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10 Signs a Canadian Guy Likes You!

Dating or flirting with a Canadian guy and noticing his mannerisms are different culturally from yours?

Guys from different backgrounds, countries, and cultures have their own ways of behaving – but that’s part of the fun!

In this post, I’m going to help you out by highlighting how Canadian guys typically act and behave when they like a girl.

Here are 10 signs a Canadian guy likes you, what to expect, and how to respond!

10 Signs a Canadian Guy Likes You

1. He’ll Always Be on His Best Behavior Around You!

Canadian men are known for being well-behaved, and they step it up another notch when they’re around girls they like.

I doubt you’ll see him goofing around with his friends, drinking a lot, or trying to be funny.

Most Canadian guys will be focused on you, what you’re interested in, and trying to impress you with their maturity, politeness, and being respectful.

Related – Here is how you can also tell a Scottish man or a Swede likes you!

2. He Will Flirt with You – But Subtly!

If a Canadian guy likes you, he’ll try to flirt with you as much as possible – but in a subtle way.

He might compliment your outfit, hair, nails, or eyes; ask you questions about yourself; or make lighthearted jokes.

However, it’s very unlikely he will come on too strong or make any explicit comments.

I’m sure you’ll agree that this is a huge plus and comes as a breath of fresh air for most women!

3. He Will Do Thoughtful Things and Surprise You in Nice Ways

It’s nice when a guy is thoughtful and will surprise you with gifts and little notes, isn’t it?

This is something Canadian guys are known for, so if your guy is Canadian and doing things like this for you, it’s a good sign he likes you!

He might show up with flowers or chocolates, tickets to a movie or show, or make reservations at a restaurant he knows you’ll love.

It’s the thought that counts, no matter how small – if he’s putting in the effort to do these things you can count yourself lucky!

4. He Will Want to Show You the Best of Canadian Traditions and Culture

Whenever a guy meets a girl from a different background, culture, or country, they’ll want to show the things that are important to them – the things that make them who they are.

This helps give you a better understanding of who they are, what their mannerisms are, and will also help you better understand how much they like you.

I’m sure you’ll agree, it’s also a fun experience seeing how he was brought up and the values that make him so special.

5. He Will Be Extremely Polite and Respectful

If you’re used to dating or flirting with guys from other cultures, you might be pleasantly surprised by how polite and respectful Canadian men can be!

This is especially true when they like a girl – they’ll go out of their way to hold doors open for you, help you with your coat, and make sure you’re comfortable.

Canadians, in general, are known for being polite and respectful, and it’s an extremely admirable quality!

6. He Will (Almost Certainly) Pay for Your Dates

In most cultures around the world, it’s customary for the guy to pay for dates – and Canadian guys are no different!

If you’re on a date with a Canadian guy and he doesn’t offer to pay, it’s probably not because he’s cheap.

More likely, he’s just not used to dating someone from a culture where the girl is expected to pay or he’s getting some kind of mixed signals!

7. He Will Want to Know Everything About You

Another sign a Canadian guy likes you is if he’s constantly asking questions and wants to know everything about you!

This includes your family, friends, job, hobbies, and anything else you can think of.

He’s interested in getting to know you on a deeper level and wants to find common interests.

It’s also a great way to get to know him too, so don’t be afraid to ask him questions as well!

8. He Will Want to Introduce You to His Family and Friends

This is a big deal for most guys, no matter what their background is.

If he’s introducing you to his family and friends, it means he’s serious about you and wants them to approve of you!

This can be a nerve-wracking experience, but try to relax and be yourself.

It’ll all work out in the end, I’m sure!

9. He Will Make a Big Effort to Get to Know Your Friends

Another sign a Canadian guy likes you is if he goes out of his way to get to know your friends!

This includes asking them questions about you, inviting them out for drinks or dinner, and generally just being friendly.

It’s important to him that he gets along with your friends and that they approve of him.

I’m sure they will, too, a strapping Canadian guy with impeccable manners – they’ll be a little envious if nothing else!

10. You’ll Be Able to Tell and Feel It By The Way He Looks at You!

Last but not least, one of the most obvious signs a Canadian guy likes you is by the way he looks at you!

He’ll have a certain twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face that says it all.

You’ll be able to feel it too – there’s just something about the way he looks at you or when he’s near you that makes your heart flutter.

When it comes to love, I always say to trust your instincts – combined with some clear-headed thinking, of course!

The more signs from this list that you can also check off to go with your gut feeling, the better.

What’s It Like to Date a Canadian?

I’ll say first that you’re going to have your own personal experience so you should always enter into a relationship with an open mind.

But that said, there are some stereotypes of a classic Canadian guy that I think are true for the most part!

Here are a few things to expect when you’re dating a Canadian:

  • He’s probably a little shy at first, but he’ll open up once he gets to know you better.
  • He’s a great listener and will always be interested in what you have to say.
  • He’s polite and respectful, especially to those he cares about.
  • He enjoys spending time outdoors and is probably an avid hockey fan!
  • He’s looking for a partner who is also his best friend – someone he can share everything with.

An awesome all-around package isn’t it!

Related – What it’s like for British girls to date American men explained.

What Are French Canadian Guys Like?

Around 22% of Canadians speak French and there is a huge population of French Canadians, also referred to as Francophones.

Dating a French Canadian adds a slightly different dynamic to non-French speaking Canadians.

Here are some things to expect:

  • They’re proud of their heritage and love to show it off, especially through food!
  • If you’re dating a French Canadian guy, be prepared for some amazing home-cooked meals.
  • Their accent is incredibly seductive. Just ask any non-French speaker who’s ever been charmed by a Francophone!
  • They’re passionate about many things, including love and relationships.
  • Their family is very important to them and you’ll likely meet them early on in the relationship. If he introduces you to his parents, he’s definitely serious about you!

So there you have it, those are my top ten signs a Canadian guy likes you!

I hope this has been helpful in some way and that you find the man of your dreams north of the border!

Image credits – Photo by Ali Kazal on Unsplash

The post 10 Signs a Canadian Guy Likes You! appeared first on Self Development Journey.

This post first appeared on Self Development Journey -, please read the originial post: here

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10 Signs a Canadian Guy Likes You!


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