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It’s a Demon! Or…is it?

“Coronation of the Virgin & Saints”
(Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni, ca. 1390, tempera on panel)

This Halloween, I noted that our Samhain was peppered with folks reporting being pushed, scratched, shoved across a room—all sorts of Halloween-ie things. This spirit activity is not unusual during this time of year when our ethers (the “barriers” between dimensions) becomes thin. Our ancient peoples knew of this thinning, and celebrated the time of year when all spiritual beings came forward and mysteriously went “bump” in the night.

Thanks to understandings through science, we now are able to recognize a geophysical reason for our ethers thinning. It’s far less mystical, and far more practical, though the geophysical phenomenon lends itself to some pretty mystical experiences. It works like this:

In October, the northern hemisphere begins to tilt significantly away from the sun. As this occurs, the magnetic “tug” on our ionosphere (the high-up layer of atmosphere and plasma that we bounce our broadcast signals off of) is “stretched”. There’s a lot of energy up there, and that energy feeds off of the geomagnetism created by a spinning core in our planet. The resulting effect is to temporarily “widen” spots in the electromagnetic field of the planet—or, in more metaphysical terms, to open up what many call portals, or vortexes, that connect our dimension with other dimensions. This generally happens anywhere from a week before to a week after what we call Halloween. This year, the furthest widening happened exactly on October 31st.

Again, there is very little distinction between what we label as science, and what we recognize as metaphysics. It’s all connected.

When these ethers thin, it’s easier for our disembodied neighbors to slip through and say “howdy”, because not only are the doorways widened for them to come and go, yet there is less electromagnetic resistance in the earth’s atmosphere, as much of it is also “leaked” out of these big dimensional portals. So pretty much, for a spirit, it’s like getting a chance to swim with the current, instead of against it—it’s just easier to get around.

Spirits will say howdy by slamming doors, opening cupboards, giving a person a light tap, or sometimes making noises in a home. However, former humans aren’t the only beings that find it easier to get around these wider-open doorways. Our Elemental Beings (God’s “middle-management” here on earth, who take care of nature) are also able to slip through these doorways with far less resistance. And Elementals aren’t nearly as hospitable as our former human friends.

Why? Because living human beings are far less hospitable to the earth. It’s kind of a cause and effect scenario. Elementals are ancient, and have very long life-cycles. They aren’t paying attention to which family is living in which house in which subdivision that went up on 1950. For them, seventy years is like 10 minutes. All they know is that they have an infestation of self-involved mindless beings scurrying about the surface of the planet, pouring concrete to seal in life and fertile soil which is craving sunshine, laying in iron pipes that disrupt ley line energy flow, creating culverts a choking out creeks which help move energy to plants and to rocks and trees—all our Elemental brothers and sisters recognize is that humans are a destructive blight, blind to the planet around us, greatly disrupting the vital resources the planet requires to operate in balance.

They’re not wrong.

In the same way that a human mother would do anything to make sure that some random person wasn’t breaking into their child’s bedroom at night to stop the blood flow to a child’s limb with a tourniquet—our Elemental brother and sisters are frantically trying to restore “blood flow” to the earth. And sometimes, this comes off pretty scary to the blight of humans living above.

I encountered several folks this Halloween who had been shoved across the room by what they described as a powerful invisible being. Some claimed to be scratched, or bitten, or growled at. What all of these folks had in common was that they were living in areas where Elemental activity is high, because of former oil-dumping, burning—basically, nature abuses. The other item that all of these folks had in common was they believed these powerful beings to be demons. This is a common belief because nearly ALL of our TV shows, as well as many pastors and even spiritual workers, make claims of demonic life being common amongst us here on earth. This is simply not true.

It’s actually quite difficult for demonic life to navigate the earth, a plane of existence created by Light, and bathed in light. In fact, the Angelic realm refers to the earth as “The Great Mother”, or, the Mother Aspect of a God-Consciousness. So, even the angels see the earth as a divine planet.

So what’s pushing people around? What we call “ghosts” don’t have enough energy to shove people around. Not unless they’re towing something nasty along with them, that has more power than they do. Or, not unless they’re dwelling in an area whose geophysical features “boost” their one natural energy.

However, Elemental Beings are very powerful, and have more than enough juice to toss people around at will. 99.9% of the time, the “paranormal push” is an unhappy Elemental.

The urban myth is that demons have this kind of power, as well. Technically, they do, however, it takes many demons to have enough power in this third dimension to toss someone around. And it’s unlikely they’re going to put that much effort into harassing one individual, as the amount of energy they have to exert just isn’t justified by the freak-out of one person.

Can demons pop through this dimension and harass us? Yes. However, it is extremely rare, and this is important for folks to hear – demonic possession, or demonic oppression, is very rare, due to how fragile demons become in this environment of light. They’re more apt to stay on their side of the fence and whisper stupid suggestions to us, until we take them up on their rotten suggestions and act them out, ruining our own lives ourselves. (They’re demons. They’re not going to risk a lot of their own discomfort for a cause.)

Demons have to come through very specific opening in this light dimension, or they’ll be destroyed. They don’t have a death wish. Nothing living does. In very rare cases, demons will find a “weak spot” in the ethers, created by someone’s belief system—like a person opening a door for a vampire –perhaps a person who is already afraid of demons, from a deeply religious background, who is greatly suffering, whose consistently low vibration makes it easier for them to endure this love-saturated and light atmosphere, which to them is extremely toxic, acidic, and draining.

Or, once in a while, demons can pass through a rare dimensional or “etheric rip”, whose geomagnetic attributes match up with a lot of suffering that occurred in that same space, to perfectly fold space-time thus making an easier passage between the super-low-vibration place where demons reside (we like to weirdly call this “hell”), and our earth plane. Yet those demons can’t range out of the “pain protected” environment.

However, even if demons can defy the odds and are able to get on this side of the fence somehow, let’s say through a person, they really can’t leave the realm of that person, or they evaporate like mist on a sidewalk once the sun comes out. And if that person gets happy, or changes their mental state, that demonic life has a door slammed shut in their face. That’s why demons work so hard to isolate people they’re using as a doorway, or a battery pack, for their mischief.

I don’t want folks to read this and think that if they suffer from depression, or are having a bad day, they somehow are going to be targeted by demons for possession. That is absolutely not true. If that were true, every human on this earth would cease to exist and it would be a live hell-party. It takes A LOT of work for multiple demons to hold a space on earth, through a person, or a place. I mean, A LOT. So there have to be a perfect storm of outlying factors that are just right, for this to occur for awhile. Demons can’t live on this side of the fence forever.

The love, and the light on this planet and in this dimension, wears demons down. Contrary to popular shows like “Lucifer”, where we’ve personified this poor, misunderstood Satan with a quirky and lovable English accent—for actual demonic life, earth is a remarkably uncomfy place. The only reason they pop in once in awhile on earth, or mostly hang out in the ethers, is to eat our pain. That’s their food source. Like tilapia eating bass poo off the bottom of the lake, demonic like scarfs down our off-gassed suffering, our worry, our discontent, like a messed-up Golden Corral of misery.

(Mind-boggle break: The All, or God made EVERYTHING. Including demons. Everything has a purpose. We don’t always need to interact with that purpose. Sharks eat garbage out of the oceans. I don’t really want to interact with a shark while it’s enacting it’s purpose.)

Thanks to a lot of really bizarre fear-based fan-fiction put out by mostly Christian religious institutions everywhere over thousands of years, now picked up by desperate TV producers and Hollywood movies and spiritualists looking to make a buck off of peoples fear, and even more desperate pastors who wish to scare people into clinging onto Jesus like some weird default against the THREAT OF THE MIGHTY POWER OF SATAN (really? That gives all the power to evil–that’s a “Christian church”? Hmmmm….) there’s a widely-held belief that demonic life is just wandering around every corner, ready to pounce on unsuspecting humans.

Because of this lack of education and sensationalizing, people think that if they’re thrown across a room—it’s always “a demon”.

That’s not true.

Yes, demons are real. No, they are not all-powerful here on earth. Or really, in any light-based dimension. Though pesty, they’re pretty fragile, actually, within the vibration of love. But they put up a great poker bluff, and scare the crap out of folks in the meantime.

Yes, demons like to torment folks who are already tormenting themselves. (That’s the key for them—we have to start hating on ourself first—this is their invitation). No, they are not tormenting everybody, and they require a LOT of perfect environmental attributes to hang out for long durations of time on the planet earth.

Yes, demonic possession is real. NO, IT IS NOT COMMON. Please hear this. Once again, demons need a very specific set of ingredients, both environmentally, and spiritually within a person, to even be able to consider this option. And it always takes several of them to get enough juice to try and inhabit a flesh suit and push a human soul to the side, anyway. It’s a LOT of work for them, and the payoff energetically for them is pretty low.

Yes, demonic oppression (having demons hanging out in a space and dragging down the vibe and affecting a person’s behavior) is real. No, it is not the same thing a suffering with depression, having a bad day, brain chemistry slumps due to low thyroid, menopause, disease, abuse, or any other outside influence that would disturb our piece of mind. Not everything bad that happens is a demon. People are continuously making rotten choices and hurting others, all on their own.

Yes, demonic influence is real. (That’s when someone is continuously being fed awful advice by the little “devil on their shoulder” that will compromise the well-being of many, and makes them feel very powerful and invincible in the moment.) NO, not every asshat, dictator, and sociopathic serial-killer-nightmare human is under demonic influence. Most just had really harmful environments as children.

Yes, demonic torment is real (getting shoved, scratched, et al) NO, IT IS NOT COMMON. Again, please read the paragraphs about how difficult the earth is, to navigate, for demonic life.

And under the demonic torment category, I’d like to point out that if a person experiences a one-off shove during the thin-ether Halloween period, the chances of that shove coming from a demon are far, far less than zero.

Demons won’t bother to come by to scare a person once. They are stalkers, and want the biggest bang for their buck in terms of long-term torment, as again, I can’t stress enough how difficult it is for demons to exist on this earth plane—even in thin ethers. If a person is shoved once, or scared once, the guilty party is likely going to be a pissed-off-Elemental, who is freaking out because it can’t tell humans apart very well (neither can people tell apart viruses—we just know they’re making us sick) and the Elemental is trying to wake us up to the fact that we’ve put a “tourniquet” on the blood flow of the earth. With thinner ethers, it can give us a punky “shove”, to say “Hey! Do something about this trash that’s choking up your Great Mother, you thumb-wielding stink-monkey!”

Planting more trees in a yard, or putting in plants, and burying certain stones and sage, shows Elemental beings that we’re trying to restore nature. They’re most likely to be more aggressive in areas where we have dumped garbage, oil, and have disrupted water sources. I’ve noted that some of the most “haunted” places around my hometown of Billings, Montana are areas where the refineries dumped oil, years and years ago—Lockwood, Laurel, Huntley (by the river)—watch for pollution, and you’ll find really, really mad Elemental Beings.

Once in a while, a person will experience a rare ghostly shove, yet that spirit must depend on incredibly thin ethers to achieve this. Usually those thinning ethers are not only created by the Halloween phenomenon, but geophysical features that can keep a “haunting doorway” open in the ground below a home or space.

It’s VERY important to recognize that the more we fear demonic life, the more we open a doorway up for that life actually come in a spend some time with us. True Evil depends on our fear to gain strength in this dimension. Some churches depend on their congregations being paralytically fearful of demons to keep people coming back and putting money in their plates—thus “buying” safety from “evil”. In my observation, especially as a former pastor in the Christian faith—this practice itself is the epitome of evil.

Yes, demons waiting for us to be miserable, and to stay in misery for a long time, so they can eat that on misery while safely on the other side of their fence. (Emotionality turns in to an energy wave that can cross dimensions. I’ve got a lot more to say about that, and how humanity is affecting other multiverses right now with our over 8 billion emotional processors known as humans wandering about this spinning-electromagnet-called-earth–but for now, we need to stick to this issue.) And yes, if a person has a very rare encounter with the “perfect storm” of geomagnetic and spiritual attributes to create an unbelievably rare “doorway to hell” in a location, so to speak — demons can be a pain to get rid of, like dog poo tracked onto a shag carpet. It takes a minute to get out, but you can get it out, even though the stick may remain for a while.

So. If you’re someone who was raised to “fear the devil” – don’t. Demons are a pain, but they’re not actually “after us”, as religion would teach us. They’re just eating pain. If you want to be afraid of them, that’s an energetic choice, as we create pain inside of ourselves with them at the center, and then it’s an easier stair step for them to stand outside your emotional house and throw emotional eggs on your emotional windows. But why do that?

Evil is real. Demons are real. Love is real. Angels are real. Evil and demons are a weaker energy in this incarnation. Love and angelic life are the dominant energy. People can “act evil”, yet there is a difference between acting in a way in which we label the behavior as “evil”—and ACTUAL evil. People certainly can channel actual evil. However that’s far more subtle, and affects far, far more people at one time. Much of what we call “evil” is simply humans acting out of pain. Because these actions are so horrid and grievous, they surely seem evil to us, as a species based upon the base code of love.

If you truly believe you have a demonic infestation, or an actual demon problem, and you’re having difficulty dealing with it (keeping in mind that starving them out and ignoring them and loving a lot, and calling in Light/God in the face of their occupation, usually does the trick—but sometimes that’s hard if you’re getting tossed around a bedroom), then the folks who are best-suited to assist you are folks who are part of your same belief system: Imams for Muslim folks, Medicine carriers for Native Folks (though honestly I’ve yet to see a native person plagued by demons in the same way that white people fall into that narrative), Catholic Fathers for Christians—the Catholic faith is very mystical and has specialized in this type of phenomenon a long time, and outside of the Jedi, have a great grasp on how not to get tricked up or punked by these most pesty and very rare intruders.

Stick to the folks who speaks your language Because it must be YOU, who becomes unafraid. Again—we are the ones that invite the vampire to dinner, sometimes without even knowing it.

But before you go calling the church – realize that demonic interaction is, again, incredibly rare, and mostly something TV shows, slick-haired preachers, and some spiritualists really lean on, because it’s a quick answer to the deeper issues that plague us, as complicated humans.

Instead, plant a tree. Talk to the earth. Tell the Elemtnals you’re sorry that people are idiots, and you’ll do better while you’re a temporary steward of that property. Bury some tobacco and some sage. Have a firepit in your back yard. Connect with the elements, all of God’s expressions. Acknowledge the earth as part of the God body—because She is. Bring love and music and LIGHT into your home. Show great gratitude for God/Universe. Talk to God/Universe. Rejoice in little things with God/Universe. Thank God/Universe. Experience joy over the tiniest little things.

And mostly—let’s try not to hit the panic button when we encounter something we don’t understand. If we go to DefCon 4, and claim “demon infestation”–so will Darkness. If we BELIEVE we have demons in our house, they’re happy to oblige us. But that’s on us. Not them. They’re just doing what they do. Just like swimming in the ocean—we can’t always avoid a cut on the coral. Yet it’s our choice whether we choose to bleed into the water, or not.

The shark will respond, either way.

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It’s a Demon! Or…is it?


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