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Krokodil-dil-dil Blog

The ongoing chronicle of a 3 year old (as of 2006) seeking enlightenment and an unlimited amount of sweets, and her parents' struggle to control the latter and help with the former.
Gwen is visiting for spring break, and during lunch is trying to help Mom convince younger brother Max to get braces.Max: I don't want them, they're going to hurt, I don't need them.Gwen: No… Read More
Gwen comes home excited after an evening on the town with her peers.Gwen: You'll never guess where we went! We were really hungry and wanted to get a burger, and every place was full or clos… Read More
George comes out to try to drive our car, and is surprised to find that he can't. After a few attempts, and some deductive work, he comes back to talk to Gwen.George: Gwen, did you drive the… Read More
Gwen: Spencer (our cat) looks so lonely in the backyard. We should get him some animals to chase and kill.George: What kind of animals?Gwen: We should buy him a box of chickens or… Read More
 Aunt Ksenia tells this story of Gwen in first grade.Gwen: I know what Dad does at his job and what Mom does at hers. Aunt Ksenia, what do you do?Ksenia: I'm a consultant. I give people… Read More
 The family is having dinner at home.George: Gwen, I resurrected the blog about you as you wanted, but you need to say funny things if you want me to add to it.Gwen: OK, I will try… Read More
 Gwyneth is back from college for the summer.Gwen: This cat has turned mean since I was gone.George: I haven't noticed that, she's pretty calm.Gwen: Look, I'll prove it.Gwyneth hisses a… Read More
Gwyneth had recently gotten her driver's license, and is driving on her own, until one night she calls us to pick her up. George is discussing the incident.George: Getting a flat tire happen… Read More
Lately Gwenchik has been very popular in her school and quite a few boys are inviting her over for "playdates".  On the way back from one of these...Gwen: I had such a weird playdate to… Read More
Gwyneth, as a teenager, and George, are walking in a campground by a pond. We see a large Indian family on the beach, parents and maybe five children, mostly boys from the ages of 2 to 18, i… Read More
Gwyneth, now mostly grown up, found this blog!Gwyneth: This is so cool! I didn't realize you were writing down the things I said and did. But why does it end in 2014, why did you stop writin… Read More
Gwyneth is off to college and wants to become a surgeon. We're very proud, but grandfather wants to dissuade her. Grandfather: If you become a surgeon, you'll have to cut people open, y… Read More
A relatively typical Saturday for my daughter:1. the day started off with finishing math homework for tomorrows class, than2. we rushed off for Gwenchik's tae kwon do belt testing (she broke… Read More
My now 10 year old daughter woke up at 5:30 am in the morning to clean up the house before rushing off to school for my birthday!!!! On her own, without any prodding or suggestions from me … Read More
Gwyneth is trying to impress her uncle."...and do you know Robert Frost? He was a complete idiot. He wrote this poem called 'The Road Not Taken', about how he came to this fork in the road… Read More
Gwen: Once I get enough money I can buy my own Nexus, right?Me: Yes, and in a couple of years we will start giving you allowance.Gwen: Why?Me: So that you can buy some of the things you want… Read More
From GeorgeWe're sorting clothes.Gwen: Mom, what's this?Mom: That's a top with a built in shelf bra.Gwen: How useless!Mom: Some day it will be very useful to you.Gwen: Dad,you're s… Read More
Gwenchik is trying on European clothes that a friends of mine passed alongGwen: Wow, I really look like a European woman nowMe: Do you like that?Gwen: Well, now I will be cooking, riding hor… Read More
Gwen: I know, for sure that there is no Tooth Fairy!Me: How can you be so sure?Gwen: When my tooth fell, I put it under the pillow and didn't tell you -- and there was nothing even after sev… Read More
We had Gwenchik's friend Jenny over (she is two years older)Gwen: I do not want to grow up.Me: Why?Gwen: Jenny said that when you grow up everyone expects a lot more from you. I am not ready… Read More
Gwen: We have the cutest baby! (brother Max)Me: Of course he is.Gwen: No, I do not like babies -- they are loud and demanding, but our Max is really cute and always smiling. And I say that n… Read More
Lately Gwenchik has been very popular in her school and quite a few boys are inviting her over for "playdates".  On the way back from one of these...Gwen: I had such a weird playdate to… Read More
Gwyneth decided to spend her own money (from lemonade stands and presents) to get an ipod nano.Me: So which color do you want?Gwen: Which one do you like purple or red?Me: Red, I think.Gwen:… Read More
George was picking up Gwenchik from Tae Kwon Do and one of her teammate asked:Teammate: Is this your uncle?Gwen: Oh no, this is my father. My uncles are much more fun.....Then she saw that D… Read More
Gwen: Where do you mail Santa's letter? If I write in Russian ( our Santa is ded Moroz and he brings presents on the 1st of the year) how will the American mail man figure out where to send… Read More
Gwen: I know there is no Santa. Everyone knows that all the presents come from parents!Me: Who is everyone?Gwen: Everyone at school.Me: Ok, if you are so sure, than do not write a letter to… Read More
This year Gwenchik decided that she will be a pirate -- lately there is this pirate theme in her life, partly thanks to the "Pirate Day" celebrated in school this fall. And a boy who was com… Read More
We were talking about Gwenchik's friends and who likes what type of music. I mentioned that Lesha likes "classics" like Beatles vs Taylor Swift, who is very popular with 9 year olds.Gwen: Ho… Read More
It will be Gwenchik's birthday in a week and we were discussing possible presents on our way home.Gwen: I know what I want as a birthday presents from YOU!Me: What is that?Gwen: You should f… Read More
Gwenchik just got her own violin for music classes at her school. All excited she ran home violently swinging the case around...Gwen: I'll go practice outside, so that you do not have to lis… Read More
From AnyaGwen: Where is your husband?Anya: At work.Gwen: Yes, we always have problems with husbands -- they work all the time, even on weekends Read More
Gwenchik was visiting Max in the hospital.Gwen: Oh, he is so, so cute! You can love him MORE than me now that I see him Read More
Gwenchik is helping me pack for the hospital (her baby brother is due this week)Gwen: You should take these 3 pictures of me!Me: ?Gwen: So you do not forget me and what I look like, otherwis… Read More
George: Gwenchik, you have to unload the dishwasher.Gwen: But I do not want to!George: You have to. If you do not, someone else will have to do it.Gwen: You would rather YOUR OWN daught… Read More
We went to see the movie "Brave" today. As we are leaving the theater, our faces covered with tear stains...Me: It is hard to be a parent.Gwen: It is hard to be a teenage daughter.Me: ?Gwen:… Read More
Gwenchik and I went to Target to pick up some supplies, and while their decided to use a motorized chair to navigate the store considering that I am already 8 months along. The chair would m… Read More

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