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Who Should You Get Your Mortgage Through? Hi Everyone, this is Aleem Peermohamed – The Mortgage Specialist Vancouver BC. One of my existing clients, who is an avid supporter of TD Bank… Read More
[et_pb_section][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text] Aleem here, The Mortgage Broker Burnaby. I am going to talk about a 10 Year Mortgage Plan and why you should think… Read More
Four Reasons To Save Money It’s not rocket science -everyone should be saving money regardless of how much you are making. The concept of saving money is as old as money itself but ha… Read More
Eight out of Ten Canadians make a trip to the doctor at least once a year to help ensure they remain physically healthy. But how many people check their financial health with an annual mortg… Read More
Areas of specialty First Time Homebuyers: Buying a home for the first time can be a daunting process. I have a very detailed “10 Steps to Your Front Door” that I go through wit… Read More
I Almost Blew It I know that you know I am in the business of selling my products and service to others. Because of this and the fact that of course I am also a prospective customer for peo… Read More
Last month you were directed to a letter along with other past customers of mine. In the resulting days following the letter we have over 725 views of the video I created for you to explain… Read More
15 Year vs 30 Year Mortgage Comparison Calculator [calc id=2886] Amortization Calculator [calc id=1780] Amortization Schedule Calculator [calc id=1783] Home Equity Loan Calculator [calc id=9… Read More
If you are a realtor and you want to get a mortgage, you may have been told that you either cannot get a mortgage or that you may have to get a mortgage through a B lender or a Private lende… Read More
Current Interest Rates
Current Interest Rates in Canada for Mortgages Interest Rates as of June 29, 2022 5 Year Fixed Rate Mortgages – insured or insurable are between 4.5%- 5.00% 5 Year Fixed Rate Mortgag… Read More
Should I lock My Variable rate into a fixed rate Mortgage? The age old question, one that can cause you sleepless nights. Today I want to take a deep dive and cover a few things to provide b… Read More
Should You Lock In Your Mortgage?
Should you Lock in your Variable Rate Mortgage today? Many of the top economists in Canada today are expecting the Bank of Canada to increase the prime rate up to 8 times over the course of… Read More
What you and your clients can expect from us: are happy to offer you a complimentary consultation! START YOUR FREE MORTGAGE REVIEW HERE Honest Mortgage Advice, tail… Read More
MORTGAGE ADVICE Get Started wE KNOW NOT EVERYONE FITS THE MOLD Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus luctus nec FULL… Read More
What you and your clients can expect from us: are happy to offer you a complimentary consultation! Honest Mortgage Advice, tailored to you We know not all circumsta… Read More
As mom and dad age and their physical and cognitive abilities are showing signs of decline the topic of moving mom and dad to an assisted seniors facility or care home inevitably pops up. Bu… Read More
Thank you for your registration! You are on your way! Please check your email for further instructions. If you can’t wait, and would like to connect immediately, book a call here Book… Read More
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Isn’t It Time Your Home Started Paying You Back? You might be ‘home equity rich’ yet not afford the things you could be… Find Out How REVERSE MORTGAGE Can Help You&h… Read More
We help you get the right mortgage – but that’s not where our job ends. We specialize in portfolio building. We are definitely mortgage brokers, but we usually start with a plan… Read More
The next time you are at a cocktail party or family function and someone smugly tells you that they have paid off their mortgage – odds are they know little about personal finance and… Read More
When you are young, your planner will suggest a growth portfolio – because you are young, you can take a little bit more risk than most people. When you have kids and you start to appr… Read More
The bank will rarely, if ever – give us any money if we tell them we want to invest it into a business or the stock market. There are some exceptions to this, but for the most part it… Read More
Here is how it works, you can invest 200 dollars per month which will equal $48,000 in 20 years. The government will also match up to $7,000 of your contribution. So this brings you up to $5… Read More
You’re One Property AWAY From Changing Your Life… Buying Your First Investment Property Is Easier Than You Think… Answer The Questions Below To Start “I was referre… Read More
The Land of the Multiple Offer Subject Free Offers when competing in a multiple offer situation A couple of weeks after the bank of canada reduced their overnight borrowing rates, Lenders de… Read More
Bank of Canada Announcement and Banks Announcing Mortgage Rate Drops is merely coincidence Mortgage Rate Drops, independent of the bank of canada announcement, are expected in the near futur… Read More
It’s the perfect time to move to Vancouver. The job market is stable, the economy is recovering, and the housing market continues to rise.  Now is a perfect time for millennials t… Read More
Co-singing for a mortgage vs a Guarantor Today’s first time home buyer help tip we will look at the difference between a co-signor and a guarantor for a mortgage. If a buyer is unable… Read More
First Time Home Buyer’s Plan As a first time home buyer in Canada you have the opportunity to use your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) under the first time home buyers plan… Read More
A reverse mortgage is basically for seniors starting from the age of 55 years up. Over the years a reverse mortgage as a product gained bad reputation due to being misunderstood. A lot of my… Read More
  If you have owned your home for many years, chances are, its value has increased significantly over the course of the years. One of the major benefits of  homeownership is your a… Read More
Mortgage deferrals are not supposed to have any impact on one’s credit. However, they can be a red flag. The lender, as a result, may ask for troublesome documentation or even decline… Read More
Currently, in Canada the home buyers market has some diverse news, potentially positive, or negative, depending on where you fall in the spectrum of mortgage products you are wanting to buy… Read More

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