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DIY Dog Birthday Cake – Healthy Recipe

DIY Dog Birthday Cake – Healthy Recipe

Your pup will be drooling when they catch a whiff of this dog birthday cake!

I have a confession to make. I go all out for Rocket's Birthday. I'm talking balloons, confetti, homemade party hats, dog birthday cake, presents and party music.

This is a text message that I sent to my mom while shopping for B-day supplies for Rocket:

“Should I feel embarrassed that I'm at the party store picking out supplies for Rocket's Bday while everyone else is shopping for their kids?”

Her answer: “Never.”  Thanks, Mom!

This year Rocket turned ten years old. 10! As you can imagine, I went the extra mile since he is in the double digits now.

In my effort to make Rocket's 10th Birthday special, I decided to make him the best dang cake he has ever tasted! No party is complete without a dog birthday cake, right?

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This is one of the first recipes I've ever created and am pretty proud of the results!

Related Post: Cranberry, Apple and Mint Dog Treats

I made the cake by using two round mini cake pans, but you can also try silicone molds to make fun shapes instead of a cake. Dog paws and dog bone molds are always a perfect choice.

Check out our video of this yummy Dog Birthday Cake Recipe!

This recipe calls for all-purpose flour, but I do want to mention that flour can be the source of allergies for many dogs. Digestive problems and flaky skin are typical reactions.

If your dog has allergies, you can substitute rice flour, almond flour or coconut flour. Keep in mind that if you do use a white flour substitution, the measurements may be slightly different so check the packaging.

Related Post: Can My Dog Eat White Flour?

Oh, guess what? You can eat this cake too! Mind you; it won't taste great because there isn't any sugar in it. If you drizzle it with extra honey or dip it in ice cream, it will taste better. Ice cream makes everything taste better! It's just fun to be able to share this treat with your pup.

If you make this dog birthday cake, please send me a photo of your pup with it! I'll upload your photo to this website! Send it to [email protected] with “Dog Birthday Cake” in the subject line.

Do you go all out for your pupper's Birthday? Let me know how you party with your dog in the comments below.

Full Recipe:

The post DIY Dog Birthday Cake – Healthy Recipe appeared first on Bark and Biscuits.

This post first appeared on Bark And Biscuits, please read the originial post: here

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DIY Dog Birthday Cake – Healthy Recipe
