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Demonish | The secret language of the demon-human coop

I recently added a new feature page that lists the terms and phrases used among members of the confederacy of demon-human cooperatives, world-wide. Although widely overheard, it is very narrowly understood by those outside a coop. It is a continual work-in-progress, as there are over 400 entries so far waiting to be added to this idioglossia, and each one is agonizingly difficult to define.

This post explains why.

The difficulty of writing entries

As stated before, there are over 400 entries so far waiting to be added to this idioglossia, and yet, to-date, only eight are listed (or, rather, seven-and-a-half for the awful definition of "ignorantly satisfied"). The hold-up is due to the necessary careful effort to ensure that the definitions make sense to nearly anyone who reads them. There are many ways to communicate meaning in the community that is the subject of these terms; and, as it turns out, the most effective and the most advanced way it is done among its members and affiliates happens to be the least effective way of communicating it to outsiders.

The challenges are threefold:

  • Within this community, outsiders (mostly, victim-targets) are introduced to the meaning of a given word or phrase over an extended period of time. They are rarely outright told what something they hear means. One could be taunted by a cryptic and indecipherable phrase or term over and over again for years on end before finally ascertaining their meaning, usually by chaining together a series of teasing hints on their own.
  • Many idiomatic phrases are an elaborately woven tapestry of idiomatic terms (in other words, idiomatic phrases can be a nest of idiomatic terms). Defining a single phrase sometimes means defining multiple terms, which leads to definitions as hard to sort out as the phrases and terms they define. I have actually resorted to charts, graphs and diagrams [see Demonish].
  • Communication between members and demons, as well as victim-targets and demons, advances over time. The general means is telepathy, of course; but, the mode can go from one-way telepathy (simplex) to two-way telepathy (duplex) and from words (simplex) to words supplemented with projected imagery (duplex). It is not unusual at all to overhear a conversation supplemented with imagery that you cannot see. While what you hear in such a case may not sound fragmented, it may sound like you walked in on the middle of a long conversation for lack of context that imagery provided to the participants in the conversation, but not you. It is safe to assume that spoken portion of a seemingly broken conversation is being supplemented with a non-verbal cue that rounds it out. Demons are not prone to gibberish as members of a community with sensitive hearing; assume they say what they mean and mean what they say.
NOTE | Demons categorize telepathically projected imagery based on whether it is a memory or a new construct, and whether it is a snapshot or vivid narrative; imagery constructs are used to help establish context or to explain or convey a message more expediently. I can't remember the names assigned to the category; but, even if I did, the demonic community consensus is that what you overhear is not necessarily repeatable. I honor that among demons who are not troublesome to me.

This is how I was instructed and how I learned what I know. It is also how I speak within the community from which the idiom springs, verbally and with visual cues. Having adopted this means of communication, which comprises nearly 99% of all my communication these days, I have, over the years, estranged myself from the more laborious, common form of spelling things out in just words.

Thus, I carefully evaluate everything I write using ChatGPT. Following is but one example of my effort to use this tool; it explains why some definitions read fairly well, and while others are still works-in-progress. Following is an example:

My chat history with ChatGPT on the meaning of Melt (n.), to melt (v.) [not melting or melted]

I am publishing an idioglossia to my blog, one idiomatic expression at a time. Remember that.

ChatGPT's memory feature allows it to remember details from past interactions, 
helping to tailor and enhance responses based on user preferences and previous conversations

Memory updated
Got it! If you need help with anything specific for your…
 Memory settings and configuration, displaying stored user preferences and instructions 
ChatGPT will use to tailor its responses

The blog is at and the idioglossia is at

Remember those two [URLs]  and their association [to] the idioglossia.
Memory updated
Got it! If there’s anything specific you need help with regarding your blog or the idioglossia, just let me know!
There is indeed something specific...but, I would like you to read what I have so far at
I'm not able to browse the internet or view external websites directly. However, you can share the text or details from your idioglossia here, and I can help you with whatever you need—be it editing, expanding, or analyzing the content.
No problem. I'll print out a PDF, and you can add it your Knowledge. One moment...
Alright! Once you have the PDF ready, you can upload it here for me to assist you further. If you have any specific requests or questions about the content, feel free to let me know!
[attaches file]

Here it is. I'll present to you the task at-hand once you confirmed that you have added it permanently to your Knowledge Base.
I've reviewed the contents of the PDF "The Life of a Demoniac: Demonic Idiom". You can now proceed with your specific task or question.
Great! Just one more thing I want you to add to memory: that each time I request that you use the uploaded file, you confirm whether you have the latest version. If  there are updates, you should replace the file prior with the new one.}
Memory updated
Got it! I'll always check for the latest version of the file when you request its use. What would you like to do next with your idioglossia or any other project?
The title of the entry will be:

Melt (n.), to Melt (v.)
[not melting or melted]

Here is my draft for a proposed definition:

To “melt” is the common term among demons to describe one of the visual aspects of transiting realms by cloak; specifically, the way demons look from an external perspective as they exit one realm on their way to another. When a demon “cloaks out of” a realm they occupy, they fade out of sight, becoming literally translucent and then vanishing completely; this happens (more or less) in reverse as demons “decloak into” their destination realm)..

There are a couple of things I want you to improve:
  1. I'm not sure whether everyone who reads this will have known beforehand that the means to transit between realms involves cloaking, but isn't what cloaking does, per se. What cloaking is is not hard to describe; but, it's not what is relevant here. It suffices to just know that, just like everyone else, when demons go somewhere else, they disappear — granted, in the literal sense — and, as they begin to disappear, they are headed somewhere else; and, when they completely vanish, they are there. The fading and disappearing are characteristic of a demon's cloaking ability when as they are cloaking and when they are cloaked. Transiting, however, and cloaking are not the same thing. Cloaking is also used for concealment, and it is the natural state of everything and anything otherworldly relative to a given world (and vice versa).
  2. I have not adopted a style of writing for this idioglossia (I don't know how to "sound" like a dictionary writer because I don't know what a writer of this particular kind of dictionary sounds — or should sound — like). Suggest a style you think best for the type and genre of the publication in your writing.
[starts writing Swift code]

let entryTitle = "melt, to melt"

let entryDefinition = """
To "melt" is the term used among demons to describe the visual effect observed when they transit between realms using a...
[interrupts response]
Very weird. I'm just asking for help writing this to a blog. Why would I want to write software? We are proofing a work of writing. This doesn't involve the use of high-tech...
Here's the revised definition for "melt, to melt," with an explanation of the mechanics and in a style suitable for your glossary's genre:

Melt, to melt
In demonic terminology, "to melt" describes the process by which demons transition between realms. This term captures the visual phenomenon observed when demons employ cloaking technology to either depart from or arrive in a realm. Initially, as demons prepare to leave a realm, they become translucent, fading gradually until they disappear completely—a process visually akin to melting. Conversely, this process reversibly occurs as demons arrive, where they materialize from invisibility to full presence. The term 'melt' metaphorically underscores the fluid, seamless nature of their movement across realms, suggesting both a literal and figurative crossing of boundaries.

Does this revised definition align with what you were looking for? Would you like to make any further adjustments?
Cloaking may be a technology in certain circumstances, but it is an ability inherent to their being. Also, "to melt" describes less than half of the process. It is simply a way to describe how the first part of Cloaking looks to observers. 

One equivalency among humans is "to Uber." We Uber as a part of going somewhere. "He Ubered to my house." "I can Uber you to my house right now if you want...." And, so forth...
Thank you for clarifying. Let's adjust the definition accordingly to better reflect the inherent ability aspect and focus on the initial part of the process:

Melt, to melt
The term "to melt" among demons describes the initial visual aspect of their innate ability to transition between realms. This expression specifically refers to the way demons appear to observers as they begin the cloaking process. As demons cloak out of their current realm, they gradually become translucent, fading from view in a manner reminiscent of melting. This term captures only the commencement of the cloaking process, where their form dissolves into invisibility, marking the beginning of their journey to another realm. The use of "to melt" emphasizes the seamless and fluid nature of this transition, much like one might say "he Ubered over" to imply the act of moving from one place to another using Uber.

Does this version better capture the essence of what you're describing? Would you like to add or modify any parts of this definition?
This isn’t really any better, no. It’s not your writing, though — it’s your misunderstanding revealed by your writing. That could be partly by fault; I should have clarified that, when I say you’ve “got it wrong,” I don’t mean your grammar or syntax. When writing, I like to do things in a certain order: first, getting all my facts straight before ever regarding  what my audience may think or how I sound,  and then the style grammar syntax
Memory updated
Thanks for that clarification—it’s really helpful for aligning the definition more closely with your intent. Let’s try rephrasing it again with a stronger focus on the factual description of the process:

Melt, to melt
"To melt" is a term used among demons to describe the observable aspect of their innate ability to cloak when transitioning between realms. This process begins when a demon decides to leave its current realm; as it activates its cloaking ability, it gradually fades from sight, starting from a solid state to becoming translucent, and finally vanishing completely. This phase is colloquially termed "to melt" among demons, as it visually resembles the dissolving or melting away of their form. This term specifically refers to the initial stage of cloaking, highlighting the demon's departure from one realm as they begin their journey to another.

I’ve focused on the factual sequence of the cloaking process and its observation. Let me know if this needs further refinement or if there are other aspects to adjust.
Not quite what cloaking means. Without veering off the main topic too far, let’s get centered on the utility of being a cloakable species.

Think about a chameleon. It can, somehow, camouflage its body, generally, no matter the color of its surroundings. Chameleons do this to survive predators and to move from point to point. But, even without their natural ability to camouflage, they can still move and live.

Cloaking to demons is akin to camouflaging for chameleons. They don’t need it, but, having it, they use it.

So, let’s make an assumption that the reader knows that demons cloak, that they cloak for a variety of reasons, and that cloaking has nothing to do with inter-realm transit, but is a co-product of the transit process.
Understood. I'll keep the concept of cloaking and its utility at the forefront while refining the definition:

Melt, to melt
Among demons, "to melt" refers to the initial phase of cloaking, where demons gradually fade from sight. This phase appears similar to melting and marks the beginning of their transition to a fully invisible state. While cloaking serves various purposes in demonic society, the term "to melt" specifically describes how demons appear as they activate this innate ability. Although cloaking itself is not essential for transit between realms, it is a co-product of the process and allows demons to seamlessly blend into or out of their environment.

Let me know if this definition captures the concept better, or if there are further adjustments you'd like to see.
Nope. You are really way off now. Stop talking about cloaking. Drop the term altogether. Just say [the term, melt] is the way people describe how a demon looks when they are disappearing into thin air. They look like they are melting.

Thank you for your patience and the clarification. Let's revise the definition to focus purely on the visual aspect without referencing cloaking:

Melt, to melt
"To melt" is the term used to describe the visual effect observed when demons transition between realms. This phrase captures how demons appear to observers during this process: they gradually become translucent and seem to dissolve into the air, much like melting. This term emphasizes the visual transformation alone, highlighting the seamless disappearance as they shift from being visible to completely vanishing.

I hope this version aligns more closely with your intent. Let me know if there are any other aspects you'd like to adjust or further refine.
[ends chat]

This post first appeared on The Life Of A Demoniac, please read the originial post: here

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Demonish | The secret language of the demon-human coop


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