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Why does my dog hump his bed?

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Canine behavior can often leave us perplexed, with dogs engaging in activities that make us question their motives. From sniffing each other’s rear ends to stashing treats in the sofa, there is no shortage of odd behaviors. One such behavior is when a Dog humps their bed, which may cause confusion and even embarrassment for pet owners. However, it is important to note that this behavior falls within the range of typical dog conduct.

Why does my dog Hump his bed?

Canine preferences vary, with some dogs rarely engaging in Humping behavior while others seem to do it constantly, and some even choose a specific object to hump, such as their bed; this could be due to the bed’s availability and familiarity as well as its softness and height, which likely provide a pleasurable experience for the dog, but the underlying reason for why dogs hump remains unclear.

Sexual Desire

The reason why dogs hump their bed is often attributed to sexual desire, especially in dogs that are not spayed or neutered. However, even fixed dogs can hump out of sexual arousal, which is more prevalent in younger dogs but can also occur in older ones. Despite this, it’s worth noting that sexual desire isn’t always the primary cause of a dog’s humping behavior.


Dogs have a social hierarchy as pack animals, and they can establish dominance through various means, such as humping. Although older dogs are more prone to hump for dominance than younger ones, it can still be a dominant behavior when a dog humps its bed. This action signifies that the dog is claiming its territory and asserting its authority by saying “This is my spot, and I’m in charge here.”


Humping may indicate playfulness in dogs. During playtime, dogs often engage in humping along with chasing each other. This behavior is a natural instinct that starts during their puppyhood and persists into adulthood for some dogs. A dog might hump its bed when feeling playful or to communicate its desire to play.

Hormonal changes

Similar to humans, dogs undergo hormonal changes that can impact their actions. During puberty, male dogs experience a surge in testosterone levels that may lead to increased aggression, dominance, or sexual arousal. Female dogs also experience hormonal changes during their heat cycles that can increase sexual arousal. These transformations typically occur between 7 months and 2 years of age. If your teenage dog starts humping its bed, it could be due to these hormonal shifts.

Medical Issues

Dogs may hump their bed due to medical issues such as urinary tract infections, skin allergies, prostate problems, and painful erections that cause discomfort in their genital area, leading them to seek relief by humping.

Why does my dog hump his bed after dinner?

Although your dog may behave well during the day, it may still indulge in some bed love after dinner, and there could be several reasons why it humps its bed with a full stomach.


When it’s dinner time, your dog can get stimulated and thrilled, causing them to hump. This is because excitement is linked to sexual arousal, and just like horror movies or theme parks can lead to sexual excitement on a date, dogs need an outlet for their excitement, which may be humping their bed.


When dogs feel comfortable after having a full meal, they may express their happiness and pleasure by humping their bed, instead of curling up on the couch with a blanket like humans.


If your canine happens to mount its sleeping surface after dinner a few times, it continues doing so out of routine. Dogs are creatures of habit. They have many rituals that you may or may not observe. Burying a bone, digging after defecating, or sniffing another dog are all instinctual behaviors that dogs perform. Nevertheless, any repetitive action your dog engages in can become ritualized, making the habit challenging to eliminate.

Why does my dog hump his bed at night?

Have you noticed your dog engaging in sexual behavior with its bed during nighttime hours? Are you curious as to why this behavior occurs specifically at night?


When a dog humps its bed, it could be a way of seeking comfort due to separation anxiety, which is evident when the dog becomes distressed upon your departure or return, and dogs with clingy personalities are more prone to this issue.


When dogs hump their bed in private, it’s not because they feel ashamed or have a moral compass, but rather to avoid being reprimanded by their owners. If you scold your dog for humping, it may resort to humping its bed at night as a way of avoiding punishment.


When dogs lack physical and mental stimulation during the day, they may resort to humping their bed at night as a means of alleviating boredom or releasing pent-up energy, much like humans.

Why does my dog hump his bed after a walk?

After taking a pleasant walk, why does your dog feel the need to hump its bed?

Overly Stimulated

If your dog has a nervous or excitable temperament, it may become overstimulated during walks due to various factors such as vehicles, new smells, and other people. While stimulation is crucial for your dog’s physical and mental well-being, excessive stimulation can be overwhelming.

If your dog humps its bed after a walk, it may be a way for them to unwind and alleviate stress, providing a sense of comfort.


Canine companions may become overexcited or anxious during walks, especially if they are high-strung and prone to being easily startled. The commotion of passing vehicles is often the root cause of this anxiety. If your dog experiences unease while walking, they may seek solace in their bed. Engaging in the act of humping their bed can provide a pleasurable sensation and promote relaxation by providing physical stimulation that soothes their mind.


When your dog appears content after a stroll, humping their bed could be a means of conveying their happiness, similar to wagging their tail, as it is an indication of their elation and enthusiasm.

Not Ready for Walk to End

When your dog doesn’t receive sufficient exercise during the walk, they might hump their bed to discharge additional energy, which could be the reason if your dog still appears enthusiastic and prepared for activity after the walk.

Is it okay to let your dog hump?

In general, whether or not your dog humps his bed is a matter of individual choice. However, it’s likely that you wouldn’t want your dog to engage in this behavior in front of guests in the living room, nor would you want him to mount your leg.

Is it acceptable to allow your dog to hump his bed or any other object he considers his? It is permissible as long as you are at ease with it. Dogs possess enough intelligence to comprehend fundamental limits, and with some guidance, you can instruct them that they can hump their bed but not the feline.

Pros of Letting Your Dog Hump

Dogs have a natural and instinctive tendency to hump. There could be various psychological reasons behind this behavior. Preventing them from doing so might deprive them of their comfort mechanism. In young dogs, hormones and sexual excitement are the primary reasons for humping, which will eventually decrease over time. As long as it doesn’t cause any problems, it’s generally acceptable to let your dog hump regardless of their age.

Cons of Letting Your Dog Hump

If your dog has recently started humping his bed, there is a chance he may do it at an inconvenient time. Since dogs don’t have any restrictions on humping, you’ll need to teach them when and where it’s acceptable. However, as with any training, mistakes can occur.

One issue with dogs, especially males, frequently humping their beds is the possibility of irritation due to excessive friction. This discomfort can temporarily discourage the behavior, but in rare cases, it may lead to a medical emergency where the penis cannot retract and requires veterinary attention. However, this is not usually a concern unless the dog is excessively obsessed with humping its bed.

What should I do about my dog humping his bed?

If you wish to prevent your dog from humping his bed, there are various measures you can take to curb this behavior. The duration of time that your dog has been engaging in this activity will significantly impact the amount of time and energy required to put an end to it. As with any undesirable conduct, the earlier you intervene, the more effective it is likely to be.

Check for Physical Issues

It is important to eliminate any physical reasons for your dog humping his bed. If you observe alterations in urination or defecation, tiredness, appetite changes, or discomfort, it is advisable to take your pet to the veterinarian for an examination. Additionally, if your dog frequently licks their genital area, this may be a sign of a medical problem.

Are Your Dog’s Needs Being Met?

Are you wondering why your dog is humping his bed? It could be due to boredom or excess energy, in which case providing more exercise and mental stimulation through puzzle toys can help. Additionally, make sure your furry friend is receiving enough attention.

Anxiousness or Stress

Is your dog displaying signs of anxiety, stress, or overstimulation? If your dog engages in humping as a means of relieving stress or anxiety, reprimanding them may exacerbate the situation. Instead, be assertive yet gentle when they engage in this behavior and redirect their attention elsewhere. If you observe indications that they are becoming anxious, assist them in calming down before they start humping. In extreme cases, your veterinarian can prescribe anti-anxiety medication.

If you identify the root of your dog’s anxiety, you can take steps to remove it or gradually expose your dog to it. Is your dog overwhelmed by the amount of stimulation during walks? Has there been a recent addition of a new pet or family member? Does your dog feel uneasy due to the commotion or noise in the house?

Behavioral Training

If your dog has a habit of humping its bed, you can use behavioral training to stop this behavior. One effective method is to give a command such as “Stop” or “Leave it” when you catch your dog in the act, which can be used in any situation where you want your dog to cease its activity.

If your dog is caught humping, give them a command and reward them with a treat when they stop and focus on you, but make sure to be consistent in catching them every time they engage in this behavior.

Don’t Give Them the Opportunity to Hump

If your dog engages in humping behavior on its bed at a specific time, such as after a walk, then you can distract them during that period by providing attention or a toy and preventing access to the bed. If the behavior is due to excitement, try to maintain a calm environment. If your dog is not yet ready to relax, engage in playtime with them for a short while.

Remove the Bed

If the bed is the only thing your dog is fixated on, taking it away can put an end to the humping. You could try substituting the bed with a new one. Your canine may not be keen on humping the fresh bed. However, if your pup is humping due to being anxious or stressed, this could make matters worse as the bed serves as a source of comfort for them. It’s like a child who has a beloved blanket as their security object. 

Get them Spayed or Neutered

Reducing humping in dogs can be achieved by spaying or neutering them, which has been shown to decrease the behavior by approximately 50%. If the dog hasn’t made a habit of humping, stopping it altogether is possible. However, if it has become a ritual for the dog, reducing the frequency may still be achievable.

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Why does my dog hump his bed?


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