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Unbalanced Life Key To Live As Jesus’ Disciple

Unbalanced Life Key To Live As Jesus’ Disciple
Unbalanced Life Is Key To Live As Jesus’ Disciple

Unbalanced life? I strive to live an unbalanced life—that’s right, unbalanced. I know this is counter cultural because I hear the balanced life mantra daily. Are you aiming to lead a balanced life? Balancing work and family? Maybe, work, family, church, other activities? I think this balancing act was a key reason for the disturbing findings in a December 1983 Princeton Religion Research Center survey conducted for The Wall Street Journal by the Gallup Organization.

The survey found no significant difference between the churched and the unchurched in their ethics and values on the job. Both groups called in sick when not sick, cheated on income tax, and pilfered company supplies for personal use. If we choose to follow Jesus, He needs to be first and foremost in our lives—every decision and every act must reflect this. We do not need to attend church daily, or slip away to pray and meditate very hour; but we need to do what’s right, and be available to Him always.

Unbalanced Life Seems Illogical

The unbalanced life seems illogical. We can lead it only under the Holy Spirit’s guidance. We must be open to His Spirit’s promptings, even when they seem illogical. When we sense we should go, though we think we should stay, we need to go. Do you think Jesus is insensitive to our circumstances? He is our perfect, loving, heavenly Father who cares for us more than we can imagine. He knows what’s happening in our lives at home, work and play, and He wants to give us His best. So, we don’t have to worry about neglecting our jobs, or family. He takes care of this as He guides us.

Have you ever thought about how Noah felt when he was building the gigantic boat and the idea of rain was not prevalent? How Jonah felt when God wanted him to go to Nineveh? How Apostle Paul felt when God told him that he (Paul) would be God’s chosen instrument to specific groups? That’s the same God who talks to us today and who wants us to be totally devoted to Him. Our role is to be open to listen to Him through His word, our circumstances, and people He sends our way.

Unbalanced Life Puts Jesus First

A disciple must unbalance her life. Jesus must be first. So, do you want to be a disciple of Jesus? He says to love everyone less than Him. Indeed, the English translations say to hate mother, father, brother, wife—in the original, this means love less than Him (Luke 14:25-33). The Word tells us too, to seek Jesus first (Matthew 6:33). As well, it says to love our wives the way Messiah loves the church and be ready to die for her (Ephesians 5:25). To do this, we must live with clear priorities: God first, wives (husbands) second. PERIOD! That’s it.

Don’t “balance” God with work, or “balance” your wife with God or with work. Life is about choices, daily. And our choices must reflect our priorities. This is how I tried to live as a senior executive in a transnational Fortune 500 company. It wasn’t perfect, but by God’s grace, I was able to do this most days.

Unbalance Your Life Daily

It’s easy to show an unbalanced life on Sunday. However,  it’s not our talk on Sunday that counts, but our walk always. Only with Messiah’s help will we be able to make daily trade-offs between competing tasks and our desire to express our love for Messiah and our wives or husbands. Meditate on Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

An important key to the unbalanced life is to understand clearly the difference between what’s important and what’s urgent. If you don’t, you will neglect God in favour of unimportant events. I pray this blog on dealing with the important and urgent will bless you.  Shalom.

For more on time visit Managing God’s Time, here.

© 2015, Michel A. Bell

The post Unbalanced Life Key To Live As Jesus’ Disciple appeared first on Bible-Based Stewardship Blog.

This post first appeared on Authentic Stewardship Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Unbalanced Life Key To Live As Jesus’ Disciple
