness – schedule an exam if any other symptoms are present

  • Slowly increase hay ration by an extra flake daily to promote healthy digestion

  • Add a small handful of fresh herbs like dill or parsley for variety

  • Divide pellets and vegetables into additional smaller meals throughout the day

  • Provide a new chew toy like willow, apple sticks or pine cones to divert nibbling

  • Give an extra hour of exercise time to burn energy and discourage boredom snacking

  • Check for drafts, chill, or extreme heat that could be increasing your rabbit's caloric needs

  • Clean litterbox thoroughly to prevent uneaten cecotropes adding to appetite

  • Monitor weight weekly to adjust portions if weight loss or gain occurs

Persistently increased appetite can signify an underlying health issue. Don't hesitate to reach out to your rabbit-experienced vet if you have any concerns. Frequent eating is normal, but a constantly ravenous rabbit paired with other odd behaviors warrants a medical evaluation.

Can Rabbits Eat Too Much Hay?

Hay is the ideal foundation of a rabbit's diet. Because it is high fiber and low in calories, hay aids healthy digestion and dental wear. Rabbits cannot eat too much hay.

In fact, rabbits should have unlimited access to hay at all times. The more hay a rabbit eats, the better. There are however some tips for optimal hay feeding:

  • Provide hay in dispensers, racks and balls to minimize waste and mess

  • Choose quality hays without excessive dust, mold or imperfections

  • Select grass hays like timothy, oat or orchard over alfalfa for adult rabbits

  • Rotate between different hays for variety

  • Store hay properly to prevent spoiling

  • Remove soiled or uneaten hay from litterbox daily

  • Weigh hay rations weekly and adjust based on consumption

Monitoring how much hay your rabbit actually eats will help you determine the ideal daily amounts to offer. Refill hay frequently to prevent your bunny from ever running out. Support your rabbit's natural grazing behavior by always providing unlimited fresh hay.

Is My Bunny Overeating?

It's important to identify overeating in rabbits to prevent obesity-related illness. Signs your rabbit may be overeating include:

  • Noticeable weight gain, especially a rotund belly or fat rolls

  • Lethargy and decreased interest in moving or playing

  • Trouble cleaning hindquarters due to large body size

  • Fatty lumps or protruding eyes indicative of high cholesterol

  • Grating teeth from misalignment caused by excess weight

  • Breathing heavily or audibly during minimal activities

  • Sore hocks, arthritis and reduced mobility from carrying excess weight

  • Increased risk of fly strike due to soiled fur around rear

  • Higher body temperature and heat intolerance

If your rabbit is displaying any of these signs, cut back pellets by a 1/4 cup, reduce veggie treats, and increase exercise time. Switch to lower calorie hays like oat or timothy. Gradually get your rabbit back to a healthy fitness level through diet and activity adjustments. Monitor their food intake and weight weekly to catch overeating early. Some rabbits are prone to obesity, necessitating stricter portion control. Work closely with your exotic vet to tailor the ideal weight loss plan for your bunny's needs.

Is My Rabbit Eating Right?

Ensure your rabbit's diet supports good health by looking for these signs of proper nutrition:

  • Eating hay readily, with good dental grinding sounds

  • Drinking adequate water to avoid dehydration

  • Passing plentiful fecal droppings daily

  • Showing interest and excitement for mealtimes

  • Maintaining a healthy lean body with well-toned muscles

  • Growing normally and steadily if a baby

  • Having a lustrous coat, clear eyes and pink tongue

  • Behaving energetic, playful and bright

Monitor your rabbit's portions, noting if food is left uneaten at mealtime. Weigh weekly, aiming to maintain ideal weight as they age. Support nutrition with a multivitamin, probiotics and pile of fresh timothy hay. Work proactively with your vet to tailor diet and portions as your rabbit’s needs change. With proper feeding, your bunny will thrive for many happy, healthy years to come.

This post first appeared on Rabbit Care For Your Bunnies - Online Rabbit Care, please read the originial post: here

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Why Does My Rabbit Always Seem Hungry?


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