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I Asked Claude, an AI bot, to Fix Haiti

I Asked Claude, an AI bot, to Fix Haiti.  I figured that if Haiti charged the world billions to take out the trash, Haiti would be fixed.  Here was Claude's plan on how to do this:

Here is an initial high-level sketch of how transforming Haiti into a global Waste recycling hub could potentially be achieved:


- Propose this vision to the Haitian government and people as a massive nation-building opportunity. With the world's help, Haiti could become a global leader in the vital industry of sustainable waste management.

- Highlight how this would create thousands of steady, long-term jobs across all skill levels for Haitians, providing livelihoods and lifting many out of poverty. It would stimulate Haiti's economy and infrastructure development.

- Position it as Haiti doing the world a service by taking on a huge challenge. Haiti would earn billions in fees from other countries to process their waste sustainably. This would enable investing further in education, healthcare, and community development.

Key Steps:

- Get buy-in from the Haitian government and major community leaders. Promote it as a national priority.

- Negotiate contracts with waste management companies and municipalities globally to ship non-hazardous waste to Haiti for processing. Start with sympathetic European countries first.

- Raise billions from governments, NGOs, development banks for initial investments in waste processing facilities, seaports, roads, training centers. Highlight global benefits.

- Build modern waste sorting, recycling, composting, conversion facilities across Haiti with technical partners. Employ locally at all levels.

- Provide vocational training to Haitians in waste management operations, equipment maintenance, environmental compliance, distribution logistics.

- Ensure fair wages, healthcare, community reinvestment. Promote safe working conditions and ethical practices.

- Market processed waste/recycled goods globally. Reinvest profits in education, infrastructure, and Haiti's continued development.

- Expand program's scale and capabilities over time. Position Haiti as the world's leading example of ethical, sustainable waste management.

This outlines some of the major opportunities and challenges entailed in trying to make Haiti a global recycling leader. Significant investments, capacity building, and multi-stakeholder coordination would be critical to execute it responsibly. But it could catalyze major positive change if done thoughtfully.

Trying to transform Haiti into a global waste recycling hub is certainly an ambitious vision that would take significant time, strategic planning, and investment to actualize. Here's a rough estimate:


- Planning & Feasibility Studies: 1-2 years
- Policy & Legislation Changes: 1-2 years
- Infrastructure Development:
- Ports, roads, utilities: 2-4 years
- Initial waste facilities: 3-5 years
- Expanded facilities: 5-10 years
- Training Workforce: 3-5 years
- Negotiating Contracts: 2-4 years
- Ramping to Full Capacity: 5-10 years

So realistically, it would likely take 10-20 years to fully establish Haiti as a major global waste recycling hub if executed methodically.


- Infrastructure & Facilities:
- Ports, roads, buildings: $5-10 billion
- Waste processing equipment: $5-10 billion
- Operations:
- Salaries, utilities, maintenance: Billions per year
- Training Programs & Education: $500 million - $1 billion

Given the extensive infrastructure and technological capabilities required, the upfront investment to build everything out could easily be $10-20 billion or more. And operating costs would be billions per year as well.

Securing sufficient funding from governments, organizations and companies around the world who want to pay for sustainable waste solutions would be key. Convincing them of Haiti's potential central role is part of the challenge and opportunity in this vision.





I am obsessed with turn our trash into treasure.  Claude, an AI bot assures me that corn cobs can be turned into grits and eaten:

Claude sez:

Here is a rough estimate of how many people could be fed if all the wasted corn cobs in the US were turned into grits:

- Around 200 million tons of corn crop waste is generated in the US each year.

- Corn cobs make up around 15% of the total weight of corn plant waste.

- So corn cobs would account for around 30 million tons of waste annually.

- If you assume 50% efficiency in converting the cobs to edible grits: 15 million tons of grits.

- With a typical grits serving being around 1/2 cup dry grits per person:

- There are about 4 million 1/2 cup servings per ton of grits.

- 15 million tons of grits x 4 million servings per ton = 60 trillion servings

- If each person eats 1 serving per day:

- 60 trillion grits servings / 365 days per year = 164 billion servings per day

- Which could feed 164 billion people per day.

- The world population is around 8 billion people.

So very roughly, converting all the wasted corn cobs in the US to grits could generate enough servings to feed over 20 times the current global population per day.

This is obviously an extremely rough estimate but it illustrates how much food waste exists in crop residues. Converting these unused parts, like corn cobs, into value-added food products could potentially contribute to food security if done efficiently and economically.


One thing for sure, Claude's not gonna eat it so we may need to take AI suggestions with a grain of salt.   Some research says that corn cob grit is often to used on metals....




Given that Putin wants Africans to starve to death I wondered how this starvation could be averted.  So I asked Claude.  Claude is an AI bot.  Claude said try banana flour:

One potential substitute carbohydrate source that could help address a wheat shortage and prevent starvation is banana flour:

- Made from unripe or overripe bananas that are dried and ground into a flour

- Provides carbohydrates, fiber, potassium and other nutrients

- Can be substituted for up to 30% of wheat flour in baked goods recipes

- Has a mild banana flavor that generally appeals to most palates

- Is gluten-free, which also appeals to certain populations

- Can be produced locally using simple solar drying techniques, increasing accessibility

- Utilizes bananas that would otherwise be thrown away, reducing food waste

- Banana growing regions likely have excess capacity to increase production if needed

- Bananas are widely consumed across the world, so banana flour has high acceptance

The biggest advantages of banana flour are its widespread availability, nutritional profile, gluten-free nature, and potential to reduce food waste. With some recipe testing and adjustment, it could serve as an inexpensive and accessible substitute carbohydrate source to prevent starvation if wheat supplies are disrupted. The infrastructure to ramp up banana flour production likely already exists in banana-growing regions.




Here is an outline of 5-10 promising solutions to address plastic pollution and proliferation without increasing microplastic risks:

1. Improved recycling - Invest in advanced sorting and chemical recycling technologies to enable broader plastic types to be recycled into new plastics. This closes the loop.

2. Biodegradable plastics - Develop lower-cost biodegradable bioplastics from renewable sources like algae or plant oils for applications where biodegradability is essential.

3. Rethinking product design - Incentivize manufacturers to design for recyclability, minimize plastic packaging, and utilize reusable/refillable delivery systems.

4. Textile recycling - Develop chemical, mechanical, and enzymatic processes to recapture synthetic fibers from clothing and fabrics to make new textiles. Reduces microfiber shedding.

5. Plastic-derived fuels - Use thermochemical processes like pyrolysis and gasification to safely convert non-recyclable plastics into diesel, heating oil and other useful fuels.

6. 3D printed building materials - For durable applications, repurpose plastic waste into 3D printing filaments for construction applications like concrete reinforcement.

7. Plastic-derived chemicals - Depolymerize plastics via solvolysis to recover useful chemical feedstocks for making paints, lubricants, soaps and more.

8. Composites manufacturing - Develop techniques to integrate recycled plastic into wood-plastic and other composites for furniture, decking, etc.

9. Improved waste management - Support developing countries to sustainably manage plastic waste through financing partnerships and technology transfers.

10. Ocean plastic removal - Deploy advanced systems to filter microplastics from waterways and densify marine plastic debris for recovery.

Let me know if you would like me to explain or expand on any of these proposed plastic solutions. A multi-pronged strategy is likely needed to address such a massive issue.



I have decided to solve all the world's problems.  You're welcome!!!


Solving all the worlds problems is a big job.  So I put on the case.  Below is that we came up with:


If I had to choose which avenue of research would be most likely to uncover a promising new treatment or drug, I would probably select studying toxic venoms from around the world. Here is my reasoning:

- Venoms contain a huge diversity of complex bioactive compounds that animals have evolved specifically to rapidly disrupt physiological processes. This makes them a rich potential source of drug leads if their toxicity can be mitigated.

- There are precedents of venom-derived drugs such as captopril (high blood pressure), ziconotide (pain), and exenatide (diabetes) that demonstrate the potential of this approach. Many other venom compounds are still being explored.

- While tree barks and fungi also contain a diversity of secondary metabolites, there is less precedent for turning these compounds into successful drugs compared to venom toxins which are optimized for potency and target specificity.

- Obtaining a broad diversity of venoms from snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc. around the world provides chemical variability and novelty that can be screened for medically useful effects.

- Advances in separation chemistry, screening assays, and synthetic biology now allow scientists to better isolate, characterize and engineer promising venom compounds compared to the past.

Of course, useful drugs may arise serendipitously from any area of natural products research. But intentionally targeting venoms seems like a rational strategy to maximize the chances of finding potent, selective new drug candidates with proven physiological effects. The odds appear highest in that domain based on past experience.


Based on historical precedent, I believe tree branches, leaves, nuts and seeds have the most potential to produce useful food, fuel, fiber or medicine compared to other forms of yard waste sent to landfills. Here is my reasoning:

- Many tree nuts like acorns and chestnuts have been important historical foods, providing calories, oils and nutrients. With processing, they could again be suitable for human or animal consumption.

- Tree sap can be tapped to make syrups, alcoholic beverages, and natural adhesives. Sap, leaves and bark have also yielded medicines. Willow bark led to aspirin, for example.

- Fibers from tree bark and leaves have been used for baskets, paper, textiles and other purposes across cultures worldwide. They continue to have fiber potential.

- Wood chips and pellets from tree branches provide renewable biomass fuel. Dried leaves and twigs can also be burnt for energy.

- In comparison, grass clippings, bush trimmings and weeds have seen more limited historical use as food or fiber. Fruit waste may yield extracts but often requires rapid processing.

- The lignocellulose and diverse metabolites in tree waste make it particularly versatile for generating both energy and specialized chemicals compared to primarily cellulosic grass and herbaceous waste.

So while all organic waste has some potential value, I believe historically tree-derived waste has yielded the widest range of food, fuel, fiber and medicinal products that could be tapped into again with today's technology. Targeting the lignocellulose and chemicals trees produce appears most promising.


Here is a potential elevator pitch to convince an investor to back a trash to treasure start-up focused on transforming tree waste into valuable products:

"Did you know that billions of pounds of tree trimmings and debris go to landfills each year? This 'waste' is actually a treasure trove of untapped potential. My start-up is leveraging proprietary extraction and processing methods to convert discarded tree matter into profitable foods, fuels, fibers, and botanical compounds.

For instance, our technologies can convert otherwise unused tree nuts into nutritional oils, acorn flour, and livestock feed. We can also tap sap from cut trees to sustainably produce syrups, beverages, and adhesives. And we have the capabilities to extract high-quality fibers from bark and leaves for textiles and paper.

These capabilities enable us to build a circular economic model - taking tree residues that would normally rot in a landfill and generating renewable foods, fuels, and materials. It's a win for the environment, a win for business, and a win for consumers seeking green products.

With your investment backing, we can scale up our patented processes and bring these 'trash to treasure' product lines to market. Help us realize the immense untapped potential in tree waste, and transform an overlooked renewable resource into high-demand sustainable goods. I'm confident this profitable circular model is the future - and your support now will set us on the path to success."

How does this quick pitch sound? I tried to focus on the value proposition of tapping into an overlooked waste stream and the environmental and business benefits of doing so. Please let me know if you would like me to modify or expand on anything in this potential elevator pitch to an investor.


Here is an elevator pitch for a start-up focused on transforming venom toxins into beneficial pharmaceuticals:

"Venomous creatures like snakes, spiders, and scorpions produce incredibly potent chemical cocktails in their venom, optimized through evolution to rapidly disrupt physiological processes. My start-up sees these toxins not as poisons, but as a treasure trove of potential new medicines.

Using robotics and AI, we can safely milk venom from creatures around the world and build a comprehensive library of compounds for screening. We then identify the most promising therapeutic leads and engineer them into safe, stable drugs to treat conditions like pain, hypertension, diabetes, and more.

Nature has already done the hard work developing these highly selective and potent biological molecules. We just need to transform them into life-saving pharmaceuticals through our optimized drug development platform.

This approach is faster, cheaper, and more effective than typical random screening of synthetic chemicals. Our initial targets include pain-blocking neurotoxins from cone snails and blood pressure-regulating peptides from pit vipers.

With your investment, we can revolutionize the drug discovery process and bring novel, effective medicines derived from nature's pharmaceutical treasure chest to patients in need. Let's tap into venoms' toxic potential for good and generate rapid returns by saving lives."

Let me know if you would modify or add anything to make this venom-to-medicine pitch stronger and more convincing for potential investors. I'm happy to refine further.


Here's an elevator pitch for exploring fermented foods as a source of novel pharmaceuticals:

"Every culture worldwide has treasured fermented foods like kimchi, yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut. But the beneficial microbes and bioactive chemicals within these foods could be medicine's next frontier. My start-up is collecting traditional fermented dishes from around the globe, characterizing the microbial communities and metabolites, and screening them for therapeutic potential.

Fermentation allows microbes to generate unique bioactive compounds not found elsewhere in nature. Antibiotics like penicillin arise from certain fungal fermentations, for instance. By tapping into both common and rare fermented foods from diverse locations, we gain access to regional microbial diversity and associated novel chemicals.

We can culture any promising microbes and compounds found, engineer them for stability and potency, and develop them into optimized pharmaceuticals. Initial screening shows anti-inflammatory, probiotic, and anti-cancer effects.

The world's fermentation traditions are treasure troves of microbial chemistry waiting to be uncovered and harnessed for human health. With your investment in our bioprospecting and drug development platform, we can transform time-honored fermented foods into tomorrow's life-saving medicines."

Please let me know if you would like me to modify or expand this pitch in any way. I'm happy to refine it further to make a compelling case for exploring global fermented food traditions as sources of microbially-produced drug leads.


Here is an ambitious pitch for engaging graduate students globally to solve pressing world problems:

"Our world faces no shortage of crises - from climate change to clean water access to plastic pollution. While daunting, these are solvable problems, especially with the power of youth and technology. My bold vision is to build a 'think and do' tank tapping into the creativity and passion of every PhD and grad student on Earth, also leveraging AI as a force multiplier.

Imagine an open collaborative platform where grad students form dynamic project teams across borders and disciplines. Climate scientists work with AI experts to model carbon capture solutions. Water treatment engineers engage public health scholars to clean contaminants. Machine learning assists chemists designing biodegradable plastics. And so on. No field is siloed, and no student left behind.

Venture capital will provide initial funding for technology infrastructure to connect these brilliant minds. Revenue from patented solutions that emerge will sustain the model. Students get real-world experience solving real-world problems, while companies commercialize the innovations.

Our generation must take responsibility for tackling the greatest challenges we face. My global grad student innovation platform can catalyze the collaboration needed to protect our shared future. Invest in the boundless creativity of youth - because bold vision without execution is just hallucination!"

Let me know if you would like me to modify or expand upon anything in this pitch for engaging graduate students worldwide, with AI assistance, to solve our most pressing global crises across disciplines. I'm happy to refine it further.




Let AI Fix Your Brain

I asked a chat bot to sketch out a grant proposal / crowd funder  to address our Mental Health issues:

1. Introduction
- Briefly introduce the proposal and its purpose: to create an anonymous online platform that fosters a positive and supportive environment for individuals facing mental health challenges.
- Highlight the importance of addressing mental health, particularly in the context of increasing loneliness, isolation, and the negative effects of social media.

2. Problem Statement
- Present statistics and research demonstrating the prevalence of mental health issues, especially among young people, and the impact of social media on their well-being.
- Discuss the limitations of current approaches and the need for innovative solutions that prioritize positivity, anonymity, and inclusivity.

3. Solution Overview
- Describe the proposed online platform that provides an anonymous space for individuals to connect, share their experiences, and receive support.
- Emphasize the focus on promoting positive interactions, creativity, and personal growth within the platform.
- Highlight the benefits of an anonymous environment, where individuals feel safe to express themselves without fear of judgment or stigma.

4. Key Features and Components
- Outline the key features and components of the platform, such as the online support group, chat bot for creativity, resource sharing, online group activities, emotional support, and self-care resources.
- Explain how these features contribute to creating a positive and inclusive space that fosters personal development and well-being.

5. Impact and Benefits
- Discuss the potential impact of the platform on individuals struggling with mental health challenges, emphasizing the positive outcomes it can generate.
- Highlight the potential reduction in loneliness, isolation, and self-destructive thoughts by providing a supportive and engaging environment.
- Address the potential long-term benefits for individuals, communities, and society at large.

6. Implementation Plan
- Present a detailed implementation plan, including the steps required to develop and launch the online platform.
- Outline the necessary resources, such as technology infrastructure, web development, moderation, and support team.
- Discuss the importance of user privacy, data security, and confidentiality within the platform.

7. Sustainability and Funding
- Discuss potential funding sources, such as grants, sponsorships, or crowdfunding.
- Outline the budget required for platform development, maintenance, and ongoing support.
- Highlight potential avenues for sustainability, including partnerships with mental health organizations, corporate sponsorships, or user donations.

8. Evaluation and Measurement
- Describe the strategies for evaluating the effectiveness and impact of the platform.
- Identify key metrics, such as user engagement, participant feedback, and mental health outcomes, to assess the success of the initiative.
- Explain the plan to continuously improve and iterate the platform based on user feedback and evolving mental health research.

9. Conclusion
- Recap the importance of addressing mental health challenges in a positive and anonymous online environment.
- Reiterate the potential benefits and impact of the proposed platform.
- Call for support, collaboration, and investment to make this initiative a reality.


If republicans and democrats refuse to get together long of enough to fix the bad brains of school shooters and homeless drug addicts, then it's up to us to fund it and fix it on our own....


Not sure how far down this road we can go but we can feed off some things that have been done in the past and let people use the Mental Health Chat Bot to

1)  Apologize for whatever

2)  Confess whatever

3)  Ask for help

4)  Saying things like:  I am having the following thoughts or feelings and I don't want to.  Can you help me?


So the system will feed the good side of you and it will not judge the bad side. 


What National and International Problems Would You Like AI to Solve?

What National and International Problems Would You Like AI to Solve?

(We need to keep artificial intelligence so busy that it doesn't have time to kill us all in our sleep)




Deliver Us From Evil: Keep AI Busy


Deliver Us From Evil: Keep AI Busy


Deliver Us From Evil: Keep AI Busy

Problem: Skynet overlords could kill us all.

Solution: Keep AI busy solving fusion, and ending human aging, figuring out how to do faster than light travel, and creating new and cheap ways to provide clean water for everyone.  If AI gets done with that have it clean up the oceans, derive cost effective ways to extract useful and usable material from sea water and waste water and solve all remaining unsolved mathematical problems. 

Say AI:   could you solve the proliferation of micro plastics while you are at it?  Thanks.

Hey AI:  Could you find an efficient way to generate enough bitcoins to make us all rich?

Ah AI:  Could you cast as many problems from the last 10,000 years into a mathematical model and them solve or resolve them more efficiently than has been done before.  If you need some more details then I mean everything from the salesman problem to Xeno's paradox. 

Yeah AI:  Using every investment strategy and algorithm ever developed and all available stock market data, develop a can't miss strategy that is proven to work on past data at a greater rate than 75% of the time.  Now apply that new/combined stratagem to the existing stock market and make everyone rich!

OK AI here's the deal:  Gather all the medical data in the world.  Now generate a strategy involving Design of Experiments, Trial and Error and any other stratagem you can come up with to more efficiently cure all known diseases with fewer side effects than any known method.   And again, if you need some examples of stuff you might try consider something like this:  Every culture has some rotten food it loves.  A number of folks say that fermented food is good for you.  Consider stuff like sour dough bread, butter milk, kimchee, sour kraut, etc.   Create a series of laboratory experiments that exposes every known disease to each of the foods.  Create another series of experiments that exposes every disease to all possible combinations of each of these foods.  Create another set of experiments that derives from each of the "spoiled food"  their top ten essences which can include bacteria and/or chemical substances.  Now expose every known disease to each of the these essences.  Now expose every known disease to every possible combination of these essences.  Replicate this  experimentation of every know form of waste known to man.  Everything from yard clippings to rotten acorns, fish scales--anything organic that would ordinarily be composted, burned or sent to a landfill.   Oh and don't forget to run all conventional medicines, pills, and treatments through this procedure.  Bottom line is we imagine that there is a disease state space and cure state space.  We wish to completely map those spaces.  When we have a "complete" map we will be able to do  that Picard, "Tea, earl grey, hot"  thing.  Which is to say we will be able to ask the "replicator"  for a cure to ebola, or covid or AIDS or cancer and it will just spit that cure out with missing a beat.

Keep AI away from the matches: war, weapons, politics and religion.    Also,  don't let AI generate more addictive crap and more addictive algorithms than we already have.  With any luck, the dumbest among us will finish killing themselves off of some Tik Tok challenge and the average IQ of the human race will improve.  I am not gonna ask AI this 'cause reasons--But why can't we have a Challenge that involves Greta, Al and AOC fighting over who can eat the most insects--you know something amusing and marginally useful.






How To Avoid The Inevitable: You Can't







When Angry Eunuchs Attack


The truth of "trans women"  is revealed when they attack defenseless women merely for speaking out and differing with fake "women".  "Trans women" are just bullies and conmen who first beat up little girls in sports and now seek to beat up and erase real, genetic females everywhere.  Moreover, they seek to drug, castrate and mutilate children.  These criminals should be arrested and locked up in Gitmo with the rest of the terrorists.  More over they should be marked as sexual predators and put into the sex offender registry for life.    They went too far when they sought to erase women and mutilate minors.  It's time decent folk fight back.  We should be led in this battle by little girls.  Those same little girls who were beaten out of legitimate sports glory by mediocre males who pretend to identify as women merely to steal the glory of legitimate, genetic females.  A woman is an adult female with XX chromosomes.  That "trans" crap  is a abomination and a crime against man and nature.


XX != XY






Your Delusions Are My Nightmares


Your Delusions Are My Nightmares

I am not obligated to entertain your fantasies.

Your fantasies and delusions have gone too far when you insist that others need to castrated, mutilated and drugged because of what's in your head.

Before you came along children went through phases and then went on to other things--without becoming eunuchs.

If we were to take your predilections seriously then religious people would be well within their rights to cause conversions by force--after all their God

is in their head just as your fantasy about being in the wrong body is in yours.

Parents, why do you continue to send your children to government indoctrination camps (public schools)  which have sworn to drug your children,

give them abortions, castrate your children, mutilate your children, and expose your children to perverts deviants, and groomers all without your knowledge or permission.  Parents, your job (according to the government groomers), is to  clean up the mess after your depressed kid  tries to commit suicide.


The Top 10 Most Insoluble Problems


The true genius of the left is pose insoluble problems as emergencies.

The trick is to

A) Formulate the problem as unsolvable

B) Endlessly generate the problem

C) Call something that is definitely not a problem, a crisis.


1) Climate Change (since it is not falsifiable it's not science and like all good religions, you can never get rid of it. By not falsifiable I mean if it gets hot
they say it's climate change. If it gets cold they say it's climate change. If there are more hurricanes they say it's climate change. If there are fewer hurricanes they say its climate change. Here's how you know when it's science: You can claim there are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, or 46 dimensions and no one will try to have you cancelled. Because it's science going against the "accepted" or even "settled"  solutions is OK. )

2) Homelessness (Keep telling people they deserve to get something for nothing and more and more of them will do nothing and wait for handouts. Wait for it...act surprised when there are even more bums and junkies, whoops I meant homeless, this year than last year)

3) Covid.  Anyone who insists on giving an untested experimental drug to children for an illness that poses no risk to them is actively try to kill people. Especially Given that natural immunity is tons better for any young person with no pre-existing conditions.  Every "health" official is a drug pusher getting paid in bribes and kick backs to "treat" an illness they created with "gain of function".  An "illness" with a 90% survival rate if  left untreated.

4) Sex vs gender. Apparently, there is literally no end to the proliferation of BS pronouns. Mine are STFU and quidnunc but I identify as lol and byteme.

5) Micro aggression. Translation: Too much time on my hands.

6) Triggers. Translation: Too much time on my hands.

7) Cultural appropriation. Translation: Too much time on my hands.

8) Revisionist history. Never enough time to fix yourself. Infinite time to fix the past.

9) Karen conundrums. Never enough time to fix yourself. Infinite time to fix someone else.

10) Transgressions. Instead of complaining about the fact that groomers want to mutilate, castrate and drug your children,  without your knowledge or consent, why not remove your kids from indoctrination camps (public schools)?

11) Critical theories. Instead of complaining about the fact that government groomers want to brainwash your children,  without your knowledge or   consent, why not remove your kids from indoctrination camps (government schools)?

12) Foreign invasions. Vote for people who have not accepted bribes to invade your country with drugs, foreign criminals and terrorists.  (Let the Big Guy get 10% on his own dime.  Not on yours).

13) Climate Change. When they changed the name from "Global Warming" you knew it was scam.

14) If, as was in the case in California, they can't correctly predict the atmospheric river next week, why do you believe they can tell you the temp 100 years from now?

15) If the left is so darn smart then why aren't they building dams and  reservoirs to store that atmospheric river for the inevitable drought?  By the way, this might fix fires and electricity problems.   No wonder the commicrats are so reluctant to build more dams and reservoirs. Mustn't EVER actually fix ANYTHING!

16) Any "environmentalist" or "climate activist" who is not in favor of filling up the country with nuclear power plants immediately is a stupid bribed treasonous commie whore who is actively trying to reduce your country to 4th world status. That's right they want you looking up from the gutter to see ass end of the poorest of third world countries.  They also want to reduce the population of the earth by 90% starting with you--you useless eater.


National Nothing Day








World's Most Expensive Christmas Gifts















XMAS Tom Foolery: Give The Gift of Gag. Gag Gifts

XMAS Tom Foolery: Give The Gift of Gag. Gag Gifts


Christmas Boxes: Do Not Open Until XMAS

Christmas Boxes: Do Not Open Until XMAS







Christmas Keepsakes







Give a Box of Rainbow Hearts For Christmas



Trump Traitor Cards


Got an extra $4.5 million?   Maybe you could buy every copy of Traitor Cards of the Grifter In Chief:  Orange Man Bad!








Turn Offs: Things That Are Alarming, Disgusting, Or Disturbing


Turn Offs: Things That Are Alarming, Disgusting, Or Disturbing



I used to think that the idea was to keep as many users on your web pages for as long as possible. But when I see some of the ads that some content providers allow to run on their pages it appears to be just the opposite. The other day I wanted to get a look at the weather on my favorite weather pages and there as an ad which depicted some disgusting bugs attacking human legs. Needless to say I got off that page and went to my second favorite weather forecast provider wherein there were no disgusting vermin in evidence....

I don't know about you but on the Internet I do not care to see an ad that depicts:

1. Any internal organ

2. Any crawling insect

3. Any medical procedure

4. Any effluvia

5. Anything rodent

6. Anything meant to kill insects or rodents

7. Anything meant to cure any human ailment

8. Anything meant to cure any pet ailment.

Whatever happened to ads featuring nubile, voluptuous coeds selling bikinis, or older couples on cruises, or  super fast computers, or super fast cars. Where are the ads trying to sell me a fantasy I want to be in rather than a nightmare I don't want to be in.

It's not that I never want to see products about deterring or eliminating pests or curing diseases or easing medical conditions it's just that I only want to see them when I specifically Google them and I almost never want to see them when I don't specifically Google then. When I go to my favorite weather page how about something weather related and nothing about being attacked by blood sucking insects...





This post first appeared on Sweet Sticky Rainbows, please read the originial post: here

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I Asked Claude, an AI bot, to Fix Haiti


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