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Holiday Survival Kit: Getting Through The Holidays Debt Free

Holiday Survival Kit: Getting Through The Holidays Debt Free
Holiday survival kit? Why does anyone need a holiday survival kit? One definition of survival is “to continue to live in spite of difficult circumstances.” Have Chanukah and Christmas become difficult times? For many, they have, although these periods are meant to be times of reflection and celebration. That’s why we need a holiday survival kit.

These can be lonely times for many folks. That’s a real important issue that needs to be addressed sincerely and compassionately. However, this is outside the scope of this blog, and I won’t address it here. If you know folks who will be lonely this season, pray with them; ask the Lord how you can help them.

I will focus mainly on the commercial parts of Christmas. Many folks will spend what they don’t have to buy what they and others don’t need. Then in January, they become depressed as they realize how deeply they plunged in debt.

We have forgotten the reason to celebrate Christmas, (and Chanukah). It is time we remember with joy and gratitude, the birth of our Saviour Yeshua haMashiach, Jesus our Messiah. Galatians 4:4 reminds us that “…when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law.” Sadly, the media has done a great job playing to our greed and selfishness. They have turned these holidays to a celebration about us! A pity!

Holiday Survival Kit Means Eyes On Jesus

This holiday season, let’s avoid commercial Chanukah and commercial Christmas and focus on our Messiah. I pray these tips will help you stay focussed on He who gives His followers meaning. He who has promised eternal life with Him. Messiah Jesus is the reason to celebrate this Christmas!

Holiday Survival Kit

The purpose of this holiday survival kit is to get you through Christmas debt and financial stress free:

  1. Understand what you plan to do and why. Don’t let guilt, events, and merchants lead your actions. Let the Lord guide you.
  2. Identify your available resources–time and money. Then, decide constraints you will impose on what you plan to do. You must make choices, which means there are things you should not do. Don’t add to your debt. Don’t rush around trying to be a super hero and burn out. Rest in the Lord!
  3. Set goals based on your available resources and constraints. Finances and time are fixed resources. They are constraints, too. Accept what you have and who you are. You are special to Jesus.
  4. Identify the opportunity cost in time and money of what you plan to do. If you do one thing, it means you won’t be able to do something else. Ensure you know what you are giving up, as you decide. Lean on the Lord.
  5. Review your plans daily and adjust as needed. Planning is great, but useless if you don’t review them as you go, and adjust behaviour as needed. It’s the Lord’s plan that will prevail.

Have a blessed Chanukah and Christmas with Messiah Jesus at the centre. May the peace that passes all understanding guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus!

Managing God’s Money budget calculators and Money Map are key tools to help you survive the holidays debt free. As well, you might find this blog helpful.

© 2015 Michel A. Bell

The post Holiday Survival Kit: Getting Through The Holidays Debt Free appeared first on Bible-Based Stewardship Blog.

This post first appeared on Authentic Stewardship Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Holiday Survival Kit: Getting Through The Holidays Debt Free
