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How to Get Rid of Body Hair – Best Ways to Body Hair Removal

Unwanted body Hair can be a source of frustration and self-consciousness for many people. Whether it’s facial hair, arm hair, back hair, chest hair, leg hair, or bikini hair, finding effective methods for Hair Removal is a common concern.

In this complete guide, we’ll explore different hair types, reasons for removal, and compare methods’ prices and effectiveness. So, if you’re tired of dealing with unwanted hair and want to find the best way to remove it, keep reading!

Different Types of Hair

Before diving into the various hair removal methods, it’s important to understand the different types of hair on our bodies.

All hair is composed of keratin, a hard protein also found in nails and toenails. Hair growth starts beneath the skin’s surface at the hair root inside a hair follicle.

Vellus hair

Vellus hair is soft, fine, and short. It is commonly found on the chest, back, and face of most women.

While vellus hair helps regulate body temperature, it can be more noticeable in some women, especially those with darker complexions.

Terminal hair

Terminal hair is coarser, darker, and longer than vellus hair. It is the type of hair that grows on the scalp.

During puberty, terminal hair begins to grow in the armpits and pubic region. In males, it also grows on the face, chest, legs, and back. Terminal hair serves a protective and cushioning function.


Excessive hair growth, known as hirsutism, can occur due to certain medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome and hormonal disorders.

Some medications, like anabolic steroids, can also cause hirsutism.

Now that we have a better understanding of the different types of hair, let’s explore the unwanted hair from various areas of the body and the best ways to remove them all.

Unwanted Hair From Different Areas

Facial Hair Removal

  • Skin Sensitivity and Allergies: Before trying any facial hair removal method, it’s essential to consider your skin sensitivity and possible allergies. Some methods, such as waxing or depilatory creams, can cause skin irritation, redness, or allergic reactions.
  • Professional vs. DIY: While some facial hair removal methods can be done at home, like shaving or tweezing, other methods like laser hair removal or electrolysis are best performed by trained professionals. Professional treatments typically offer better results and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Cost: The cost of facial hair removal can vary depending on the method chosen and your location. Temporary solutions like shaving and depilatory creams are generally the most affordable, while laser hair removal and electrolysis can be more expensive, especially considering multiple sessions might be required.
  • Maintenance: Most facial hair removal methods, except for laser hair removal and electrolysis, are not permanent and require regular maintenance. It’s essential to choose a method that suits your lifestyle and budget for long-term hair removal.
  • Precautions: Regardless of the method chosen, ensure that the skin is clean and free of any creams, lotions, or makeup before proceeding with facial hair removal. Following the instructions provided with each method is crucial to minimize the risk of adverse effects.

Arm Hair Removal

  • Consider Your Skin Type: Different hair removal methods may be more suitable for certain skin types. For example, those with sensitive skin may experience irritation from waxing or depilatory creams, while laser hair removal may not be as effective on lighter hair colors.
  • Cost: The cost of arm hair removal can vary depending on the method you choose and your location. Shaving and depilatory creams are the most budget-friendly options, while laser hair removal and electrolysis tend to be more expensive but offer longer-lasting results.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Some methods, such as waxing and laser hair removal, can cause discomfort or pain. Consider your pain tolerance when choosing a hair removal method.
  • Maintenance and Regrowth: Understand that hair removal is not always a permanent solution. Methods like shaving and waxing will require regular maintenance as hair regrows. Laser hair removal and electrolysis may lead to permanent reduction, but occasional touch-up sessions might be necessary.
  • Precautions and Aftercare: Regardless of the method you choose, be sure to follow proper precautions and aftercare to avoid skin irritation and complications. This includes moisturizing the skin, avoiding sun exposure, and using gentle products on the treated area.

Back Hair Removal

  • Cost: DIY methods are affordable but require frequent maintenance. Professional treatments may cost more initially, but they offer semi-permanent to permanent results, saving costs over time.
  • Professional vs. DIY: Back hair removal can be challenging to do on your own, especially for hard-to-reach areas. It is often more effective and safer to seek professional help, especially for methods like waxing and laser hair removal.
  • Precautions and Aftercare: Before any hair removal procedure, it’s essential to discuss any allergies or skin sensitivities with a professional.
  • For waxing or laser hair removal, avoid sun exposure for a few days before and after the treatment to prevent skin irritation.After the procedure, apply soothing creams or aloe vera gel to calm the skin and reduce redness.
  • For laser hair removal, avoid using any harsh skincare products or exfoliants on the treated area for a few days.

Chest Hair Removal

  • Skin Sensitivity and Allergies: Just like with facial hair removal, consider your skin sensitivity and potential allergies. Chest skin can be more sensitive than other areas, so performing a patch test with the chosen hair removal method is essential to avoid skin irritation and allergic reactions.
  • Professional vs. DIY: Chest hair removal can be done at home through various methods such as shaving, waxing, or using depilatory creams. These methods are relatively inexpensive and can be done without professional help. However, if you prefer more long-term results or have a significant amount of chest hair, you might consider professional options like laser hair removal or electrolysis. Professional treatments are generally more effective in reducing hair growth and offer longer-lasting results.
  • Cost: The cost of chest hair removal will depend on the method chosen. DIY methods like shaving or using depilatory creams are the most affordable options. Waxing can also be cost-effective for some, though it may require more frequent touch-ups. For a more permanent solution, laser hair removal and electrolysis are effective but can be more expensive upfront, especially if multiple sessions are required for optimal results.
  • Maintenance: Temporary hair removal methods like shaving and waxing will require regular maintenance, as hair will grow back over time. If you choose a method like laser hair removal or electrolysis, you can expect a reduction in hair growth, and some people might experience permanent hair loss after multiple sessions. However, occasional touch-ups might still be necessary for complete hair removal.
  • Precautions: Before starting the chest hair removal process, ensure that your chest area is clean and free from any lotions, creams, or oils. Following the instructions provided with each hair removal method is crucial to avoid any adverse effects and to achieve the best possible results.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Keep in mind that some hair removal methods, such as waxing or laser hair removal, can cause discomfort or mild pain. It’s essential to prepare yourself mentally for any discomfort that may arise during the procedure.
  • Hair Growth Patterns: Understanding the direction of your chest hair growth can help with a smoother and more effective hair removal process, especially when shaving or waxing.

Leg Hair Removal

  • Skin Sensitivity and Allergies: Before attempting any leg hair removal method, it’s important to assess your skin’s sensitivity and check for potential allergies. Some methods, like waxing or depilatory creams, may cause skin irritation or allergic reactions.
  • Professional vs. DIY: Leg hair removal can be done at home using various methods like shaving, waxing, or using depilatory creams. These options are generally suitable for DIY, and many people find them convenient and cost-effective. However, for more permanent results or if you have specific skin concerns, professional treatments like laser hair removal might be a better choice.
  • Cost: The cost of leg hair removal can vary based on the method you choose and your location. DIY methods like shaving and depilatory creams are typically the most budget-friendly options. Waxing might be moderately priced, while laser hair removal tends to be more expensive but can provide long-term results.
  • Maintenance: With most leg hair removal methods, the results are temporary and require regular maintenance. Shaving needs to be done frequently as hair grows back quickly. Waxing offers longer-lasting results but will need touch-ups every few weeks. For more permanent solutions, professional treatments like laser hair removal can significantly reduce hair growth over time.
  • Precautions: Before performing any leg hair removal procedure, make sure your legs are clean and free of lotions, oils, or any other products. Follow the instructions provided with the chosen method carefully to minimize the risk of adverse effects and achieve the best results.

Bikini Hair Removal

  • Skin Sensitivity and Allergies: Before attempting any bikini hair removal method, consider your skin sensitivity and the possibility of allergies. The bikini area is particularly sensitive, and some methods like waxing or certain depilatory creams can cause irritation or allergic reactions.
  • Professional vs. DIY: Bikini hair removal can be done at home with methods like shaving or using depilatory creams. However, for more effective and longer-lasting results, consider professional options like bikini waxing or laser hair removal. Trained professionals can perform these procedures with greater precision and minimize the risk of complications.
  • Cost: The cost of bikini hair removal varies based on the method you choose and your location. DIY methods like shaving and depilatory creams are generally more affordable, while professional treatments such as waxing or laser hair removal may be more expensive. The cost may also differ depending on the size of the bikini area and the number of sessions required for certain treatments.
  • Maintenance: Most bikini hair removal methods, except for laser hair removal, are not permanent and require regular maintenance. Shaving needs to be done frequently, while waxing can provide longer-lasting results. For more permanent reduction, consider laser hair removal, but multiple sessions may be necessary for optimal results.
  • Precautions: Before performing bikini hair removal, ensure the area is clean and free of any lotions, oils, or makeup. Following the instructions provided with each method is essential to minimize the risk of adverse effects. If you opt for professional treatments, choose a reputable spa or clinic with experienced technicians.

Tips for Bikini Hair Removal:

  1. Exfoliate: Regularly exfoliate the bikini area to prevent ingrown hairs and improve the effectiveness of hair removal methods.
  2. Trim before Waxing: If you plan to get a bikini wax, make sure your hair is about 1/4 inch long for better results.
  3. Avoid Sun Exposure: Avoid sun exposure or tanning beds before and after hair removal procedures to reduce skin sensitivity.
  4. Wear Loose Clothing: After any hair removal procedure, wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid friction and irritation in the treated area.
  5. Hygiene: Maintain proper hygiene in the bikini area to prevent infections, especially after hair removal.

How to Remove Hair?

Hair removal presents a plethora of options catering to diverse preferences and needs. Clinching varying techniques, the following selection stands as the most sought-after choices.

1. Shaving

Shaving is one of the most common and accessible methods for hair removal. It involves using a razor to trim the hair at the surface of the skin. Here’s how it works:

How It Works:

A razor trims hair beyond the skin. Some are disposable, some have replaceable blades, and others are electric. Men shave facial hair, while women groom underarms, legs, and bikini areas. It’s a common part of personal grooming.

How Long It Lasts:

2 to 3 days.


Shaving is a budget-friendly DIY task. All it takes is warm water, a razor, and optional shaving gel or cream.


Shaving can lead to razor burn, bumps, nicks, cuts, and ingrown hairs. Frequent close shaving can cause hairs to grow into the skin, resulting in irritation.


  • Shave in the Shower: Take advantage of softened skin from warm water for a closer shave.
  •  Go Slow: Take your time and shave carefully to avoid nicks and cuts.
  • Taut Skin: Pull looser areas of skin taut before shaving to get a smoother surface.
  • Change Razors Often: Regularly switch razors to maintain a sharp edge and prevent nicks.
  • Shaving Cream Protection: Use shaving cream to safeguard sensitive areas like the genitals.
  • Consider Electric Razors: If you’re nervous about cutting yourself, try an electric razor instead.
  • Shave with the Hair: To reduce the risk of ingrown hairs, shave in the direction of hair growth.

2. Plucking

Plucking involves using tweezers to remove individual hairs from the root. Here’s what you need to know about plucking:

How It Works:

With tweezers, one can tightly stretch the skin, grasp the hair near the root, and pull it out.

How Long It Lasts:

Approximately 4 to 8 weeks.


Plucking with tweezers is cost-effective but time-consuming, as it only removes one hair at a time.


Plucking can lead to skin irritation, ingrown hairs, and potential damage to hair follicles, causing slower regrowth.


  • Sterilize Before and After: Always clean your tweezers or plucking devices with rubbing alcohol before and after use to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Avoid Sharing: Do not share your plucking tools with others to prevent the spread of bacteria or infections.
  • Choose Quality Tools: Invest in high-quality tweezers or pluckers to ensure efficient and precise hair removal.
  • Pluck in Good Lighting: Proper lighting helps you see the hair clearly and reduces the likelihood of accidental skin damage.
  • Moisturize After Plucking: Apply a soothing moisturizer or aloe vera gel to calm the skin and reduce redness.
  • Don’t Over Pluck: Avoid excessive plucking to maintain the natural shape of your eyebrows or other areas you’re grooming.
  • Take Breaks: If plucking becomes too painful or irritating, give your skin a break and try other hair removal methods.

3. Depilatories

Depilatories are hair removal creams or liquids that work on the skin’s surface. Here’s what you should know about them:

How They Work:

Depilatories are creams or liquids that dissolve hair on the skin’s surface by reacting with its protein structure, allowing easy removal.

How Long They Last:

Approximately 7 to 14 days.


Depilatories stand out as swift, accessible, and budget-friendly solutions. Perfectly tailored for the legs, underarms, and bikini areas, with specialized variants for delicate facial and chin use.


Navigating depilatories can be troublesome due to their messiness and unpleasant odor. Moreover, individuals with sensitive skin might experience adverse reactions like rashes and inflammation due to the chemicals involved.

Additionally, for those with coarse hair, the effectiveness of depilatories may vary, making it a less suitable hair removal option.


  • Read Directions Thoroughly: Always start by carefully reading the product directions. Following instructions is crucial to achieve the best results and avoid potential side effects.
  • Time It Right: Stick to the recommended application time. Overexposure to depilatory chemicals can lead to skin irritation or other adverse reactions.
  • Patch Test: Before using a depilatory on a new area, perform a patch test on a small, inconspicuous part of your skin. This helps you ensure there are no allergic reactions or sensitivities.
  • Hydrate and Soothe: After depilatory use, moisturize your skin with a gentle lotion to keep it hydrated and soothe any potential mild irritation.

4. Waxing

Waxing is a popular method for hair removal that provides longer-lasting results compared to shaving or depilatories. Here’s what you need to know about waxing:

How It Works:

Waxing, a common hair removal technique, involves applying sticky wax to the skin and swiftly removing it with a cloth strip. This process efficiently uproots hair and dead skin cells. It can be performed at salons or in the comfort of one’s home.

How Long It Lasts:

Around 3 to 6 weeks.


Waxing offers long-lasting smoothness, with readily available kits in stores. Regrowth appears lighter and less noticeable compared to shaving or other hair removal methods.


Despite its effectiveness, waxing may cause discomfort as hair is pulled from the roots. The quick process can sting, and some may experience temporary redness, inflammation, or bumps afterward.


  • Cost Consideration: Professional waxing tends to be more expensive than other hair removal methods, so weigh your budget before making a decision.
  • Learn from the Pros: Opting for a first waxing treatment at a salon allows you to observe how the professionals do it, ensuring a better experience for future at-home waxing attempts.
  • Caution with Acne Medications: If you use acne medications like tretinoin and isotretinoin, it’s best to avoid waxing, as these medications can make the skin more sensitive and prone to irritation.
  • Mind Moles and Sunburn: Avoid waxing areas with moles or skin irritation from sunburn to prevent potential complications and discomfort.

5. Electrolysis

Electrolysis is a method of hair removal that can provide permanent results. Here’s what you need to know about electrolysis:

How It Works:

Electrolysis, a precise and gradual process, involves a professional inserting a probe into the hair follicle and delivering an electric current to kill the hair root. The treatment duration varies, with the upper lip taking 4 to 10 hours and the bikini line requiring 8 to 16 hours.

How Long It Lasts:

While electrolysis is intended to be a permanent hair removal method, some individuals may experience regrowth of hair over time.


While electrolysis is intended to be a permanent hair removal method, some individuals may experience regrowth of hair over time.


Electrolysis is commonly limited to smaller areas like the upper lip, eyebrows, and underarms due to the time and cost involved. Many individuals find the process painful, and there may be post-treatment effects such as dry skin, scabs, scarring, and inflammation. Proper sterilization of needles and instruments is vital to prevent the risk of infection.


  • Consult Your Doctor: Before opting for electrolysis, have a discussion with your doctor to ensure it’s the right choice for you.
  • Seek Recommendations: Your doctor might recommend a qualified electrologist with the necessary credentials for a safe and effective treatment.
  • Assess Your Eligibility: Your doctor can assess whether you are a suitable candidate for electrolysis based on your medical history and skin condition.
  • Address Concerns: If you have any concerns or questions about the procedure, your doctor can address them and provide you with relevant information.
  • Follow Medical Advice: Always follow the guidance provided by your doctor and electrologist throughout the electrolysis process for the best possible outcomes.

6. Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a popular method for long-term hair reduction. Here’s what you need to know about laser hair removal:

How It Works:

Laser hair removal uses a laser to target the hair follicle, inhibiting hair growth. It yields better results for individuals with light skin and dark hair, as the hair’s melanin absorbs more light, increasing effectiveness.

How Long It Lasts:

May be permanent, but people often need to return every 6 months to a year for maintenance.


Laser hair removal is known for its long-lasting results and the ability to treat large areas of skin in a single session.


During the treatment session, it’s essential to be mindful of the potential expenses that could amount to $350-$400 or more. Additionally, patients should be informed about possible side effects, such as inflammation and redness, that may arise as part of the process.

Moreover, other cons to consider include the possibility of temporary discomfort during or after the treatment, and the potential need for multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. It is crucial for individuals to weigh these factors before making an informed decision about the treatment.


  •  Cold Packs for Inflammation: Applying cold packs can help soothe inflammation and discomfort after laser hair removal.
  • Sun Protection: Avoiding sun exposure before the treatment can enhance the effectiveness of the procedure and minimize potential complications.
  • Moisturize the Skin: Keeping the treated area moisturized can promote healing and alleviate any dryness or irritation.
  • Gentle Cleansing: Use gentle cleansers to clean the treated area and avoid scrubbing or exfoliating for a few days after the procedure.
  • Wear Loose Clothing: Opt for loose-fitting clothing to prevent friction and irritation on the treated skin area.

Comparison with Hair Removal Prices

It’s important to consider the cost of different hair removal methods, as well as their effectiveness and duration. Here’s a comparison of the prices and duration of some common hair removal methods:

ShavingInexpensive1-3 days
WaxingModerate3-6 weeks
Laser Hair RemovalExpensiveLong-lasting

Please note that these are general estimates and prices may vary depending on the location and specific provider.

Best Ways to Remove Hair at Home

Looking for the best ways to remove hair at home? Let me introduce you to the amazing Ulike Sapphire Air Series – a 5th generation IPL laser device that’s dermatologist recommended for pain-free and salon-smooth results.

What’s so great about this device? Well, for starters, it’s super safe to use on all areas of the body, thanks to its Icy-Cooling Technology. No more worrying about skin burns! The IPL laser does its magic by targeting the hair pigment, effectively destroying the hair follicles without causing any discomfort.

And guess what? You have full control over the treatment with its 5 hair removal treatment levels. Adjust it according to your skin tone and hair shade contrasts, making it suitable for every body part with varying sensitivity responses.

Curious about the results? After just four weeks of consistent use, you’ll notice a whopping 78% reduction in hair growth, 55% fewer hairs, and a 90% drop in hair density!

To get the best results, follow our recommendations: Treat yourself at least three times a week for the first 4 weeks, then twice a week for the next two months. After that, pop-up sessions every 1-3 months will keep you smooth and satisfied!


Unwanted body hair removal is a personal choice with diverse methods like shaving, plucking, waxing, and laser. Consider pros, cons, cost, and convenience for your lifestyle. Prioritize hygiene and safety, and embrace what feels right for you!

This post first appeared on Momooze, please read the originial post: here

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How to Get Rid of Body Hair – Best Ways to Body Hair Removal


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