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Reasons Why Investments Serve Better Than Savings After Retirement

Reasons Why Investments Serve Better Than Savings After Retirement

Life is truly a rat race, we spend a whole lot of time striving to do more than making the proverbial ends meet’. It’s just the way things work, and since people equally strive to lead long and fulfilling lives they’ve had to deal with it. It’s no secret that as you near your golden years, working doesn’t quite ‘work’. In fact, at that point, you’ve paid your dues and it’s time to lay back and watch the rewards flow in. That’s all in theory though; if you didn’t save or invest, that pension won’t do much.  Speaking of savings and investments, the truth of the matter is that one will serve you more, and here’s why.

With savings, your money is idle

Now, do not get it wrong, savings are great and a huge necessity. If you don’t have a reserve for a rainy day life will get quite uncomfortable. Even more, you will have nothing to draw your investments from. Here’s where it gets interesting, the thing with savings is that your money simply sits there doing nothing. On the other hand, if you try your hand at investments, you’ll actually make more money, Sure, you don’t always hit the jackpot, but if you get a good financial advisor, you could do quite well.

You could ultimately devalue your money

Picture this, the economy crashes and you have a ton of bills just sitting in your bank account. All that money will be devalued and that’s a downer because of all the effort you put into saving it. As a retiree, you should be looking for other ways to pull money in and the truth is that a bunch of money sitting stagnant in your account is not going to do it. 

There are so many ways these days to put your money to use and the best part is that you do not even have to leave your home. For instance, Bitcoin is all the rage now and even exists outside the controls of any central bank. That’s good news because your money cannot be devalued. Once you do your research, take a look at this page for reliable hosting services.

You can actually get rich off your investments

As mentioned earlier, savings are great and necessary, they are the bedrock of a secure future. Savings are equally quite safe and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But the chances are quite slim if you are looking to make it big. 

Sure, not everyone is looking to hit the jackpot by the time they reach their golden years. But, it won’t hurt to actually get rich and lead a comfortable life. You can trigger some really high returns if you play your cards right. The thing you need to realize is that, with investments, you can earn big and equally lose big. 

Investments can be liquefied and converted to cash 

Whether it’s in the form of stocks or a parcel of land, investments are quite fluid. You can choose to watch them appreciate over time or cash in when you need the money. It may not be as easy to do with real estate, but with stocks and bonds, you can access them any time you want. So, if the reason you want to save is that the money is easily accessible, then think again. 

Even better is the fact that you are not at the risk of spending more than you earn. Since the investments will be making more money on top of your money. So, if you pull some out to enjoy yourself or to settle some sort of pressing need, you are sure that there is a lot more where it’s coming from.

They are great in the long run

Anyone who knows their onion knows that when it comes to savings and investments, one isn’t better than the other. Nevertheless, it’s great to invest if you are thinking about the future. As you near your retirement years, the need to ensure that you are comfortable increases. So, if the aim is to secure some money for the future and keep it coming in, investments are the way to go.


Take this as sort of a disclaimer, savings and investments are both great. While some people will benefit greatly from savings, others do better with investments. Not everyone has a Midas touch, also not everyone has the luxury to put money into an investment due to pressing needs at hand. Nevertheless, in those golden years, investments will keep you going because the income doesn’t stop flowing in. That’s why investments are a great way to go when the years are packed on.

This post first appeared on Baby Boomer Going Like Sixty | Baby Boomer Man Hum, please read the originial post: here

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Reasons Why Investments Serve Better Than Savings After Retirement
