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BI 387: How to Leverage Webinars to Quickly Ramp Up to 7 Figures (Ft Yuri Elkaim)

There’s a multitude of ways to market your business. You’re probably aware of content creation, ads, influencer promotions — but perhaps one thing you didn’t consider as a powerful tool for advertising and driving traffic is through Webinars. For Yuri Elkaim, the key to your entrepreneurial success is knowing how to make money using webinars.

In this episode, Yuri shares how business owners can use webinars as a reliable medium to attract clients and gain profit. For this marketing strategy, efficiency is the keyword as it saves entrepreneurs time and energy in reaching a potential audience. With Yuri’s bright idea of understanding how to make money using webinars, you’ll be able to build lucrative and sustainable online businesses.

Tune in to this episode to learn how to make money using webinars, create an impact, and make better use of your time.

[3:07]  Yeah, good to have you. So for the folks who maybe don’t know who you are. Let’s quickly start there. And then we are going to dive right into this. 

So I’m the founder and CEO of a company called the Healthpreneur. We help health professionals and coaches in the health space, get clients and scale their virtual practices or their coaching businesses online. That’s what we do, we’re on a mission now with billion people on the planet. We know we’ll get there by helping more health professionals build more impactful businesses that can reach more people, but also at the same time, allowing them to enjoy a better quality of life in the process because most of them are pretty burnt out based on the traditional medical one-on-one model. We’re giving them a better way of acquiring clients, but also delivering better results in the backend to them. So that’s who I am or what I do in a nutshell. 

[04:01] Everybody who listens to my show knows that this is not a health-focused podcast. There are other podcasts for that. We’re here to talk about marketing. You believe that these folks and many other founders should be focused on nothing but webinars until they’re hitting a million a year in revenue, why webinars? I mean, there’s a lot of other stuff you can do. 

Totally. I know that’s, it’s kind of a blanket statement. And I want to put out a, it is a bit of a claim as well. The reality is that content marketing, I think has a very, very big place in all businesses, but I think it has a place down the road for most businesses. Most people whether— and again, this is agnostic of industry, it doesn’t matter if your marketing agency, a chiropractor, a coach online, it’s all the same if no one knows who you are. It doesn’t matter what you do. So when I say webinars have— like when I look at the one-piece or the one asset to build your business I think really all businesses should at some level, have a webinar. And that it’s so important because most of us end up having a very similar conversation with prospects when we’re about to enroll or have them enroll in our services. 

If you’re dealing with a very specific target market, the prognosis or the diagnosis, or the recommendations you’re making are usually the same. And when you’re dealing with a specific target market, they’re usually also coming in with a very similar issue. And if you have a similar target market with a similar issue, you most likely have a very similar protocol, program or process to help them achieve an outcome. So when that’s the case, you don’t need to have a million blog posts talking about all sorts of different things. I mean, if you want to, that’s fine, but it’s not really going to get you anywhere quickly. When you have a webinar, think of it like a documentary. It’s a 45 to 60-minute presentation, master class, gives you the opportunity to educate, indoctrinate, and really get people to change the way they view a specific topic. And what it does is it allows people to consume the essence of your brand, of your marketing in a very specific container. 

So again, 30 to 60 minutes, let’s say, as opposed to following you for weeks, months or years, which again, has a place. But what we’ve seen and what we teach our clients, is if you can understand how to put together a compelling presentation. And we’ve all been on the receiving end of one, whether we’re sitting in a live auditorium here in France, I’m hearing someone speak from stage or if we’ve watched a compelling documentary, we’ve all been moved in some way, shape, or form to think to ourselves, “Wow, this makes sense, what do I do next to improve this situation?” And so every business, regardless of the business should I believe have a webinar that allows them to create more leverage. So when someone asks them, what do you do? And how are you different, you can simply say, watch this. And if you like what you see, we’ll take it from there, as opposed to you having to explain everything over and over and over again, it’s just a much more efficient, effective way of educating and moving people through your sales process without you having to do everything, every step of the way. 

[07:20] Tell me about your trip to Hawaii and the supplements.

In my previous business, I had a health and fitness company where we helped hundreds of thousands of customers, and it was mostly product-based. We had developed a greens powder that I developed in my kitchen, and it was awesome, still is. And when we launched it, I said to myself, “Okay, we have this audience of several 100,000 people. And this is before we went any did any external marketing with this, we wanted to test it internally. We said, “Well, what would be the best way to test this out internally?” So I said, “Well, we’ve been doing webinars really well, let’s create a webinar around a topic that would segue into this greens powder.” And this webinar was two hours and forty-five minutes. Okay, not my shortest webinar, it was recorded, it was not done live. And I recorded a couple days before leaving on a trip to Hawaii and the webinar was really like educational on the premise of the body being acidic to inflamed etc.  and then segwaying into why our greens powder can be a good solution to help resolving that. 

So we got it all done, we got up the marketing and the emails queued up for the list. And a couple days later, I was on a flight to Hawaii. So on that flight to Hawaii, I’m kind of out of commission for about twelve hours. I landed in Hawaii, and my brother who runs operations for that company sent me an email. He’s like, “Hey, man, we just did about a hundred grand in one day off the webinar.” And I was like, wow but not surprised. But really, I mean, just really excited because here I was on a plane. No involvements, I had built an asset that was now working on my behalf while I was traveling. And that was just that wasn’t like the first time like we’d have that was like one of many types of instances like that. But it was yet again, confirmation that when you have a good asset that leads with education and value, it’s a lot easier to make an ask afterwards, as opposed to always just going to the pitch. 

[09:24] So the first thing I want people to take away from this for especially for the naysayers, who say, “Oh, all webinars are old school and they take too much time and they’re too long.” I have like many, like you and like many entrepreneurs, have had two hour long webinars. There were two hours long or more, where I had 90% of the people at the end of the two hours who were there at the beginning. People will hang around as long as they are engaged with your content and I can’t think of really any other medium that allows other than maybe like a professionally produced movie, which would cost you a fortune.

Now that allows you to capture someone’s undivided, while reasonably undivided, because most people do multitask when they’re on a webinar, but reasonably undivided attention for that long of a period of time. So I want to talk now about this thing that we talked about earlier called the Big Idea. Like, there’s got to be a reason I know who you are, I found your website some way, shape or form, I saw your landing page, whatever it is.

And I’m looking at the idea of attending this webinar. And all I can think about is, is this going to be worth it for me? And then when I get to the webinar in the first three, four minutes, again, I’m thinking, is this worth my time? Should I be here? So you’ve got to have this big idea. And you got to convey like, help people understand why that’s so important. 

In most of our markets, everyone has seen everything, right. They’ve seen the infomercials, they’ve seen the ads, they tried other things. And so most people are asking, “What is this? What is it all about? And how is this different than what I’ve tried before?” So we have to, in our marketing, be able to capture that, and articulate that very quickly. So when someone’s watching your webinar, first and foremost, the webinar has to be built around not even your big idea, but it needs to be built around the pain points of your market that you’re looking to address. Because most people like everyone only cares about themselves. The sooner we come to terms with that, the better our marketing will be. 

So the webinar is built around the frustration that your audience is dealing with that you’re helping them solve. But as you get into the webinar, there can be 100 webinars on the same topic. But how is yours positioned uniquely and differently and that’s where the big idea comes in. So, for me, marketing is really about sharing what you believe, more so than what you know. And a big idea is an articulation of what you believe, around a specific topic.

So as an example, some people believe that webinars are dead, and there are ads out there that talk about you don’t need a webinar, you don’t need to run Facebook ads, you don’t need to do anything. Apparently, you get clients by doing nothing. That’s a big idea. If I were to create a webinar around webinars, the big idea would be a webinar is the only piece of content you need to build a million dollar business. Now, the big idea in and of itself doesn’t need to be objectively empirically true. Because there are obviously many people who don’t believe that. There are many people who would say, “Well, you don’t need just a webinar to build a million dollar business. In fact, I built an entire business with no webinars. So how does that make sense?”

So the goal with the big idea is not to present this scientific only truth, it’s to share your truth. And it’s to get people to buy into how you see that particular topic. So as an example, our webinars called the “Perfect Client Pipeline”, our big idea is that the old way of building a business online is dead. And we spent a good amount of time in the webinar talking about how what most people are doing to build a business online these days, posting on social, blogging, creating content, which by the way, I’m a huge fan of, but for most businesses down the road. So the position that I’m taking, the point that I’m trying to sell, is that you don’t need to do that stuff. In fact, if you do that stuff, it’s going to take you five to 10 times longer to get the traction you want, compared to this other alternative, which I later present as a webinar. 

So the big idea is the one thing that think about it this way, if people do nothing after this webinar, and they just leave, and they’re thinking back to themselves, and let’s say they’re supposed to say, “Oh, like how was the presentation?” You’re like, “Oh, it’s great.” And they asked, “What was it better?” The answer to that question, more or less should articulate the big idea. “Oh, it’s about like how, you know, this guy was talking to how to build a business online. Nowadays, I don’t need to do all this other stuff, I could do this. Instead, it seems simpler, faster, whatever.” You want people to get the essence of what you’re trying to communicate. And that’s the big idea. In movies, they’ll call it like the throughline, a lot of presenters on stage, talk about the throughline, the one thing you want your audience to believe to be true. And then the rest of the webinar basically then goes about to support that. So that’s what the big idea is. 

[14:31] So in order to come up with a big idea, I imagine you kind of have a pretty strong understanding of the needs, wants and desires of your target audience. 

Yep and what’s also happening in the marketplace. So if we look at an example of a great big idea was P90X. So P90X came out at a time when infomercials for the most part, were talking about the sauna belts. And seven minute abs and quick fix solutions and then P90X came up.

So here it comes P90X. And again, I don’t know the inner discussions that were happening in the boardroom, but I’m assuming they’re looking at the marketplace. They’re understanding the frustrations, the wants of the market. They’re saying, “Listen, there’s a lot of people out there who are struggling to lose weight, they want to look better, they want to feel more confident, and what are some of the things that they’ve done?” Well, they’ve done this stuff, and maybe hadn’t best produced temporary results. So P90X comes along. And as a company Beachbody said, “Well, here’s what we believe to be true. We believe that intense exercise, and working out is maybe fundamentally important to that.” 

And so they really introduced a concept into the market that was on the complete opposite side of the spectrum, relative to what the market had been saying for many years. Now, some people might have said that we’ll do that’s crazy, like, no one’s talking about this stuff. And obviously, they approve this a lot of people wrong. When everyone was looking for the quick fix. They sold the hard fix, they said, “This is going to be the hardest thing ever going to do. But it’s going to work.” And that’s an example of how understanding the market at any given time is important. Because any given products can work better or less well, depending on the market conditions around us. I think if P90X came out at a time where the the zeitgeist was intense workouts, hardcore workouts, everyone had been like, “Yeah, like, I know that already. Like, how’s this different?” But they came up with something different and unique. But with the foundation of understanding what their audience needed, in terms of like, feeling better losing weight getting in shape.

[16:46] I want to go down in the weeds a little bit. And this is referencing some stuff we talked about on our pre interview, to make this very, very actionable for people that are listening. You talk to me about, you know, the first few slides in your webinar, you want to give people the impression of what? Do you remember what you said?

They need to be in this presentation. Feeling like you’re in their head? Yeah. It’s like, “How does this guy know me? How does this person know what I’m going through?” It’s almost like when you have that moment on the internet, we’re like, how am I being shown ads about this thing, when I just had this conversation, my wife had dinner about it, right? It’s almost like Alexa is listening. So I said one of the first things that we have our clients do, and this is a really simple activity that, I think all of us as marketers want to consider doing a production already is, really identifying your perfect client, but it’s not just like I help X achieve Y. It’s really identifying one person giving that person a name really going deep into who that person is. And for a lot of us, our perfect client was us many moons ago. So that’s actually a pretty easy place to start, if that’s the truth for you. If it’s not, maybe it’s someone you know, or someone you’ve worked with. 

But I think the key with great marketing is really instead of marketing to everyone is marketing to one person and really, in your mind is having a visual of that person. I mean, if it helps you even put up a— I’ve done this in the past where I’ve had a vision board with some of my best clients in the middle of the vision board. And that would be posted, like right behind my computer. So they were always like the reference for everything I was doing. But with that said, one of the most basic activities is called an “emotion inventory”. And this is really four questions. That’s really simple. It’s: What are the frustrations? And what are the fears? What are the wants? And what are the desires? 

So a frustration is something that your perfect client that one individual is  currently dealing with? A fear is what happens if that continues to go unchecked or if it you know exacerbates over time. A fear is really kind of a worry about something in the future that’s not currently happening. A frustration is like a symptom, like right now. A want is the opposite of the frustration. So someone is frustrated because they can’t put their pants on, a want is the opposite of that. It’s like I want to lose some of the belly fat. So I put my pants on it. A desire is again, kind of future-paced, and it has more to do with the value like how that person identifies himself in the world. 

So as an example of wants could be to lose 10 pounds, a desire to be the type of person that shows up in a way that’s an example for their kids. So it’s a little bit more ethereal, more kind of future-based. So it’s really important to start, whether it’s a webinar or any marketing with really understanding those four factors because then when you put together your slide deck, it’s really simple like the first couple of slides, you know, it’s like, “Hey, if you’re watching this, you might be experiencing the following. Can you relate to this?” Just like, map out the frustrations and the person’s like, “That’s pretty much what I’m going through.” And then the next slide can be like, “Hey, and if you’re, if you’re dealing with some of that you might be the type of person who wants this.” You know, boom, boom, boom.

Basically, it’s like, you’re, you’re depicting what they’re experiencing. And again, when people feel like they’re understood, that’s when they start to pay attention. And so that’s the key with why that’s important. 

[20:34] And that’s also a great segue to my next question. So now you’re at a point very early on in your webinar, when you’ve kind of hooked people, you’re like, wow, this guy gets me I’m gonna hang. I’m gonna hang around here. Because the three problems he’s describing, I got those three problems, I want to get rid of those three problems.

But then there’s a balancing act of how much because you can’t just sell on a webinar, no one’s gonna appreciate that they’re there to get educated. But at the end of the day, also, you want to sell something at the end of the webinar. That’s the whole reason you’re doing the webinar, or it might not be but oftentimes it is. So how do you balance that? Where do you draw the line between what you give away for free, what you teach on the webinar, versus what you want people to pay money for? 

The simple slogan that I remind myself over that we teach our clients is show know how, with no how. So show, K N O W, know how, with N O, HOW. 

[21:36] Let me put that simpler, show them what to do, but now what to do it.

Show them you know, what you’re talking about, right? Talk about the what and the why, but you don’t need to go into the granular details of the how, because the reality is like, it’s actually a disservice to people, if you really think about this. Again, this is a belief, maybe not empirically true. If you give people surface-level “how,” they’re going to go away and start doing it, and they’re not going to have the full picture. And so there might, they’re most likely to make mistakes and not do it properly. 

So for me, I have zero problem coming from a place of, “Listen, I’m not going to give you the protocol, because if you try to do this on your own, it’s not going to happen.” But there are times where it does make sense to talk a little bit more about your how, in our world, we call it a proprietary process in marketing, it’s often referred to as a unique mechanism. So what’s different about your thing versus something else, like you have to explain that to some degree. So in our case, we actually map it out and say, “Hey, it’s called a proof client pipeline. And there’s four steps, and it’s 1234, we kind of map them out. But the reason I’m able to do that is because the likelihood of someone going and taking those four steps and succeeding with those is close to zero.”

So I can map them out. But then I like the next step from that is really about saying, listen, like, “I’ve laid this out for you. But you have to understand that the devil’s in the details. And in order for this to work, there are three important things that have to be in place when it’s this, this and this.” And I explained those in such a way where just by explaining them a bit, I’ll just basically say what they are: message, market, magic. Okay, so you can have a beautiful funnel, you can have everything built up properly. But if your message isn’t dialed in, you don’t know who you’re talking to. And your offer, AKA your magic is terrible. 

No one’s gonna take you to the next step with you. So I  explained that, but as the viewers watching that they’re thinking to themselves. Okay, well, “How do I make my magic more compelling? How do I dial in my messaging.” So now what I’m doing is I’m opening up more loops, while also providing value. So I’m showing them what to do. But because there are so many levels of nuance, and again, like for the sake of time, I can’t explain everything in 45 minutes. But they see that there’s like, “Man, this makes sense. This guy knows what he’s talking about.”

And then obviously, it’s backed by proof, testimonials, case studies. And the whole idea is, again, to really get people to buy into your way of seeing this. So that by the end of the webinar, they’re either thinking to themselves, “This doesn’t make sense at all,” or they’re like, “This makes a lot of sense, let me take the next step.” Because if you do a good job on your webinar, what you’ll end up finding whether if you’re booking a console call afterwards is a lot of what we hear is, “I was watching this, this webinar, this masterclass, and it just made so much sense. It felt like you know, he was in my head, it felt like all the stuff he was talking about truly resonated with me and I like I didn’t want to do that stuff anymore. I’d rather do this.” And that’s what you want. Because when you speak with prospective clients, again in a consultative type of manner. You want people who are pre sold because otherwise you have to hard sell them on the phone. 

So the whole selling cycle becomes a lot shorter. If you can front load any conversation with prospects with a webinar that does most of the heavy lifting for you. So when it comes to contents it’s really why you can kind of touch on the how. But we all know that there’s so many levels of nuance in anything we do, that we can’t in any way shape or form and do all that in one webinar. 

[25:17] So, now we’ve got a great webinar. But we got to get people to watch, a way for people to show up and register, first of all, and then we got to get them to show up. So we need an audience. How you going to do that? What if I don’t have a list? Because a lot of people listening saying, “Well, I don’t have a list, how can I do a webinar, I don’t have an unlimited ad budget, where am I going to get the traffic from?” 

So this is where again, like if you, and most of our clients don’t have any follow when they come to us, so we’re talking with clinicians who are moving out of the brick and mortar, or like, I don’t even have an Instagram following or an email list like, great, you don’t need it. So the thing to recognize with marketing is like, you have the free and you’ve got the paid, and I believe that everyone, no matter what level of business they’re in, need to understand how to master paid traffic. Because if you don’t understand how to, let’s say, spend $1 on Facebook ads, and turn it into two, five or 10, then you’re always going to be at the mercy of hope and pray. Hope and pray is word of mouth. It’s people somehow finding you. It’s posting on Instagram, and hopefully things work. It’s reading blogs that maybe someone will see it in the future. It’s not a predictable way of building a business, and especially online, the whole field, the Field of Dreams, like build it, and they will come

That does not work in the slightest. The last I checked, there are 130 trillion pages on Google. Like just think of that, like you’re going to start a website with five pages of content. And you’re going to get ranked? Never. So I’m a big believer in even if you’re starting from scratch, is you have to learn how to master paid traffic. So let’s say you have a webinar setup. Alright, how do we drive traffic? Well, you should probably figure out, what is the messaging going to look like to run one, two or three ads to that webinar? Okay, we have that dialed in. That’s the first thing. Second thing, or maybe the first thing is really? Who’s the audience? So what does that audience selection look like, you have a compelling message that goes to that audience, it’s going to invite them to a free training that’s going to help them specifically solve a problem that they’re really, really looking to solve. And again, if you’re doing a live webinar, we can talk about the differences between that and evergreen. But essentially, that ad would be driving people to the webinar, on the webinar, there’s gonna be a call to action, whether it’s to buy a product and going directly to a checkout page. Or if it’s a higher ticket type of offer, it’s going to go to a consult call, sales call. And then from there, there’ll be an offer on the call. 

So there’s an element of like, you have to figure a few things out, because nothing’s guaranteed if you spend $100 on ads, what are you paying per click? What are you paying per registrants? How many registrants do you need for one sale? If you’re selling something for 500 bucks? Is your traffic costing you less than 500? If so, that’s amazing. Keep doing it. 

[28:11] This is actually something we’re working on for Flowster right now. Do you have a rule of thumb for what your CPA should be as a percentage of your ticket? 

Depends on the market depends on the business model. To be honest, like, if you have a team of one, your profit margin is going to be substantially different than if you have a team of 50 people. Your cost per acquisition, it really varies. So every business owner needs at regular intervals to constantly assess what they’re willing to spend for a client. We’re willing to spend a good amount of money for a client because we understand the lifetime value of that client. But like the cost of what we’re willing to spend for a client now is different than what it was five years ago, because of the nature of our business in some of the overhead that we have to cover as well. 

[29:05] Let me use myself as a guinea pig here just for a moment. There’s something that we’re getting ready to launch, which will be a $2,000 offer. And I’m hoping to have CPAs be the cost per acquisition to be less than 2%. So less than 40 bucks, that leads to the webinar.

So you’re talking about cost per registrants being two percent. You’re obviously dealing with the more of an entrepreneurial audience as well.  So like in the neighborhood, in my experience. Again, we have a very specific niche. We’re talking to like practitioners who are looking for virtual. So it’s a little bit more pricey, but generally in the entrepreneurial space, like I’ve seen stuff anywhere from for a webinar, anywhere from 10 I think even 40 bucks is on the high end, to be honest. So if you’re getting people in there, under, I think for that specific market, anything under 20 is a big homerun. And I think that’s very possible. 

So yeah, so I mean, if you look at, it’s fun to reverse engineer the numbers, because if you think of, let’s see, you got a registrants for 20 bucks, right? So you’re spending $20 for one person to register. Now, that person may not show up and watch the webinar, we also have to consider that. But let’s say that, you know, you have 100 people at 20 bucks each, that’s $2,000 spent, they have a $2,000 product. So even if one person you know, bite, you would have broken even so you have to reverse engineer and say, “Okay, what’s like, what do we need to be seeing on the Facebook friends for this to make sense? Is 20 bucks too much? Is it okay? Do we want to get it down a lot lower? Like, what is that breakeven point? And what is the point above which this is no longer making sense.” 

[30:56] This is why you really need to know your numbers, you need to know your show rate, your conversion rate, your replay watch rate, because all this stuff. And if you have any back end, upsells, that’s got to get factored in as well. Because all of this stuff is really, really important. The only way to really figure this out for yourself is to do it yourself.

And I think honestly, everyone has to take this approach. First and foremost, it’s a business, invest in your business, if you had a brick and mortar setup, you’d be spending tens of thousands of dollars in lease every month just on rent. So why not approach this as an experiment and say, “Okay, how much am I willing to lose, I am willing to spend a thousand, two thousand, five thousand dollars. And if I lost all that money, I’d be okay.” And now you have breathing room to say, “Cool, we’re gonna spend, I’ll just use five thousand as an example, we’re gonna spend $5,000 on this, because I know that if this does well, that five thousand will turn into ten, fifteen, twenty, or whatever it might be in the backend.” And then the only way to know is just give it a shot. 

But again, everyone’s budget is really up to them. So if you want to start with five hundred or a thousand, whatever, that’s fine. But also be realistic. Our clients are talking to the general population so their cost per lead is like under five bucks. We have some clients that are speaking to more professional entrepreneurial audiences. And we’re like, why is my cost per lead so high. So I said, “Well, your cost per lead is about triple because of the audience you’re serving.” So just keep in mind, if you have a budget of five hundred, dealing with an entrepreneurial audience, you’re going to have fewer leads relative to someone who’s targeting someone with weight loss, right? 

So, but I think you just have to approach it with, you have to have a budget that you’re willing to lose. But the upside is really limitless. 

[32:42] Okay, so I want to make the transition now to talking about live webinars versus evergreen webinars, because I’m a huge fan of anything that can become a repeatable system, that ideally could run on autopilot. Now, you’re not going to go knock it out of the park with your very first shot with an evergreen webinar. But through enough testing and knowing your numbers, you can get to a point where maybe you can start to evergreen your webinar. Tell me about that, too. 

There’s two ways of doing this. Some people have the approach of I’ll do a live webinar, and I’ll take the recording, and I’ll put it up as evergreen. I used to do that. And then I just got to a point where I just got fed up with the short rates being so low. I was like, I don’t even want to spend a Thursday night at seven o’clock even doing this rather hang out with my kids. So when I stopped doing live webinars, I’d say four or five years ago. And then I did maybe one other like I’m like, hey, maybe things are different now. 

And we had 2000 people registered for the webinar and on a Thursday night at like seven o’clock. And we had 10% of those people show up. And I mean, I don’t know about you, but it’s like it’s like if you want to speak at a big events and there’s a handful of people in the audience. 

[33:56] Frustrating, Aggravating actually. Is the work.

Because like now you have to perform and you’re looking at the number on the screen, and you’re like, you’re trying to get over that. Alright, let me just show up the best I can for these. 

[34:08] I can hang out with my kids, but instead I’m talking, you know, to the people that registered for this thing.

Exactly, It’s super frustrating, and that’s why I’m not a huge fan of live. But let’s just look at, like, if you did live like you’re at least you’re like cool, I recorded it cool. We can use it later on.  If you are doing lives, the most important piece is what happens from the time that register to the time the actual thing happens. So I would consider and again this is going to compromise conversion rate a little bit on the front end, is name, email, and most likely phone number. If you can get phone number on the opt-in page now you can send text reminders, which can make a huge difference for reminding people  “Hey, I look forward to seeing you in an hour.”

 And that can be a game changer for show up. Because if you get let’s say double the number of people that show up, everything else, like doubles more or less as well. So you have to think about when people register, the show up game is really what matters. So what can you do via email to get people excited, when we used to do live webinars, we usually send out one or two videos ahead of time. Just a quick like preamble, like a quick five minute thing about some questions, we’ve had that, kind of plant some seeds about what we’re going to cover. 

The other thing we’ve done in the past as well as we’ve offered, kind of like a workbook or worksheets with fill in the blanks. So it’s like, if you want the answers to the blanks, I’m going to talk about that in the webinar. So it builds a bit of curiosity for wanting to close the loop. And so just I mean, again, I think text reminders are probably the most important thing, email, to spam or whatever. But you have to have some type of game or some type of strategy to get people to show up once they register. In terms of driving traffic, I would not recommend, especially if you’re running ads, even if you’re sending an email to your list, let’s say you have a webinar on a Thursday nights, you’ll probably want to start promoting it on the Monday, anything more than four to five days, it just you’ll get a major drop off in attendance. 

So those are just like a couple things on the live side effects. Evergreen, my approach is unlike I got my slide deck, I’m going to just record into my computer, and it’s now just the video pretty much. I feel good about it. I’ll let it sit for a day. And what happens is, I’ll go about my day, I’ll go for a walk, do whatever. And I’ll think to myself and I’m like, “You know what, I forgot that, man, I really, I forgot that one piece, or I should have done a better job here.” And if I don’t feel good about whatever recorded, I’ll just go back and record it again. Or I’ll record just that piece to make it a bit more solid. 

So for me, my process is a record the video that becomes a webinar we uploaded to the platform, and it does its thing. We let traffic go to it, we look at the numbers we looked at where does it drop off happen? The drop off is always going to happen right away. And we’re the call to action is right. And so you always want to that’s just going to happen anyways. But generally, if you can get a sense of,, can I make the beginning more compelling? You know, am I speaking about myself my story for too long, and I see a major drop off there. Those are some simple things you can look at, and then make some simple tweaks by re-recording it. And, the thing I tell my clients is, you wouldn’t expect to be an amazing speaker if you spoke on stage once, right? So if you recorded an evergreen webinar once and it did a good job, great, but there’s no harm in recording it twenty times, it’s only gonna get better and shorter and more concise. So just look at the data and look at how you can make things better over time. 

[37:57] All right, Yuri, I’m running up against a hard stop. So we’re gonna wrap it up there. Hopefully, we’ve done a good job, both educating and persuading the folks that are listening to this episode that if they’re not yet doing webinars in their business, they should learn about it. And they should start doing them.

Now in terms of helping people learn about it, do you have any additional resources or links that I can put in the show notes? If you do, mention them verbally now and just make sure you get them over to me so that I can include them in the show notes.

The two best places. Number one is our YouTube channel. So at Healthprenuer is something I share all of my stuff for free, right? So everything on webinars, everything, like if you just want to devour my content, it’s all there. And then if you want to follow some of my daily happenings, Instagram is the best place. Again, I’m @healthpreneur on Instagram. And those are probably the best two places, and I’ll shoot those and send them over to you.

[38:53] Okay, and I have one that I will add to that. So our software is process management software, comes with checklists, all sorts of checklists. And we are actually by way of a partnership with a software company Easy Webinar

We are developing a webinar playbook that will have all of the highly detailed, remember earlier on in the interview, you’re talking about the devil being in the details, all the highly detailed, step by step you got to do this and then you got to do this. And then you got to do this and how to set it up and all of that type of stuff, as well as another checklist for a product launch in general, which was developed by yours truly, it’s what I use for my own launches.

So if you’d like to try any of that stuff out, all you need to do is go to, get yourself a free account, and then go into the Flowster Marketplace and just type in the word webinar and whatever we have that has anything to do with a webinar you will find and you can add those to your account and check them out.

So again, Yuri, thank you so much for making some time to come and be on the show. It was a pleasure to have you here. And to you folks in the audience, if you have questions for Yuri, or for myself, just hit us up on social media, and we’ll get you an answer. Thanks so much, everybody. Take care and have a great day.

Thank you so much for listening to get to the show notes for today’s episode. Just go to bright, And if you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe rate and review it on your favorite podcast listening app. Thank you so much. Take care. Bye bye.

Yuri Elkaim’s Bright Ideas 

  • Come Up with Your Big Idea
  • Determine Your Perfect Client
  • Show Know-How with No How 
  • Master Paid Traffic
  • Choose Your Type of Webinar  

Come Up With Your Big Idea 

If you were to consider attending a webinar, probably the first two things you would ask yourself are, “What’s the webinar about?” and “Is it worth my time?”

When planning a webinar, you must also consider these two questions and how you’ll articulate them to your audience. The first step would be to identify a pain point for your audience and how you can solve that for them. According to Yuri, everyone only cares about themselves, so the sooner we come to terms with that, the better our marketing will be.

Then, you should figure out your big idea. Your big idea doesn’t need to be empirically true; it only has to be something you believe. It should be the answer to the question, “What’s the webinar about?”

When coming up with your big idea, there are two things you need to consider:

  1. Your target audience’s needs, wants, fears, and desires
  2. Marketplace trends

Keep in mind what Yuri said: “The goal with the big idea is not to present this scientific only truth; it’s to share your truth, and it’s to get people to buy into how you see that particular topic.”

Determine Your Perfect Client

Have you ever attended a webinar or maybe just heard a song and thought, “Wow, how does this person know me? How do they know what I’m going through?” 

That’s exactly how your audience should feel with your webinar.

The path to knowing how to make money using webinars starts with your audience. You should market to one person — your perfect client — rather than everyone. As Yuri shared, “The key with great marketing is really instead of marketing to everyone, it’s marketing to one person and really, in your mind, is having a visual of that person.”

Using a vision board can help determine your perfect client. Or, you could also do an emotion inventory, which answers the following questions:

  • What are their frustrations?
  • What are their fears?
  • What are their wants?
  • What are their desires?

“When people feel like they’re understood, that’s when they start to pay attention,” Yuri claims. And that’s why it’s important to envision a clear and concrete concept of your perfect client so that they feel seen and understood in your webinar.

Show Know-How With No How 

The core of knowing how to make money using webinars is selling your products and services. Thus, it’s essential to draw the line between what you offer for free and what you want people to pay money for.

You should demonstrate a high level of expertise regarding the message you’re conveying without giving away the “how.” As Yuri said, “If you give people surface-level ‘how,’ they’re going to go away and start doing it, and they’re not going to have the full picture. They’re most likely to make mistakes and not do it properly.”

If you must explain the “how” to some degree, map out the steps without revealing all the golden nuggets.

The main idea is to create a webinar that resonates with your audience and makes sense. You will reach your prospective clients faster and shorten your selling cycle if they are educated on what you do.

Master Paid Traffic 

Knowing how to make money using webinars means knowing how to manage traffic.

“Everyone, no matter what level of business they’re in, needs to understand how to master paid traffic,” Yuri stated. If you don’t understand how to spend on ads, then you’ll be at the mercy of word of mouth — and leaving it all up to chance isn’t a smart business strategy.

When driving traffic for a webinar using ads, figure out your audience and messaging. Leading people to your webinar leads them to a call-to-action. That, in turn, drives to a checkout page or a sales call. What you’re trying to do with ads isn’t actually to convert clients; it’s merely steering them toward your webinar where the actual call-to-action is.

In mastering paid traffic, Yuri shares the following tips:

  1. Know your numbers.
  2. Invest in your business.
  3. Find out how much you’re willing to lose.
  4. Practice realistic budgeting.

Choose Your Type of Webinar  

Yuri discusses the two types of webinars: live and evergreen. There are different methods and benefits for each webinar type.

With live webinars, you need to up your show-up game; you need to find ways to stimulate your audience’s excitement and curiosity when they attend the actual webinar. You can do this by offering worksheets, doing a quick preamble, or other methods to pique their interests.

If you’re sending out reminders, it’s best to send them out four to five days before the actual webinar. Anything more than that causes a significant drop-off in attendance.

Personally, Yuri prefers evergreen webinars. Some benefits are:

  • Immediate insight on the numbers and drop-off.
  • Ease of making tweaks or re-recording.
  • Opportunities to make the webinar more solid and concise.

Yuri always tells his clients, “If you recorded an evergreen webinar once, and it did a good job great. But there’s no harm in recording it 20 times. It’s only going to get better, shorter, and more concise. Just look at the data, and look at how you can make things better over time.”

What Did We Learn from This Episode?

  1. We learned how to make money using webinars digitally.
  2. Address your target audience’s pain points.
  3. A webinar must contain a big idea. 
  4. Great marketing is marketing to one ideal person, not everyone.
  5. Carefully assess your target audience.
  6. Show your audience that you understand your message.
  7. Invest in your business. 

This post first appeared on Blog - Bright Ideas For ECommerce Entrepreneurs, please read the originial post: here

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BI 387: How to Leverage Webinars to Quickly Ramp Up to 7 Figures (Ft Yuri Elkaim)


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