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A Day in the Life of a Children’s Education Funds (CEFI) Dealing Representative


In 2019, Canada became the most educated country in the world.   According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), over 56% of Canadian adults between the ages of 25 and 64 received a two-year or four-year degree or received an education through a vocational program.

In addition to the OECD accolade, Canada also saw a surge in employment this year, a sign of strength in the country’s overall economic growth.  With an influx of Canadians hitting the job market, it has become more important than ever for the current working population, especially millennials, to find fulfillment in a career.  Working simply for the sake of work is no longer an option for a generation that need their jobs to mean something.

Unlike the typical 9-5 mindset of the last century, the millennial workforce are driven by opportunities to provide community service, help people and generally make a difference. For this reason, millennials tend to thrive in positions where they are provided with both meaningful projects and a flexible schedule.

Children’s Education Funds Inc. (CEFI) understands the desire to help other people achieve their dreams.  They have been in the business of helping Canadian families save for higher education since 1991.  Children’s Education Funds hosts a range of job opportunities, however, a career as a CEFI Dealing Representative may be a fulfilling career avenue to explore.

CEFI Dealing Representatives help families set up Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs). They walk families through their options based on their individual financial needs, helping them set up their payment schedules, among other responsibilities.

So exactly what does a day in the life of a CEFI Dealing Representative entail?

As a new Dealing Representative, you’ll start off by receiving “one-on-one” sales training with a branch manager and spending time in the classroom mastering the foundations of sales training and product knowledge. The comprehensive training gives Dealing Representatives an opportunity to role-play, ask questions, share best practices and hear from product and sales experts. Dealings Representatives enjoy the chance to discuss new ideas with their peers and leave with ideas that they can take back and implement in their business

Once you obtain your registration as a scholarship plan Dealing Representative and complete the training, you’ll be able to offer a variety of Registered Education Savings Plans.  Here, you are the creator of your own success; the more effort you put in to growing your book of business, the more earning potential you have.  Representatives also have the freedom to set their own goals by working hours that meet their lifestyle demands.

CEFI’s team of Dealing Representatives have the opportunity to:

  • Help others achieve their education funding goals and build long-term relationships
  • Run and build their own business
  • Have flexibility in their “day to day” schedule
  • Be recognized and rewarded for their achievements

You’ll also have the opportunity to contribute to your community.

CEFI is a contributing sponsor of the Children’s Miracle Network. To date, they have raised over $306,920 in support of the cause.  In addition to community service, Dealing Representatives can also make a difference by assisting families plan for their children’s post-secondary education.

At Children’s Education Funds Inc. (CEFI), the motto is to “Nurture the Dream.”  For its RESP subscribers, this is a promise to assist students in fulfilling their savings goals for their dreams of attaining a higher education.  For its employees, it means providing a rewarding career with the added bonus of a healthy work-life balance.



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This post first appeared on Prairie Eco-Thrifter - Go Green, Save Money, Live Healthy, Give Back, Have Fun, please read the originial post: here

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A Day in the Life of a Children’s Education Funds (CEFI) Dealing Representative
