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Filling The Pig Blog

Provides personal finance advice on debt reduction, budgeting, and saving money. Includes the eBook series Filling The Pig -Filling The Pig - Workbook -Filling The Pig - 4 Steps -Filling The Pig - More Cash
For most the term investing can often conjure up images of complex algebraic math equations – i.e. the jargon feels too complex to understand, or navigating all the different options a… Read More
It’s that feeling of being restricted or confined, like sitting in the middle seat of a commercial airliner knowing you’re going to have to inconvenience someone when you have to… Read More
The journey to financial independence, is seldom a direct path. Everyone’s circumstances are different – their needs, wants and goals. In addition, there are a host of opinions… Read More
Regardless of which credit card survey you read, most indicate that the average credit card debt in the U.S. is @$16,000 (household), which translates to over $780 billion in consumer debt i… Read More
Have you thought about becoming an author? Is writing a book on your bucket list? When I initially came up with the idea of writing an eBook series and creating a personal finance blog, I mu… Read More
ETF is an acronym for Exchange-Traded Fund and is another type of investment vehicle or security. ETFs were created in the early 90’s as a means of  providing investors with the a… Read More
Actually the real question might be – how many credit cards should you have based on what the credit card companies think? Ever since I started blogging about personal finance topics I… Read More
Who has the best identity theft protection services? I have written previously about my experiences with credit card fraud and provided my recommendations on how you can actively monitor you… Read More
A target date fund is a mutual fund that has been created with the specific goal of providing an investment portfolio based on how long you have until retirement. Target date funds typically… Read More
Mutual Funds can be a challenge to understand and research simply because there are so many of them.  How to Research a Mutual Fund is a short video that will provide you with 7 key var… Read More
Max the golden retriever turned 6 on June 28th, we have been through a lot together. Check out the short video when he was 8 weeks old and then his pics through the years.   ___________… Read More
A dividend is a distribution of a company’s profits to shareholders of their stock.  Dividend payments are a means of rewarding investors for their ownership in the company. If yo… Read More
Technology is great isn’t it? We listen to music on our smartphones, stream HD movies over the Internet to our TV, and now Uber and Google are testing driverless cars. And when it come… Read More

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Filling The Pig
