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Is Sleeping With Parents Beneficial For Kids

Co-sleeping with toddlers is becoming increasingly popular among parents in many cultures. It’s a way to ensure safety and comfort for the child, while also providing peace of mind for the parent. Co-sleeping has been around since ancient times, but it has recently seen a resurgence due to its positive effects on both children and adults alike.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of co-sleeping along with some unpopular disadvantages to help you choose the better option.

How Sleeping Changes The Overall Personality Of A Child

1. It Helps Them To Feel More Secure

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Co-sleeping helps kids to feel more secure because it allows them to be close to their parents at night when they feel most vulnerable and are scared of being alone. The physical proximity between a child and their parent while co-sleeping provides emotional security that can help reduce stress levels for both parties involved (0). This reduces feelings of fear, anxiety, loneliness, and insecurity as well as promotes better quality sleep overall due to reduced cortisol levels during nighttime hours (the hormone associated with stress).

2. It Makes Them More Independent

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It can provide them with the security and comfort they need while also fostering their independence. Cosleeping allows parents to be close enough to children that they can respond quickly when needed, but it also gives kids some space of their own so that they can learn how to do things on their own.

3. It Enhances Their Confidence

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Research suggests that infants who co-sleep have higher self-esteem than those who do not since they feel safe knowing someone else is always around them, even if just subconsciously, providing support whenever needed without having any verbal communication necessary whatsoever! (1)This gives these kids an increased sense of confidence which will likely benefit them later down life’s road when facing difficult situations where feeling secure may make all the difference between success or failure.

4. It Helps Them In Maintaining Other Relationships

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Co-sleeping gives kids a chance at forming healthier relationships with adults outside the family unit because now instead of being scared away from new experiences. Your child will be more likely to seek out positive interactions if they feel safe enough within themselves first! It also encourages healthy boundaries between parent and child so even though you’re both sharing one bed, there are still clear expectations about who gets what space or time, etc., allowing everyone involved some much-needed respect from each other too!

5. Helps Parents Fix Their Sleeping Schedules

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Co-sleeping helps promote better bonding between parent and child which can lead to improved communication and understanding on both sides of the equation. Additionally, having a child nearby makes it easier for mom or dad to respond quickly if they need something during nighttime hours like comfort from nightmares or help to get back into bed after using the bathroom allowing them more uninterrupted sleep overall!

Finally, studies have shown that babies who share beds with adults tend to wake up less often throughout the night which means fewer disruptions in parental slumber patterns down line a win-win situation for everyone involved! (2)

What Are The Disadvantages Of Co-sleeping With Kids

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Co-sleeping with babies is a sleeping arrangement that involves the baby sharing a bed or other sleeping surface with one or both parents. However, there are some disadvantages associated with this practice that should be taken into consideration before deciding whether or not it is the right choice for your family.

  1. The first disadvantage of co-sleeping is potential safety risks. If parents share the same bed as their baby, they could roll over onto them in their sleep or smother them due to overcrowding in the bed.
  1. Another disadvantage of co-sleeping is that it can disrupt normal sleeping patterns both for parents and babies alike since everyone will likely wake up when one person moves even slightly during rest time which makes getting quality rest difficult. This lack of deep sleep cycles could lead to increased irritability from all parties involved which might have long-term consequences on relationships within families.
  1. Additionally, if other children are sleeping in the same room as an infant who co-sleeps, they may inadvertently cause harm while moving around during sleep time.
  1. Lastly, pets who also share beds can pose serious risk factors for infants if they move around too much at night or get too close to the baby’s face while sleeping next to them on the bed.

Overall, there are many benefits associated with sleeping with one’s parents. However, it is important for families considering this arrangement to consider all factors involved before making any decisions regarding bedtime arrangements! Ultimately though co-sleeping should be seen as an individual family decision based on personal preferences rather than anything else since everybody deserves the right environment where they can feel safe at night! So do let us in the comment section below which situation would you prefer.

This post first appeared on MomJunction - A Community For Moms, please read the originial post: here

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Is Sleeping With Parents Beneficial For Kids


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