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Delicious Gluten-Free Pancakes – Fluffy Recipe

Delicious Gluten-Free Pancakes – Fluffy Recipe

Are you ready for delicious gluten-free pancakes – a fluffy recipe? Hundreds of thousands of our readers have confirmed that you can’t go wrong with this one. By the way, we want to prove once and for all that you don’t have to give up fluffiness after going gluten-free. Let’s go into detail!

Delicious Gluten-Free Pancakes – Fluffy Recipe

Honestly, for years we struggled to get the taste, texture, and fluffiness just right. However, after tons of cooking, flipping, and tasting, we have found the recipe for the best pancakes you will ever eat. Find out more below.


  • Up to 1 ½ cups of gluten-free flour (try to use the all-purpose one)
  • 3 teaspoons of baking powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • A bit of sugar (usually we put about 1 tablespoon)
  • 1 ¼ cup of milk
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons of butter (optional, but we rarely skip it)
  • Strawberry topping (optional)

Step-By-Step Guide

These are the steps to follow to make delicious gluten-free pancakes – a fluffy recipe.

Step No. 1: Whisk the Dry Ingredients

In a large mixing bowl, add all the dry ingredients, i.e. flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Whisk by hand until all ingredients are well combined.

We are going to reveal a game-changing trick. Namely, we always put dry ingredients in a sifter or fine-mesh strainer in order to sift them into a bowl. This is one of the factors that directly affect the lightness of the pancake mixture.

Step No. 2: Add the Wet Ones

Many people skip this step but make sure you always beat the eggs separately before adding them to the other wet ingredients. When you’ve done that part, mix them with milk, melted butter, and finally with the dry ingredients, and gently whisk again until just combined.

Also, don’t worry if you notice lumps in the mixture, as long as they are not too big they will not affect the quality of the final product.

Pro tip: Don’t whisk too much because you risk knocking all the air out of it, and that as you can guess, results in dense and chewy pancakes instead of light and fluffy ones.

Step No. 3: Cook & Flip

Heat a griddle or a large pan over medium heat, make sure it’s non-stick. How much batter you use per pancake depends on your preference, however, we usually pour or scoop about ¼ cup of batter for each pancake.

Pay attention to the two basic signs that will show that your pancake is ready to be turned: the formation of bubbles and the acquisition of a golden-brown color on the underside. You will usually need 2-3 minutes on each side for your pancake to be perfectly cooked.

We recommend that you store them in a preheated 170°F oven on an oven-safe tray covered with aluminum foil. Few people know this trick, but it’s actually great because it prevents them from drying out.

That’s it, now you know how to make delicious gluten-free pancakes – a fluffy recipe.

To Conclude

These pancakes are an excellent choice for the first meal of the day, i.e. breakfast. Serve them with your favorite syrup, some fruit, or other tasty sides.

What do you think about these delicious gluten-free pancakes – fluffy recipe? Will you try them tomorrow for breakfast? Let us know below.

Take a look at another favorite of ours for making perfect gluten-free pancakes.

Author’s bio

Karen Rutherford is founder and editor in chief at Club Gluten Free. You will often find her in the kitchen trying out some new recipes. As a pâtissière and baking enthusiast, Karen has decided to share her knowledge with the internet audience and provide the best tips and recipes for baking and decorating your favorite sweets.

This post first appeared on Momooze, please read the originial post: here

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Delicious Gluten-Free Pancakes – Fluffy Recipe
