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What Fruit Can Rabbits Eat? The Definitive Guide

Fruit – nature’s candy that seems like it should be safe and healthy for our furry rabbit friends to enjoy with us. But not so fast! While Fruit can be part of a balanced rabbit diet, rabbit tummies are a very delicate matter. The wrong fruits, portions, or feeding methods can quickly create serious health issues for rabbits. With their sensitive systems, strict fruit guidelines must be followed to allow bunnies to reap nutritional benefits without digestive disaster. But fear not, fellow rabbit lover! This definitive fruit feeding guide reveals the do’s and don’ts, best fruit choices, proper portions, and tips for safe fruit feeding success. Get ready to safely share nature’s candy for mutually sweet snacking satisfaction!

Are Citrus Fruits Safe for Rabbits?

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and clementines, are generally not recommended for rabbits. Here's why:

Rabbits lack the enzyme needed to properly digest citrus fruits. The high acidity found in citrus fruits can cause gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, or other digestive issues when fed to rabbits. Diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration, which can be life-threatening for rabbits if left untreated.

Another concern with citrus is the high Sugar content. Rabbits have a low tolerance for sugary foods. Excessive sugar in the diet can lead to obesity, dental issues, and other health problems over time. Too much sugar can also throw off the balance of healthy bacteria in the rabbit's digestive tract.

Some citrus fruits may also contain chemicals or oils that can be toxic to rabbits when consumed. Limonene, for example, is a compound found in the peels of many citrus fruits that can cause issues if a rabbit chews or ingests the peel.

The high acid content also means citrus juice may interact with medications a rabbit is taking. The change in pH can affect absorption of the medication.

While citrus fruits themselves should be avoided, limited amounts of lemon or orange juice diluted sufficiently in water can be used to entice a rabbit to drink more fluids. Arabbit that is refusing to drink enough may accept diluted citrus juice when plain water is turned down. This technique should only be used under veterinary guidance for specific situations, not as a general supplement.

In summary, whole citrus fruits are too high risk to feed rabbits. The high acidity, sugar load, potential toxins, and medication interactions make citrus fruits unsafe produce choices for bunnies. Focus on providing rabbits with healthier fruits and veggies instead.

Are Berries Safe for Rabbits?

Many types of berries, both fresh and frozen, can be safely offered to pet rabbits in moderation. Berries provide a good source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that rabbits can benefit from.

Here are some of the most common berries that are generally considered rabbit-safe:

  • Strawberries – Both the red fleshy part and leaves/stems are fine for rabbits. Wash thoroughly.

  • Blueberries – A great treat due to antioxidants. Opt for wild blueberries over larger cultivated varieties.

  • Raspberries & Blackberries – Offer a few at a time due to natural sugars.

  • Cranberries – Dried cranberries can be used more sparingly since drying concentrates natural sugars.

  • Huckleberries & Mulberries – Closely related to blueberries, these make good forage.

A few berries to avoid giving rabbits:

  • Unripe berries or wild-picked berries. These can harbor parasites and toxins.

  • Nightshade berries like tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, potatoes, and goji berries. These contain glycoalkaloids toxic to rabbits.

  • Any bruised, moldy, or damaged berries should not be fed out. Discard any old berries to be safe.

When introducing berries, monitor the rabbit's output to ensure no digestive upset. Diarrhea or abnormal stools after eating a new fruit indicates the rabbit's system may not tolerate that berry well.

Ideally offer a variety of acceptable berries 2-3 times per week at most. About 1 tablespoon per 2 lbs body weight is a good rule of thumb for portion size. Mix in a few berries with the regular diet versus offering berries alone.

Wash all berries thoroughly and remove any stems, leaves, hulls, etc before feeding out. This reduces risk of pesticide exposure or indigestible parts that could cause blockages.

Berries make a nutritious supplement to a balanced rabbit diet. Focus on a diverse selection in moderation for healthy rabbits to enjoy the antioxidant power of berries safely. Monitor stool quality and reduce portions if any diarrhea occurs.

Are Apples Safe for Rabbits?

Apples make a great occasional treat for rabbits. Both the flesh and small amounts of peeled stem/core can be offered in limited amounts.

Here are some key tips for feeding apples to rabbits:

  • Choose organic when possible to minimize pesticide residue. Thoroughly wash all apples before feeding.

  • Stick with small amounts of apple as treats, not as a dietary staple. 1-2 tbsp for a medium sized adult rabbit is sufficient.

  • Avoid apple seeds. The seed casing can cause intestinal blockages if chewed and swallowed. Core and seed apples before feeding.

  • Opt for non-sweet apple varieties. Granny Smith, Pippin, or McIntosh are lower sugar options preferred over sweeter apples for rabbits.

  • Peel or cut away apple skin if under ripe. Ripe apple skin is safe for most rabbits if not waxed. Unripe peel is harder to digest.

  • Prevent gorging. Cut apples into pieces. Feed other produce too vs only apples to encourage variety.

  • Introduce slowly. Monitor stools for diarrhea or uneaten bits of apple as this indicates poor tolerance. Reduce portions if needed.

  • Skip sugary baked apple treats. Plain cooked apples are better treats than apple pies, muffins, etc with added sugar.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, apples contain antioxidants, polyphenols, and pectin. Pectin from apple skin and flesh helps promote healthy rabbit digestion.

Overall apples are one of the tastier fruit options for rabbits that can be fed in moderation. Take care to introduce new fruits slowly while following other proper feeding guidelines for safe fruit feeding.

Are Melons Safe for Rabbits?

Most types of melons are considered safe for rabbits to eat, though watermelon and cantaloupe are recommended most often. Here’s an overview of how to feed melons to rabbits:

  • Give rabbits small wedges or chunks vs large melon slices to avoid excess. A 1 inch cube is a good starter portion size.

  • Always remove rinds, seeds, hulls or any other inedible parts before feeding melon. These items pose a choking hazard or may cause digestive upset. Discard any bruised portions as well.

  • Introduce new melons slowly. Monitor rabbit droppings for diarrhea indicating possible melon intolerance. Reduce amount fed if diarrhea occurs.

  • Opt for lower sugar melon varieties when possible. Sugar content varies significantly between melon types. Select honeydew over cantaloupe for lower sugar options.

  • Feed melon as an occasional treat a few times per week rather than daily treats. Offer a wide variety of acceptable fruits and veggies for balanced nutrition.

  • Alternate treats fed. Another fruit, veggie herb, or leafy green are healthier daily treats than just melon alone.

  • Stay alert for signs of gorging. Some rabbits may overindulge on sugary fruits. Limit portions to a tablespoon or two per feeding.

  • Rinse melon under cool water before serving to wash away any bacteria or chemicals. Pat dry cuts before feeding out.

Properly prepared honeydew, cantaloupe and watermelon make suitable occasional fruit treats for rabbits a few times per week. Monitor sugar content, portion size, and your rabbit’s individual tolerance when introducing new melons.

Are Stone Fruits Safe for Rabbits?

Stone fruits refer to fruits with large internal pits or stones, such as peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, and cherries. These fruits can be fed to rabbits in moderation if proper precautions are followed:

  • Remove pits/stones – The large pits present a major choking risk and can cause intestinal obstructions. Be diligent about halving and pitting stone fruits before feeding rabbits any amount.

  • Monitor sugar content – Stone fruits vary in natural sugar content. Apricots, cherries, and ripe peaches tend to be sweeter than items like plums or nectarines. Select lower sugar options when possible.

  • Feed in small quantities – A few thin slices or a tablespoon of flesh is more appropriate for rabbits than large portions.

  • Introduce new stone fruits slowly – Watch for diarrhea indicating possible intolerance or excess sugars.

  • Rinse thoroughly – Rinse all surfaces under cool water to minimize pesticide consumption.

  • Avoid leaves/stems – Cherry stems, apricot leaves, and any vegetation attached to stone fruits should be removed before feeding. These all contain toxic compounds that can harm rabbits if ingested.

  • Skip baked goods with stone fruits – Peach pie or apricot muffins are unsuitable due to extra sugar, fats, salt etc. Plain cooked fruit only.

With proper precaution, stone fruits add beneficial nutrition and variety to a rabbit’s diet in moderation. Strictly monitor serving sizes, select lower sugar fruits, and introduce new items slowly to keep rabbits safe. The flesh can be fed, but remove any attached pits, stems, or leaves before feeding out.

Are Bananas Safe for Rabbits?

Bananas make a good occasional treat for rabbits, but should not be a significant part of a regular rabbit diet due to high sugar content. Here are some tips for feeding bananas safely:

  • Feed in moderation – Small slices of banana a few times per week are sufficient.

  • Mix with other foods – Combine a few bites of banana into a salad with leafy greens, vegetables and/or hay rather than offering bananas alone.

  • Introduce slowly – Monitor stool quality when first feeding bananas. Diarrhea or unusual output indicates possible intolerance.

  • Select ripe bananas – Ripe bananas are easier for rabbits to digest. Avoid underripe fruit.

  • Chop appropriately – Cut slices into small pieces to prevent choking.

  • Avoid peel – Banana peel is difficult for rabbits to digest due to high fiber content. Stick to the fleshy interior only.

  • Skip banana-based treats – Banana chips, breads, muffins, or other products contain added sugars unsuitable for rabbits.

  • Watch for overfeeding – Bananas are sugary and can lead to obesity and dental issues if overfed.

Bananas do provide beneficial nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium. However the high sugar and starch content make them better suited as periodic treats for rabbits rather than daily fruit choices. Feed a few small bites two or three times per week for a healthier moderation level.

Is Dried Fruit Safe for Rabbits?

Dried fruits, like raisins, cranberries, apricots, banana chips, etc, are very high in natural sugars and carbohydrates. This makes them generally unsuitable as rabbit treats. Here's a closer look at risks of dried fruit for bunnies:

  • Dried fruit concentrates sugars as moisture is removed during processing. The resulting sugar content per ounce is extremely high. Too much dietary sugar carries risks of obesity, diabetes, and dental disease for rabbits.

  • Dried fruit typically has added preservatives like sulfur dioxide. Rabbits may be sensitive or intolerant to these additives, causing adverse reactions.

  • The dehydration process leaves dried fruit with a very dense, chewy texture. This stiff texture poses a choking risk and may cause digestive upset in some rabbits.

  • Contamination risks may be higher with dried fruit products compared to fresh varieties. Dried fruits sit on shelves and in storage longer before being consumed.

  • Portion control is difficult with dried fruits. Their small size leads owners to offer too many pieces. Stick to a limit of 1-2 pieces at most.

  • With less water content, dried fruit provides less hydration benefit compared to juicy fresh fruits that boost water intake.

If absolutely necessary to entice a rabbit to eat during illness recovery, a single piece of dried banana chip or craisin can be tried. But this technique should only be used under veterinary guidance for specific situations. Overall dried fruits are unsafe and inappropriate as routine rabbit treats.

How Much Fruit Can Rabbits Eat?

Fruit can be a healthy part of a rabbit's diet in moderation, but determining proper portion sizes is important. Here are some fruit feeding guidelines for rabbits:

  • Stick to 1-2 tablespoons of fruit pieces per 2 lbs body weight as a maximum daily portion size. Spread this over multiple feedings vs offering all at once.

  • Plan to feed fruit treats only 2-4 times per week for most adult rabbits, not daily. Rabbits have sensitive digestion that can be disrupted by too much fruit sugar.

  • For dwarfs under 5 lbs body weight, give about 1 teaspoon of fruit pieces at a time. Smaller breeds need reduced portions.

  • Choose fruits with lower natural sugar content when possible, such as berries, melon, peaches, or apples over bananas, grapes, cherries, etc.

  • Mix fruit with other foods rather than offering fruit alone. Combine chopped fruit with leafy greens, pellets, or hay for more balanced nutrition and to prevent gorging.

  • Monitor rabbit droppings after introducing new fruits. Diarrhea or excess cecotropes indicate the portion size may need to be scaled back.

  • Remove any stems, seeds, pits, or other inedible portions before feeding fruit to rabbits. Only the flesh should be consumed.

  • Alter the fruit selections fed as variety also helps prevent overconsumption of any one item.

With a diverse diet and appropriate portion sizes, fruit can positively contribute to a rabbit’s nutritional intake. Pay close attention to sugar content, feed fruit in conjunction with other foods, stick to the recommended serving sizes, and make fruits just part of the overall feeding plan for optimal health. Limit fruit to periodic treat status for healthy digestion.


Fruit can be a fun, healthy supplement to a rabbit's diet when chosen wisely and fed properly. Focus on bunny-safe fruits low in sugar, introduce new items slowly, pay close attention to portion size, feed fruits infrequently as treats, and monitor your rabbit's individual tolerance. Avoid high-risk fruits like citrus or dried fruit altogether. Following sound fruit feeding principles will allow rabbits to enjoy the nutrients fruits have to offer without disrupting delicate digestive systems. Consult an experienced rabbit vet if ever in doubt about the appropriateness of certain fruits for your rabbit.

This post first appeared on Rabbit Care For Your Bunnies - Online Rabbit Care, please read the originial post: here

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What Fruit Can Rabbits Eat? The Definitive Guide


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