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My Reading Mojo is Back

My Reading Mojo Is Back
Library Lust

Along with my writing mojo, I've got my reading mojo back this year.  On the last day of June I tallied up all the books I'd finished on all my devices since the first of the year and it was 45.  I've finished several more since then.  Making that list was the first step to targeting some for reviewing and then gathering my thoughts for them.  Maybe I'll share that list in a future post but it is handwritten and a mess.

But meanwhile I've been luxuriating in book lust by browsing on goodreads, amazon and youtube.  I was introduced to Leaf by Leaf book vlog a few weeks ago and can't get enough of him only I have to make do with his archive as he went on a summer hiatus.  The video tour of his library featured above just makes me swoon.

It also makes me sad for the books I lost in moves or had to sell as I was well on my way to having something that looked very much like that a couple decades ago.  Not as pretty but nearly as crowded.

Some of the sadness tho is about the loss of my vision to the point that reading tree books is too much like first grade---sounding out syllable by syllable.  I can still do it if I'm desperate because I need that particular book and can't get it in either ebook or audio.  But I can't get lost in the story reading that way.

More than just my reading mojo, I got back my BIG book mojo.  I read two in the month of June and that inspired me to start making a list from my notes and my memory and from browsing goodreads of as many BIG books as I remember ever having read or wanted to read. I added several to my TBR pile from Leaf by Leaf videos directly about BIG books.

I had just been marveling that I really had not stopped reading since the last Dewey Thon in April.  Not 24 hours a day of course but easily 4 to 8 hours per day on average which was up from around 2 hours a day with occasional missed days.  So I was delighted to find in my inbox the announcement that the summer Dewey Reverse Thon is on this weekend.

The Reverse Read-a-Thon starts the clock 12 hours early which allows those who usually start between dinner and bedtime a chance to experience a start in the wee hours or at least before lunch while still feeling rested.  Thus I, who usually get to start at 5am Saturday, must start at 5pm Friday. 

Sigh.  Hard to be well rested enough to make the whole 24 without a nap.  Plus my caregiver doesn't leave until 6 this week so unless we get everything important done early enough I can send her away by 5 I will have to start late.  But Hey!  It's a Thon.  And it's ON

This post first appeared on Joystory, please read the originial post: here

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My Reading Mojo is Back
