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25 Beautiful Love Poems For Husband

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He loves you with all his heart; he will fight the world for you; he would take all the pain in the world, but cannot bear to see a single teardrop in your eyes.

Do these lines remind you of your husband? If yes, then you are lucky to have a loving and caring husband.

If your husband is the reason for that smile on your face, and if you feel blessed to have him in your life, then you must make it a point to let him know. Say it in simple words, or show it through your actions.

You can also get creative and write him a poem. Or, pick one and read a few lines out to him on a romantic evening. In this MomJunction post, we list down some of the ‘best love poems for husband’ that you can use.

25 Romantic Poems For Husband

Plan to send your husband a greeting card with a loving message? Amp up the romance a little by adding a few beautiful lines from the poems we share with you next. Whether you write them down or read them out loud, we’re sure your husband will love it.

1. A wife’s desire

“I want to be your motivation, inspiration, and everything in between.
I want to be the reason for your smile, the one who turns your frown upside down.
I want to be the one you look up to and admire and the one you desire.
The voice in your heart, not your ear, telling you everything that you need, not want to hear.
I want to mean enough to you to be your solution to all life’s ups and downs.
I want you to need me every morning when you wake up, during the day when you have had enough.
I want to feel your excitement to kiss me goodnight after your day has been so rough.
I need and want all these things from you because you’re the only one who gets me through.
I love you more and more each day; it’s true.
You have blessed me with a beautiful life, made together by both of us.
I need all these things from you because my most treasured title is your wife.”

– Marybeth Rausch

2. My blessing in life

“Every morning I wake up and see
The most handsome man lying next to me.
He’s the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
I will love him as a faithful wife should
And do everything for him, I could.
I would let him know every day
That I love him more than words can say.
For the two children, we have together
And the love for God in each other.
It will keep our love for each other strong,
And the Lord will guide us away from all wrong.”

– Jessica L. Newsome

3. I will wait for you forever

“The days are cold, the nights are long,
but my love for you stays strong.

I hold you in my heart
and have you on my mind.

I’ll wait for you; however long,
my love for you is blind.

You are my lover and my friend,
you are my everything.

I shall remain here waiting,
even if for eternity.”

– Diana J. Briones

4. Wish I could find the words

“Just wish I could find the words
That would make the meaning clear
About why I just love you so
And why I want you here

Why I need you here with me
So I can shower you with love
Why it is so clear to see
You are an angel from above

An angel sent from heavens high
To bring the lord’s own prayer
That you and I on blue skies fly
Share a love that is true and rare

A love that is so truly pure
That it completely fills my heart
A love that will forever endure
And that we shall never part

A love that will last you see
Until the end of time
A love which joins us – you and me
And forever will our hearts entwine.”

–  Nigel P Stringfellow

5. Will you ever understand?

“I don’t think you will
ever fully understand
how you’ve touched my life
and made me who I am.

I don’t think you could ever know
just how truly special you are,
that even on the darkest nights
you are my brightest star.

I don’t think you will ever fully comprehend
how you’ve made my dreams come true
or how you’ve opened my heart
to love and the wonders it can do.

You’ve allowed me to experience
something very hard to find:
unconditional love that exists
in my body, soul, and mind.

I don’t think you could ever feel
all the love I have to give,
and I’m sure you’ll never realize
you’ve been my will to live.

You are an amazing person,
and without you, I don’t know where I’d be.
Having you in my life
completes and fulfills every part of me.”

– Toni

6. You are my everything

“When you were my friend
You were amazing
When you were my boyfriend
You were outstanding
When you were my fiancé
You were commendable
As my husband now
You are incredible
You have been the perfect lover
At every juncture of life
Of such a loving husband
I am proud of a wife
I love you”

– Jetem Westbrook

7. To my loving and caring husband

“If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay;
The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
Then while we live, in love let’s so persevere,
That when we live no more, we may live ever.”

– Anne Bradstreet

8. Man of the year

“You’ve been in our lives for so many seasons
I’m pouring my heart out for that very reason
I’ve given you life, my husband and friend
Our love affair shall never end
And though our love has been through the fire
You and only you are my true heart’s desire
I pray for the man that is paving the way
For our children each and every day
A man who is…
A man who’s…
It’s no wonder why God’s on your side
He gave you the strength to father a child
And even when we don’t know what to say
Your wisdom consistently saves the day
I opened my heart to you, simply say…

– Aimee Rice

9. My amazing man

“Sharing my fantasies and fears
My happiness and my tears
Sharing gossip and fun
And all the things that I have done
Sharing my troubles and delights
Even after all our fights
Sharing thoughts about my roadblocks
Over our lengthy talks
Leaves me without a single worry
Only because I have a wonderful hubby
I love you.”

10. For my husband

“Loving you has no end and no beginning
Loving you is everything
It is infinite in time
And limitless in magnitude
Beyond even my own comprehension

Your love brings me home
Enfolds me and warms me
In its eternal embrace
Endless and palpable
Beyond all life’s storms

A connection like no other
Twenty years long
But timeless in our hearts
Deep and true
Till’ death us do part.”

– Susan Louglin

11. Satisfied

“When you make love to me, everything seems right,
You seem to take my hand and guide me through the night.
You reach to take my fears and throw them to the past,
You penetrate my soul in hopes to make it last.

And you standing with me, never shall I be afraid.
My inner core you’ve touched, my sanity you’ve saved.
But if you feel you can’t be strong in all my times of need,
You’ve given me strength, somehow I’ll take the lead.

Never understanding, accepting what time may give
We’ll learn and grow together,
Cherishing each moment that we live.”

– Dina Johnson

12. The love of my life

“You’re my best friend and my lover
I know this to be true
For I wake every morning
Thinking solely of you

Your tender touch and gentle kiss
A feeling no words can describe
Something I yearn for
When you’re at my side

A beauty that radiates
From both inside and out
A heaven-sent gift
No question about

A passion that penetrates
As deep as a knife
I’m happy I found you
The love of my life.”

If these poems are too lengthy to fit into a greeting card, check out the shorter, sweeter poems we list next.

Short Love Poems For Husband

A poem is a treasure trove of feelings and emotions. But you don’t always need a lot of words to express your love for your husband. Here, we give you a few short poems to write on anniversary cards, or on a piece of paper to slip into your man’s pocket.

13. The new beginning

“Like the warmth of the morning sun,
So do thoughts of you embrace me,
Revealing how alive I am

A glorious light of the new day,
so is your presence in my life,
relieving it of its shadows,
and marking the start of a new beginning.”

– Kolapo Olufunk

14. My favorite part of the day

“My favorite part of the day
Is when you hold me in your arms
When you kiss and caress me
And woo me with your charms
My favorite moment of the day
Is when you come home to me
How would I live my life without you
I can’t possibly see
I love you.”

15. Our love

“I hope our love lasts forever
I’m happy to say my dreams came true
Because I’m blessed to be loved by you
I hate when we fuss and fight
Because in the end neither was right
You’re the love of my life; you’re my best friend
And I never want this love to end
I hope to always be together
I vow to love now and forever.”

16. On our anniversary

“My feelings and love for you
Aren’t just limited to
Getting all romantic and mushy
Only on our wedding anniversary
From kisses and hugs
To playful nudges and tugs
Even on an ordinary day
There’s a lot I want to say
I love you.”

17. Apple of my eye

“The apple of my eye
The gem of my heart
Nothing in the world
Can ever keep us apart
The feather in my cap
The reason for my heartbeat
My dear husband
You make my life complete
I love you.”

18. If only you knew

“In the darkness of the night, there is only me and you,
We are woven together in our very own cocoon.

I feel your heartbeat against my chest,
I hold you tight as we both rest.

I start to drift off to sleep,
And think of how I turned complete.

I am only complete when you are near,
To lose you someday is my biggest fear.

It takes two halves to make a whole,
My heart and yours, we make one soul.”

– Rahik Thamir

19. Close your eyes

“Close your eyes and think of me
Close your eyes and try to see
Our hearts together and what could be
Our love forever as destiny.”

– Elizabeth Smith

Showing love not enough? Want to tell your husband how grateful you are to have him in your life? Try the poems from the next section.

Thank You Poems For Husband

When words or quotes are just not enough to thank your husband, express your gratitude and love with these poems.

20. Warmth of your hands

“Troubles don’t bother me
Worries have never been scary
Stress doesn’t bug me one bit
Anxiety doesn’t make me weary
Being in the warmth of your arms
Looking at your handsome face
Is all I need to experience
Pure bliss and solace
Thank you.”

21. Thank you for everything

“Thanks is not enough to balance out what you have done for me.
I appreciate you being my husband. You are the best.
Your love is simply everything for me; it’s all I need. Thank you so much.
Without you, my life would have been extremely boring and nasty. Thank you for coming into my life.
There are lots of things that you have done for me. I can not count all these but, I can simply explain them in two words. THANK YOU.
For everything.’

22. Love praise

“Thank you for how you demonstrate you love me;
I sincerely appreciate it, and it’s always right on time.
Your actions inspire my love and creativity
to encourage, strengthen, and stimulate your mind.
You work long and hard when needed, and you handle it quite well,
you are a survivor who has improved through each struggle and test.
Out of all the people who I have encountered in my life
you are by far the one I like and love the best.
You are a handsome sexy man, who is straightforward;
you are genuine and kind to everyone you meet.
Your beautiful, sweet spirit reaches deep down to your core
and radiates from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet.
All the reasons why I love you are too numerous for this mere poem;
but I can tell you that I’ve loved you from the start.
After many years, our passion still burns hotter than the sun
since that first day when you caused the melting of my heart.”

23. Thank you God

“You are my strength. Thank you for being by my side every time I needed you.
I always thank God for blessing me with such a loving and caring husband. I clearly do not deserve you, and I thank you for giving me the honor of being your wife.
I feel most comfortable when you are near me. You are my hidden strength. I love you more than my life.
Thank you for making my life so beautiful.
After coming into my life, you have given me all the happiness in the world. You mean everything to me. I love you so much. Thank you, baby, for all the love you gave me.
I am the luckiest wife on the earth because I have a husband like you. We are a perfect couple because you are so good. I thank God for giving me a husband like you.”

24. Greatness of your character

“As I think on the things that I so admire about you,
I admire:
Your undoubted love for God,
Your ability to learn,
How quickly you can change a negative attribute in yourself into a positive,
The right choices you make consistently and swiftly
Without a fleeting thought of the wrong choices as options,
How you are so tenderly moved by the suffering of another,
How your sympathy changes into empathy and you become the fulfiller,
The great teacher and the coach that you have been to myself and to others,
The humility that quietly adorns you when attacked unjustly
Or when you have been misunderstood,
How you show the way by example to our children and grandchildren
With patience, kindness, and love,
And most of all, your unwavering love for me,
And so much more.”

– Lena Mary Fuller

25. My perfect husband

Thanks for being my best friend
When I needed just an ear
Thanks for supporting me
When I just needed someone near
Thanks for being my advocate
When I needed someone’s belief
Thanks for being my healing balm
When I needed some relief
Thanks for being my everything
When I need just a little more
As a husband you deserve
A perfect ten on ten score”

Whether you read an entire poem or just a few lines from one, do it so with all your heart. The words could be your own or from someone else. But when you speak them princely, as if they were your own truth, your husband will know you love him greatly.

Poetry is the epitome for expressing love. So why wait? Go ahead and pick a poem or two and tell your husband he is the best.

Have a love poem you like or wrote? Let us know in the comments section below.

The post 25 Beautiful Love Poems For Husband appeared first on MomJunction.

This post first appeared on MomJunction - A Community For Moms, please read the originial post: here

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25 Beautiful Love Poems For Husband


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