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BI 304: How Travis Zigler is Selling High-Ticket Consulting Using YouTube

Do you offer consulting services of any kind? Are you struggling to generate leads? Would you like to attract more high ticket clients?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this interview is for you.

On the show with me today is Dr. Travis Zigler, a recovering optometrist turned eCommerce entrepreneur. He is the founder of Eye Love, and also is a partner in an Amazon PPC agency.

In our discussion, Travis shares with me how he is using a super simple advertising strategy to attract high ticket clients to scale his rapidly growing PPC agency.

Everything that Travis and I discuss in this episode is easy to replicate, so if you are struggling to generate leads and land new clients, be sure to check it out!

Full Transcript

Trent:                  Hey everybody. Welcome back to another episode of the Bright Ideas Podcast. As always, I am your host Trent Dyrsmid and this is the podcast where I share the stories of today’s most successful entrepreneurs and more importantly, try to extract all the very best golden nuggets so that you can go ahead and implement these ideas in your business starting today, not even tomorrow. Starting today and my guest on the show today is a fellow by the name of Dr. Travis Zigler. He is a recovering optometrist turned e-commerce entrepreneur. He’s the founder of Eye Love which is at and their mission is to heal a thousand, or sorry, a million dry eye sufferers naturally. Dr. Travis and his wife, Dr Jenna Zigler, used the profits from Eye Love to fund free clinics in Jamaica and the U.S. through their charity the Eye Love Cares Foundation, which is at Travis, thank you so much for coming and making some time to be on the show.

Travis:                 Trent, thanks for having me. I’m happy to be here and glad you’re having me.

Trent:                  So in your own words, if with whatever you’d like to add to the bio there, who are you and what do you do?

Travis:                 Yeah, so as you, you alluded to the, I’m a recovering optometrist, meaning I used to practice optometry. I became a doctor in 2010 in practice for about seven or eight years. My wife and I in 2015 actually went all the way down to South Carolina from Ohio, started two practices and we also started an online business called Eye Love. Eye Love actually took off a lot faster than our practices were doing. And so we decided to sell both of our practices and focus full time on Eye Love, which is where we’re at today. We’re two years in full time to this and we’re loving every second of it. And then due to the success of Eye Love, a lot of people have asked us to help them with their Amazon management or Amazon Ppc. And so I’ve created a second business that is more of a consulting agency or an agency for Amazon and with a partner, my best man in my wedding. And I started that business and we’re actually, we help brands scale on Amazon.

Trent:                  Okay. And you do that by focusing on running their PPC campaigns.

Travis:                 You got it. Yep. Pay per click advertising.

Trent:                  Okay. So initially I’m guessing the first couple of clients came from people who just knew you, they saw the success you were having and then you’re having a beer with him or what have you. And they’re like, Hey Travis, how can you help me be more successful? Eventually that close first degree of circle of influence lists sort of dries up and then you have to put on your big boy pants and attract clients that didn’t know you beforehand. So tell me a little bit about your client attraction strategy because that’s the part that I think is going to be the most helpful for the audience because it’s replicable for them if they don’t necessarily have the personal network that maybe you had when you first started.

Travis:                 Yeah, so the funny thing is we were starting to grow and we noticed that we needed to hire another team member. And so what we did to hire this team member is we actually created an SOP around every system that we have in our business, which is pretty standard for a business when you’re starting to grow. But instead of just like keeping it internal, I threw it out to the world. And so the first thing we created was a free Amazon Pay Per Click course, meaning that you could walk through exactly how we train everybody that works for us and it’s an eight week, it’s actually turned into like 11 blog posts now, but it’s 11 blog posts that have videos accompanying them and each video walks you through a step of the Amazon PPC process that we use in the agency side. And then what we started doing is just advertising for that course and we did a Youtube ad and that YouTube ad was just, Hey, we have an Amazon PPC course. Come take it. It’s free. No obligations. I mean you don’t even have to pay anything for it. We don’t even have a shopping cart on our website. It’s just a blog. And

Trent:                  So there’s no option, there’s not even an opt in form to get access to? It’s not gated?

Travis:                 Yes and no. So it’s gated in a way. we drive all traffic to a lead generation form or an opt in form and then they get a drip sequence every three days with the new blog posts of the new, like the next step in the process. But we also give them access to the whole thing right away. So there is a page that has links to all like 10 of the blog posts and so they can click and go through at their own leisure as well. And so we have both. I’m not too concerned with getting the email. We get the emails of course but the client is what we ultimately want. And just to give value.

Trent:                  So you’re finding that because you’re packing so much value into this free training, even though you’re not making it mandatory to give you an email to get the content that you are getting a return, obviously on the ad campaigns that you’re running on YouTube. So people are consuming the content and they’re just reaching out and saying, Hey, I want to hire you. I’m assuming you must, but do you have call to actions in the videos? Like how do you kind of gotta tell people what to do otherwise they don’t know what to do.

Travis:                 Exactly. So at the end of every training, at the end of every blog post, there is a call to action that is, it’s called “What’s Next With Your Amazon PPC?” and I coach people around it. But then we also have our agency and so there’s a scheduling link right there for my calendar. We jump on a 30 minute phone call and that 30 minute phone call, we just discuss your business goals for Amazon, for your business. And we only work with about maybe one in every 10 people that I talked to because it’s not just an interview of you thinking about trying to hire me, it’s me thinking of

Trent:                  Yeah.

Travis:                 That’s the biggest thing ’cause I turned down people all the time because there’s not a fit. We’re looking for brands that want to scale. We’re not looking for somebody that’s trying to get rich on Amazon, that’s just trying to get a quick cash flow because it’s not what I value. My business is based around building a brand and I want to be around people that are trying to build that as well. And so for every 10 people I talked to, maybe one, I offer two. And so it’s very selective.

Trent:                  And then when they, for the one that engages with you, what does that look like typically in terms of revenue for your company? Are they monthly or annually, however you can quantify it.

Travis:                 Yeah, so the beginning prices, so we do it on a revenue that we make them on Amazon basis minus their ad spend. And so we want to make sure that they’re profitable, of course, or the’ll fire us is number one. But we also want to make sure that we’re not just blowing through a bunch of money to increase the revenue to make us a lot more money. So we do kind of an Amazon revenue minus the Amazon spend model and then it’s just a flat rate based on that. And so

Trent:                  Give us some example. Give me an example with actual numbers.

Travis:                 So we start out at about $2,500 a month for running your ads and a little bit of your Amazon management as well. And then it can go all the way up to our highest client pays about $10,000 a month right now. And so it’s fun because we know how fast we can grow somebody and scale them and it’s just a matter of following the step by step system that we have. Here you go, you can have it, but if you don’t want to do it, we’re here for you and if you’re a brand that wants to scale, we’ll do that as well. But we always start at about $2,500 per month. And then if we’re completely bringing you on to Amazon, there’s an additional fee as well per per item that we’re bringing on, which is about 500 to a thousand dollars depending on the intricacies of the item. Some are a lot harder to get onto Amazon and you have to have permissions and that takes a lot of work for us, but some are easier. So 500 to a thousand per product and then the $2,500 a month, it starts when we start selling for you.

Trent:                  Okay, so $2,500 a month as your flat retainer to say, I’m going to run your ads, the client’s going to pay for the ads, not you. You’re then if they want to launch new products that aren’t yet on Amazon to create the listing, shoot the photos, all that kind of thing, you’re charging 500 bucks or are you expecting that they’re creating the product listing and you’re charging $500 to run some launch campaigns? Like tell me how that works.

Travis:                 Yeah. Great. Great question. So the 500 to a thousand dollars, depending on the item itself, is we write the copy for you. So we’ll do the title, the bullets on Amazon, the description on Amazon, we don’t do photos because photos is a whole different ball game. We focus on words. Photos are just a whole new, we’ll give you best practices and this is what we want to see on the photos. This is what they should be doing, and then here’s a couple of photographers that we’ve used in the past ’cause I mean a good photographer costs 500 to a thousand dollars just for a product. So our onboarding is just the copy side and what’s called keyword research in the Amazon world, which is where I guess it’s in every world, right? It’s where we just dive into the words that we think are going to convert best that aren’t as competitive and then we go after those words.

Trent:                  And when you’re launching the new products, ’cause I’m pretty familiar given the fact that I own an Amazon business and have for years, I know a lot of the players in the ecosystem and there’s all sorts of folks out there running launch campaigns that are, they used to use big giveaways and now they’re using messenger and they’re doing a hundred percent refunds and a whole bunch of stuff, which is working really well. It’s not necessarily entirely white hat and in line with Amazon’s terms of service. So when you are launching a product, you’re charging $500,000 to write the copy, they’re getting photos. pSo at the end of the day they’ve got a listing, they still won’t have a product launch behind that product. Are you encouraging them to figure that out on their own or are you saying, Hey, we definitely have strategy?

Travis:                 Yeah, we definitely help with the whole process and it’s something that we’ll recommend best practices in that as well. We usually do the early review program and Amazon will usually sign them up for the Amazon vine program, which can get you about 30 to 35 reviews right away. It costs money of course. My wife and I also have a YouTube Channel called The Dry Eye Show and it seems to be happening that all our clients have been around the health space and so our customer list that we have, which is approaching about a hundred thousand in our business is kind of directly translating into these other supplement areas because we don’t sell those supplements. So we can launch to our list as well. So they kind of get us as an influencer as well in that space and then, you know, just teaching them how to, the debate is always like, do you want to send them to your Shopify store or send them to your Amazon channel

Travis:                 And so that’s what we have to try to figure out what’s best for them we have one client, it’s one of our best clients. She is a pure Shopify website person and every, all traffic goes to Shopify and she wants to drive no traffic to Amazon, which we’re okay with because then what we do is we just create this brand protection around her so that when people go off of her website, come over to Amazon, they’ll find her and her only and not her competitors, which is tricky and a lot of people don’t do that. And so..

Trent:                  Does she price it a little higher on Amazon to try and get people to buy from Shopify or does she put price at the same?

Travis:                 Yeah, so it’s, it is a little higher on Amazon but hers is pretty high end to begin with. And she has trouble keeping in stock, which is even a better problem to have and so she’s a really successful website. She’s built her website really well and then we helped her get on Amazon and literally it was just like adding fuel to the fire cause it just took off really fast. And just by following the strategy that we teach, putting a couple of defensive ads in which are just going after your brand name and making sure you’re defended there and creating a moat around your brand. And that just helped her take off on Amazon really fast.

Trent:                  Okay And did that, in her case, did Amazon end up eclipsing Shopify in terms of gross revenue just because Amazon is such a huge machine or, no?

Travis:                 Not at all. Nope. Nope. Cause she’s she’s a very high end product so we can’t really go after the keywords like we can with most people because it’s harder to stay competitive when she’s at 80 and her closest competitor is at like 20. And so she is..

Trent:                  You mean dollars per per unit?

Travis:                 Yeah.

Trent:                  Okay. All right. So let’s go a bit deeper into how you’re actually driving the leads with the paid traffic. I know that in our pre-interview we talked about your YouTube video, but just kind of walk us through what’s going on in that regard.

Travis:                 Yeah, so it’s, so this is like a side business for me. It’s the Amazon agency side is I do the strategy for it and I do the videos and I do the ads for it, but my partners, two of them, they do all the day to day. And so I spend Tuesdays. Tuesdays are my day for doing the strategy around this. And so I wanted to keep it as simple as possible because my focus is still on my brand and still building that Eye Love. And so what we did is we just created a simple YouTube video that says, Hey, I’m Dr Travis Zigler and if you’re having trouble with Amazon PPC, I wanna invite you to take my Amazon PPC masterclass. It’s absolutely free. And it just kind of, it’s like a 32nd elevator pitch. Click the learn more button down below or head to, I think it’s I forget what my URL I created for it.

Travis:                 That’s how long ago I created it. But what that does is when they click learn more, it goes over to a landing page. That landing page has just a, like a brief story of why I came out with this course and then they can put in their email to get it at the bottom of each message in their email. And at the bottom of each blog post, it’s called action to book a call p me. And I have actually the direct numbers of how much it costs to get me an email, how much it costs to get me a phone call, and then how many clients came as a result of that if we want to go over that.

Trent:                  What are those numbers?

Travis:                 So the cost per lead for an email is $3 and 36 cents. So not too bad since we started doing this at the beginning of October, we’ve collected about 845 emails. And so usually I don’t even know what that average is. So that’s four months.

Trent:                  Uh, four months has probably 250 a month. 200, 220 month…

Travis:                 200 some a month since then we’ve had 65 phone calls and it costs us about $40 per phone call.

Trent:                  That’s cheap. That’s a really great number. If you’re getting calls, booked calls for 40 bucks.

Travis:                 And like I said, I don’t accept too many people but from that 65 phone calls I’ve done, we’ve done five clients.

Trent:                  Okay. So anyone, anyone who wants to book a call can book a call. If they’re going through your funnel, you’re not, you’re not opting them out, but when you do the call, then you’re saying, even if they say yes, you might say no.

Travis:                 Exactly. Yep. So it’s a, it’s a dual interview process. I look at their goals that they want. If I can help them achieve those goals, we’ll onboard them and I’ll make them an offer even maybe I’ll offer them my coaching services as well but if I don’t feel like I’m the best person to help them, I’m actually gonna send them to somebody else. And so if they’re new, I’m not the one for you. I’m a little too expensive for somebody that’s new and then I’ll point them in the right direction of where to go. Either my blog posts or I have friends that have done training that may be free, maybe not and I’ll send them to that. So either way, the 30 minute phone call or 15 minute phone call, however long it takes could be the best, you know, 30 minutes of their business that they spend all year ’cause it is almost like a coaching call and either they get their next steps that they need to do with us or with something else. It’s all about value and that’s all we’re trying to do is deliver value. And it’s no high pressured sales. I don’t, it’s not make or break for me. My main business is still Eye Love, that’s my baby and this is just kind of, it’s fun. This is like my release. It sounds crazy that another business is a release, but it is, it’s my fun.

Trent:                  Yeah. Actually I’ve recently started doing exactly the same thing. I’ve got a program called Growth Systems For Entrepreneurs because I realized that in my audience and my sphere, there was a missing piece. And I’ve started to do these calls as well. And at one point in the call I’ll say after I’ve given all this value and all this advice, I’ll say, I have a coaching program if you want to hear about it, but if you don’t want to hear about it, just keep asking me questions ’til our time’s up. And that’s the end of the day. And that people always say, well, at that point, because you’ve added so much value, they say “No, actually I want to hear about your coaching program. “And so we talk about it and it’s been working exceedingly well and this is not something I’ve ever done before. So I am actually having a lot of fun with it as well. So I want to encourage people to try it out.

Travis:                 Yeah. And just, just give, just give and don’t expect anything in return. And if you really want to like make a viral video or make your video go a little crazier, don’t ask for anything, no call to actions. All you have to do is maybe at the end just say, Hey, please share this. I’m just trying to help entrepreneurs. So if you want to help change the world, share this video with your friends and don’t ask for a call to action. You know, you could have one in the description of your video, but your video is more likely to get shared when you have fewer call to actions. So it’s more likely to go viral of course if you’re trying to sell them something, you can ask for a call to action. But you know, the funny thing about this is seeing the success of this side, the Amazon PPC agency side, and seeing how fast that’s taken off.

Travis:                 And something I didn’t mention was in the course itself or in the blog posts are affiliate links for the products that we use. And so that started to build as well but that’s again a side thing but what we’ve noticed is like, wow, we’re just delivering value and we’re just giving and people are responding favorably for it. So we actually now our videos on Eye Love, which is our main brand, we’re now starting to just give value with no call to actions. We just talk about our products in the video because our products were made to help that particular problem. But we no longer do that. We just mentioned the generic version of our product and we don’t say, you know, “Oh check it out in the link in the description.” We just kind of give value and hopefully they’ll respond by clicking the link to read the blog post that talks about whatever we’re talking about. And then it has like links to our products in there but it doesn’t directly talk about our products anymore ’cause we just want to give value and that’s all we’re trying to do now.

Trent:                  Yeah. And in a world filled with marketers doing the hard sell, your approach is obviously a nice shift. In terms of, so you said you won five clients over four months, if I’ve got my notes correctly. So what was the total spend on ads during that four months to get five clients? ‘Cause I want to boil this down to a cost per client acquired.

Travis:                 Yeah. So a $2,600 in that four months.

Trent:                  Okay. So you are basically getting your money back within the first 30 days

Travis:                 Easily. Yeah. So not even the first 30 days. The first day. And so when we sign on a client, that’s when they pay their $2,500 to get us going or to get them going and so like I said, I don’t really pay attention to numbers. I should, I’m just with that business, it’s the bank account is going up. That’s a good thing. And it sounds crazy. It’s not the way to manage your business. I don’t recommend it. I actually recommend Profit First by Michael Michalowicz. So that’s what we use in Eye Love, and eventually I’m starting to shift. Like we need to probably start doing that in this business too because it’s starting to get a little bigger than we thought it would get. But it’s just scaling people and everybody in the business is a profit sharing partner. And so my partner and I were the first two.

Travis:                 And so all of his clients, we do 50/50, since I’m the one that’s outreaching. So he gets 50% of that $2,500 I get 50% and that’s after all expenses are taken out. And then our next team member, he’s gonna get probably 33% or maybe he’ll get 50% and then the two founding partners will be 25% each. And so that’s, we’re just a profit sharing system where the person that’s managing that account gets the 50% and then the other 50% goes to maybe an upline. It’s almost like an MLM, but it’s only, it’s scaling people. And that’s kind of our goal is we’re just trying to, you know, profit share. So if you can take on more clients and keep them satisfied, then you will make more money. And that’s it.

Trent:                  So you have no fulfillment burden on your desk at all. When someone says yes, they are then immediately going to your team to do onboarding and fulfillment and all the things that have to happen. You’re literally just the guy running the ads

Travis:                 And the strategy of the whole overall company. .

Trent:                  Do you ever have intent to replace? Like right now I’m doing all the these free coaching calls but there’s only so much time that I have available to do that and so I plan on bringing other people onto the team to be able to do those. Are you going to do something like that or do you want to keep it where you’re just the guy?

Travis:                 Yeah, I love being the guy but I think 100% if you want to scale it beyond where you’re at now, you have to have other people doing those sales calls because my calendar is booked out two weeks right now and that’s where our bottleneck is right now is bringing on clients is making sure…. So we’re actually going to switch it around a little bit. They have to fill out a survey first. And then if the survey looks okay, then I’ll offer them an appointment. This is what we’re going to switch to but if there are newbie on Amazon, then I’ll offer them a solution just through the email to not book my calendar up as much but my founding partner is actually getting better than me at Amazon PPC because I’m the CEO role at Eye Love, and I’m not doing Amazon PPC.

Travis:                 I have somebody that does Amazon PPC in Eye Love as well in my business and we’ve trained her through this program as well and so that’s my full time job. And so with him, he’s starting to learn more about Amazon PPC than I am because he has more time to dedicate just to that. And so him being on the sales calls might be even better in the future. We can be even more knowledgeable. And so it’s just a matter of once that trust comes, he’ll sit on a couple of calls with me and I think he’s ready for now. He’s been in sales before so it’s nothing new to him. And then we can just keep adding team members to that sales process as we keep going as we keep building.

Trent:                  Have you documented your sales script yet?

Travis:                 Um, so we kind of follow, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Clients On Demand. It’s a phone sales program and we took that last year and so we kind of followed their method and that’s what kind of shifted us to the service mentality versus the selling mentality when we do our videos and do our sales calls and everything.

Trent:                  So when I say, and to clarify for folks that are listening, when I say sales script, what I mean is it’s in our case, it’s all the questions that I want to ask you during the consulting aspect of the goal. And it is the talking points that only I would know because I’m the guy with all the experience. And of course I wanted to document all those talking points so that when we have other people on the team, they’re able to say they’re able to reference my experience. Because those talking points are there and yes, when they say yes, I want to know about the coaching call, there’s a structured delivery method for explaining what’s involved, the features, the benefits, the price, how they get them to think about value in their head, all that kind of thing. So it’s not just a sales, it’s more of a conversation script I guess is the way or not even script as much as roadmap.

Travis:                 Yeah. So what we focus on with ours is you know, I don’t have the exact wording, but the goal of our sales calls is to have them talk, you know, 90% of the time. And so that form that we give them to fill out before we jumped on the call, it goes over their number one goal, number two, goal number three goal if what kind of, what they’re looking for in the coaching call. And so I just go right down that form. So tell me a little bit more about your number one goal of increasing to $1 million in the next 12 months on Amazon. How do you plan on doing that? They’ll walk me through that process in their head and then I can see if there’s any problems with it. And from there to see if we can help them get that. Because if somebody is selling one product and they’re selling one a day and they want to get to $1 million in 12 months, it’s not somebody I want to take on because they’re not very realistic. Yes it can happen and it does happen but, not the norm.

Trent:                  Yeah. That would be a big outlier. Are you doing any retargeting campaigns for the folks? Cause obviously they’re coming to your site, they’re seeing the blog posts. You could easily Pixel them and run it and run ads.

Travis:                 We talked about this in the pre interview and I haven’t started it yet. I feel so disappointed for not doing that. But yeah, but it’s such an easy, it’s such low hanging fruit that I just haven’t got around to it because again, I’m the CEO of Eye Love and that’s, we do a lot of retargeting in that, but it would be such a simple retargeting for the affiliates for like the, the programs that we use. So they read this blog posts about keyword research and we use the program Helium 10. I could then retarget them on Facebook with the Helium 10 offer and it has our affiliate link. So that’s the low hanging fruit. And then I could also offer the phone call as well, but I just haven’t got around to it. We’ve been focusing on just creating more content and doing podcasts like this and just kind of getting our name out there.

Trent:                  Yup. Okay. So we haven’t talked much yet about how you structured the YouTube because YouTube ads, Are YouTube ads, the only ads that are running traffic into this funnel?

Travis:                 Yeah. So for the free Amazon PPC masterclass, yes. But we’re also targeting different keywords for our blog posts. So like we have an Amazon keyword research blog posts and we’ll drive Google search traffic to the Amazon keyword research blog post. And then there’s a pop-up for the Amazon PPC masterclass on that blog post.

Trent:                  Okay. So you’re running Google search campaigns to target those keywords and then you’re running your video ad and YouTube. So let’s talk about the YouTube ad campaign structure because I’ve, I personally have never yet run an ad on YouTube. So I’m going to be taking some good notes cause I’m going to be doing it. Yes. Should absolutely. And thank you. There’ll be a link by the way folks in the show notes to Travis’ ad. I’ve watched it. It’s the most non salesy simple ad ever. But I think that’s the charm of it. So how are we getting eyeballs on the, on that ad, Travis, let’s walk through them.

Travis:                 That’s the beautiful thing about YouTube ads. It’s just like Google search. And so you can actually target on YouTube people that are searching for a specific term. So let’s say I’ll just use my business as an example actually. We target people that are searching for Amazon PPC. We target people that are searching for Amazon FBA. And so those two keywords are the only two keywords we target and what we’re, so when somebody searches Amazon PPC, they’ll see a bunch of videos. They’ll click on one of those videos and then that, that pre-roll that you noticed on YouTube, that’s where my ad shows up. And then with that ad there’s a learn more button during the ad that you’ve probably seen, you’d probably usually click the skip ad button.

Trent:                  Usually I do. Well actually I don’t see the ads because I have a paid YouTube account now, so I don’t see any ads.

Travis:                 You know what I used to not see any ads cause I had a paid YouTube account, but I actually told them to turn my ads back on cause I wanted to get ideas. And so I’d recommend if you’re gonna go down, the YouTube ads route to turn it back on so you can actually just see them. But on the other side of the skip ads button is the learn more button. And so when they click that, they go over to the landing page. And the key thing is there, you have five seconds to get them. And the first five seconds is so crucial.

Trent:                  You mean once they hit the landing page?

Travis:                 No actually once they hit the YouTube video.

Trent:                  Okay true because if they click the skip button you’re done.

Travis:                 Yup. Exactly. So the first five seconds has to be your call to action. So you want to call them out directly. So if you sell an Amazon, make sure you pay attention to this whole video. Or if you sell an Amazon, make sure that you pay attention to the next 30 seconds. So you let them know their expectation of how long it’s going to be. You let them know that if they sell on Amazon they should stay. Or if you sell an Amazon, if you don’t sell an Amazon, skip this video now therefore you don’t have to pay for it. So every time you skip they don’t, you don’t, you don’t pay. So you only pay when they click the learn more button or when they’ve watched 30 seconds.

Trent:                  Okay. So setting that camp, setting that campaign up, I can’t imagine that was particularly complicated because you went in and said, I want to be shown for these two keywords and that was it.

Travis:                 Yeah, that’s it.

Trent:                  Now can you, can you in YouTube, can you say, Hey, I want to be pre-rolled on this particular video?

Travis:                 Oh yeah. So that’s the even more beautiful thing. But that person has to be enrolled with Google AdSense and YouTube ads and so they have to have, when you do a YouTube ad, you probably know this, but your viewers might. In the edit option settings of your video, there’s a monetization tab and you can actually turn monetization off for certain videos. So all of my PPC videos, I don’t want monetization. I don’t want to make a center..

Trent:                  Yeah because they’re hijacking your traffic.

Travis:                 Exactly. They’re hijacking your traffic. So if they have those turned on, you can show up for that particular video. So that can be very effective. I actually, I met somebody that uses the strategy that he targets just high traffic videos in general. So he’ll look up the hot music video that’s going on right now and he targets that video and he just wants to see, he wants millions of people to see his ad and he doesn’t really care because that one person that’s going to click is all he wants. And it’s an interesting strategy. I’ve never done that way. I always target keywords.

Trent:                  And what kind of results is he getting?

Travis:                 Well, he was on stage speaking about it and that’s how he made his millions. So it must work .

Trent:                  Really. I’ll have to test that. So it could be totally unrelated to his niche. He just basically looks at the whatever videos are getting in bazillion. So YouTube, most popular videos, just pick those .

Travis:                 Sheer volume. That’s all he wants. Yup. Like music videos is what he gave as the example. So like I think at the time, when he was up there he was like, Miley Cyrus had a big music video that was getting just millions of hits. And so he targeted that Miley Cyrus video, got a ton of traffic back to his blog. Got a ton of leads, phone calls, sold a program and he sells affiliate offers. And so he’s not even involved with the actual delivery of the program.

Trent:                  Yeah, he’s just purely in lead gen and closing, which is a very clean and tidy business model to be sure. Okay. So I’m looking through our notes from our pre-interview and I think we covered everything that we said we were going to cover. Walk me through the experience really against once they enter your funnel and we talked about that if you were interviewing yourself, is there anything additional that I haven’t asked you that you would ask that you think we need to shed some light on?

Travis:                 You know we can always talk about like YouTube channel growth. You can always talk about like how we’ve kind of built this, this, this halo, this moat around our business

Trent:                  Let’s talk about your YouTube channel growth for a minute. Where’s your channel at these days in terms of subscribers?

Travis:                 So right about 34,000 in The Dry Eye Show. Dry Eye show is our, Eye Love business again, our mission is to help 1 million dry eye suffers naturally and spread. 34,000 we’ve been growing by about 200 people per day so incredible way to grow is through YouTube.

Trent:                  How many videos per week or per month are you publishing on the channel?

Travis:                 We would do anywhere from one to three a week depending on how busy we are and we like to go live. So I don’t like doing the whole editing. I do editing, but it’s just so much more fun to go live and we mess up so much and it, it just, it’s raw. You never know what’s gonna pop up live. You never know what a comment is going to say or somebody’s going to say and I think YouTube preferences a live video over, you know, an online video.

Trent:                  So you are doing a live stream on YouTube. So are you telling your audience in advance, Hey, we’re going to be live streaming at two o’clock today and then you show up and is your video just you talking? Are you interviewing somebody?

Travis:                 So the, the interviews that I do are always recorded. We release those on Wednesdays and then Monday and Thursday we try to do a live video with my wife and I. So my wife and I, this is our studio right here my wife and I will do a video. And then for the Amazon PPC business, I just started channel in late September and we’re up to about, I think 370 subscribers. And so we’re getting about two to three per day but the key to YouTube channel growth, and it sounds crazy, you talk about one thing forever and it’s the exact same. It’s owned by Google. It’s the exact same as Google. So if you’re starting a SEO blog or a blog, your SEO is all about talking about one thing. Google wants to know what you’re about. Just same thing as YouTube. They want to know what you’re about. So my Amazon PPC channel is all about Amazon pay per click. And that’s all I talk about. And then

Trent:                  Even though you’ve covered it already in 19 other videos, you’re going to make video number 20 and talk about it using different words in a different angle and a different title yet again, right?

Travis:                 Amazon is coming out with so much right now that it makes it so easy, and it keeps us informed too cause it makes me stretch a little bit. It makes me kind of dig in a little bit more to each section of Amazon advertising cause there’s so many different parts of it now, but something new comes out all the time with Amazon advertising. So it’s nice in that aspect. It’s also not nice when you’re running an agency. You’re trying to figure it all out. But that’s our job is to stay ahead of the curve. And like right now, Amazon sponsored brands videos is big right now. So if you shop on Amazon, you’ve probably started to see videos pop up. But not a lot because it’s brand new. So getting on that now is a lot less expensive than if you were to get on it in a year from now and then with Eye Love our main focus is It’s called The Dry Eye Show. So Dry Eye and [inaudible] eyelid inflammation. So we just talk about that every Monday we always talk about Blepharitis or dry eye. Wednesday we interview a dry eye specialist. Thursday we talk about something other than dry eye. So we just did an intermittent fasting video that we released. We do videos on tumeric , Keto.

Trent:                  On the same channel?

Travis:                 Yeah, home the same channel.

Trent:                  But doesn’t that fly in the face of what you just said? You said, you want to do the same thing over and over and now you’re confusing YouTube ’cause you’re talking about tumeric.

Travis:                 You are correct in that. So two videos, [inaudible] and Blepharitis. And since we’ve grown to that 34,000 point, I should have probably waited to do this until we hit 100,000. But we’re starting to just branch out a little bit and explore, but you shouldn’t do that at the beginning. So if at the beginning we’re, we’re three years into this now at the beginning you just want to talk about one thing. So my channel right now for the Amazon PPC is all about Amazon PPC, whereas in our Dry Eye Show is now starting to branch off just a little bit. Not much, just a little bit though.

Trent:                  Okay. Understood. All right, well I think we’ll wrap here. Travis, thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing these wonderful golden nuggets for the folks who have been, who are still with us and listening I hope you all agree with me that Travis did a fantastic job of sharing some simple yet highly actionable and highly valuable tactics with you. So if you are looking to go and attract more clients to your business, I would highly encourage that you create your free course and that you create a simple advertising video and you start driving traffic to it because you got nothing to lose and a whole bunch to gain. So Travis, for anyone who wants to get in touch with you to talk about whatever, I would assume the single simplest way to do that is just contact you on LinkedIn.

Travis:                 Yeah, you can contact me on LinkedIn YouTube channel, Amazon PPC Pros, and then we have a Facebook community called Amazon PPC Pros as well. And we talked a little bit about like the scheduling link. If anybody wants to go check that out, not just to schedule with me, but if you want to see what it looks like, go through the forms and everything. It’s and that will pop up my calendar after you schedule an appointment. If want to schedule an appointment, then it will pull up the form that I’m talking about. And maybe by the time this podcast comes out, it might be the first where you have to fill out the form first and then get to my calendar.

Trent:                  Yup. Okay. Very good. Travis, thank you so much for making some time to be a guest on the show.

Travis:                 All right, thanks for having me.

Questions Asked During the Interview

[01:04] Who are you and what do you do?
[01:19] What made you decide to start an agency?
[01:42] What does your agency focus on?
[02:07] Tell me about your client attraction strategy.
[11:49] How are you generating leads?
[11:49] How are you driving traffic to the course?
[13:21] What is your cost per booked call?
[13:49] How many email address are you getting a day?
[14:09] Walk me through the experience that a lead gets once they enter your funnel.
[30:31] How are you growing your YouTube Channel?

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BI 304: How Travis Zigler is Selling High-Ticket Consulting Using YouTube


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